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Your search for "*" yielded 530891 hits

EDGE : The sensitivity of ultra-faint dwarfs to a metallicity-dependent initial mass function

Motivated by the observed bottom-light initial mass function (IMF) in faint dwarfs, we study how a metallicity-dependent IMF affects the feedback budget and observables of an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy. We model the evolution of a low-mass 8 × 108 M⊙) dark matter halo with cosmological, zoomed hydrodynamical simulations capable of resolving individual supernovae explosions, which we complement with

Online Sparse DOA Estimation Based on Sub–Aperture Recursive LASSO for TDM–MIMO Radar

The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithm is a promising method for sparse source location in time–division multiplexing (TDM) multiple–input, multiple– output (MIMO) radar systems, with notable performance gains in regard to resolution enhancement and side lobe suppression. However, the current batch LASSO algorithm suffers from high– computational complexity when deal

Curettage and electrodessication combined with photodynamic therapy in the treatment of large squamous cell carcinomas in unfit and frail patients

A Caucasian female patient in her 90s was referred to the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery for surgical removal of a large invasive squamous cell carcinoma on the anterior chest wall. A skin biopsy prior to the referral indicated that the tumour was moderately differentiated. The patient suffered from severe congestive heart failure with a mechanical valve prosthesis and atrial fib

Deep learning prediction of quantitative coronary angiography values using myocardial perfusion images with a CZT camera

Purpose: Evaluate the prediction of quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) values from MPI, by means of deep learning. Methods: 546 patients (67% men) undergoing stress 99mTc-tetrofosmin MPI in a CZT camera in the upright and supine position were included (1092 MPIs). Patients were divided into two groups: ICA group included 271 patients who performed an ICA within 6 months of MPI and a control g

An update on polymyalgia rheumatica

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is the most common inflammatory rheumatic disease affecting people older than 50 years and is 2–3 times more common in women. The most common symptoms are pain and morning stiffness in the shoulder and pelvic girdle and the onset may be acute or develop over a few days to weeks. General symptoms such as fatigue, fever and weight loss may occur, likely driven by systemi

Galectin-3 is elevated in CSF and is associated with Aβ deposits and tau aggregates in brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease

Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a beta-galactosidase binding protein involved in microglial activation in the central nervous system(CNS). We previously demonstrated the crucial deleterious role of Gal-3 in microglial activation in Alzheimer’s disease(AD). Under AD conditions, Gal-3 is primarily expressed by microglial cells clustered around Aβ plaques in both humanand mouse brain, and knocking out Gal-3 re

Testing exotic scalars with HiggsBounds

The program HiggsBounds is a well-established tool for testing Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) theories with an extended Higgs sector against experimental limits from collider searches at LEP, Tevatron and LHC. Thus far, it could be applied to any neutral or charged Higgs bosons originating from the modified Higgs sector. Implicitly, these particles were assumed to exhibit a somewhat hierarchical

Fire behaviour of upholstered furniture component materials at multiple scales

In this research, both experimental test methods and computer models were used to characterise the thermal decomposition processes of selected upholstered furniture component materials, namely; flexible polyurethane foam and a range of different fabric coverings. This was first done at some of the smallest, simplest levels available, and how these materials were tested and the methods chosen to in

The gut bacterial community affects immunity but not metabolism in a specialist herbivorous butterfly

Plant tissues often lack essential nutritive elements and may contain a range of secondary toxic compounds. As nutritional imbalance in food intake may affect the performances of herbivores, the latter have evolved a variety of physiological mechanisms to cope with the challenges of digesting their plant-based diet. Some of these strategies involve living in association with symbiotic microbes tha

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, decanoic acid, CAS Registry Number 334-48-5

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Decanoic acid was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data on the target material and from read-across analog nonanoic acid (CAS # 112-05-0) show that dec

Characterisation of nystagmus waveforms in eye-tracker signals

This thesis deals with the analysis of eye–tracker signals recorded from nystagmus patients. Nystagmus is an eye movement disorder caused by an underlying condition, and patients who suffer from nystagmus express involuntary oscillating eye move- ments. The oscillatory patterns expressed by these patiens are typically linked to the underlying condition, but it is usually difficult to precisely dia

Taking a Deep Breath : an Examination of Current Controversies in Surgical Procedures in Lung Transplantation

Purpose of Review: This article reviews controversial questions within the field of lung transplantation, with a focus on data generated within the last 3 years. We aim to summarize differing opinions on a selection of topics, including bridge-to-transplantation, intraoperative machine circulatory support, bronchial anastomosis, size mismatch, delayed chest closure, and ex vivo lung perfusion.Rece

Television Adaptations of Jane Austen’s Emma, 1972–2009

The aim of this paper was to analyse how three different television adaptations of Jane Austen’s Emma(1815) avail themselves of the medium of television to narrate the story. The productions analysed are John Glenister’s BBC series from 1972, dramatised by Denis Constanduros; Diarmuid Lawrence’s ITV film from 1996, dramatised by Andrew Davies; and Jim O’Hanlon’s BBC series from 2009, dramatised by

Salinomycin treatment specifically inhibits cell proliferation of cancer stem cells revealed by longitudinal single cell tracking in combination with fluorescence microscopy

A cell line derived from a tumor is a heterogeneous mixture of phenotypically different cells. Such cancer cell lines are used extensively in the search for new anticancer drugs and for investigating their mechanisms of action. Most studies today are population-based, implying that small subpopulations of cells, reacting differently to the potential drug go undetected. This is a problem specifical