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The rapid expansion of industrial agriculture in rural Bogotá has led to a reduction in the diversity of plants cultivated by peasant families. This generates transformations in livelihoods and biocultural relations, affecting local environmental knowledge and practices for the use and management of agrobiodiversity. Although several studies have documented the presence of agrobiodiversity niches,

Distribution and ecology of dictyostelids in Madagascar

Samples for isolation of dictyostelid cellular slime molds were obtained from 20 collecting sites at 18 localities in south central and southeastern Madagascar during May 2009. At least thirty species of dictyostelids representing seven genera were recovered from 52 samples of soil/humus. This total included 17 species described as new to science, 13 species already known from various localities t

Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity : Evolution, distribution, and use

Madagascar’s biota is hyperdiverse and includes exceptional levels of endemicity. We review the current state of knowledge on Madagascar’s past and current terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity by compiling and presenting comprehensive data on species diversity, endemism, and rates of species description and human uses, in addition to presenting an updated and simplified map of vegetation types.

Nonlinear Stability of Periodic Roll Solutions in the Real Ginzburg–Landau Equation Against Cubm -Perturbations

The real Ginzburg–Landau equation arises as a universal amplitude equation for the description of pattern-forming systems exhibiting a Turing bifurcation. It possesses spatially periodic roll solutions which are known to be stable against localized perturbations. It is the purpose of this paper to prove their stability against bounded perturbations, which are not necessarily localized. Since all s

Diversity of dictyostelid social amoebae in high latitude habitats of Northern Sweden

The dictyostelid social amoebae (Dictyostelia) occur in terrestrial habitats worldwide. It has been observed previously that their diversity decreases with increasing latitude and altitude. Here we look at dictyostelid diversity in the high latitude habitats of Northern Sweden. Dictyostelids were recovered from soil samples using traditional plating methods and then identified using morphological

Time Trends in Trajectories of Forearm Mineral Content and Bone Size during Childhood—Results from Cross-Sectional Measurements with the Same Apparatus Four Decades Apart

Evidence suggests that single photon absorptiometry (SPA)-measured forearm bone mineral density (BMD) is lower in contemporary children in Malmö than it was four decades ago, but the fracture incidence in the at-risk population (all Malmö children) has been stable during the same period. The aim of this study was to evaluate if improvements in skeletal structure over time may explain this observat

Biologisk mångfald och betydelsen av skyddade områden : Utvärdering och indikatorer i ett landskapsperspektiv

Trots att ytan av formellt skyddade områden ökar så minskar den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige. För att naturvården i Sverige ska bli effektivare krävs det ökad kunskap om varför områdesskyddet inte räcker till för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden. En effektiv naturvård kräver kunskap om vilken effekt områdesskydd har på den biologiska mångfalden. Eftersom biologisk mångfald påverkas av ekolo

Malmö Breast ImaginG database: objectives and development

PurposeWe describe the design and implementation of the Malmö Breast ImaginG (M-BIG) database, which will support research projects investigating various aspects of current and future breast cancer screening programs. Specifically, M-BIG will provide clinical data to: 1. investigate the effect of breast cancer screening on breast cancer prognosis and mortality; 2. develop and validate the use of a

Clinical and Preclinical Lung Transplantation in the aspects of improving outcome

Lung transplantation (LTx) is an established therapeutic option for end-stage pulmonary disease. However, it remains restricted by donor lung scarcity. Donor's lungs are rejected frequently due to severe lung damage caused by aspiration or neurogenic pulmonary oedema that can all lead to acute lung injury (ALI), and more severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Lung transplant patients f

Captured by Corporate Interests? Analysis of the EU Green Deal & Farm to Fork Strategy

In the spring of 2020 an ambitious new strategy, named Farm to Fork, was made public as part of the wider EU Green Deal. The main goal being substantial decrease in the use of both synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Despite the negative consequences of large scale industrial pesticide use, the agricultural industry within the European Union has a lot to lose in a potential legislation to limit

Grönt är skönt? En fallstudie av Die Grünen och Miljöpartiet de gröna

Varför är vissa gröna partier framgångsrika och andra inte? Denna studie har för avsikt att besvara denna frågeställning genom en jämförelse mellan två fall. Dessa fall utgörs av två länder, Sverige och Tyskland, som liknar varandra vad gäller flera relevanta aspekter, men vars gröna partier ändå har rönt olika stor framgång. Vår studie utgår från en hypotes om att det krävs såväl gynnsamma politi

Öppna hjärtan eller stängda gränser? - En analys av Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas migrationspolitik under 2010-talet

Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka hur Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas migrationspolitik har förändrats under 2010-talet. Med hjälp av de två partiernas valmanifest är ambitionen även att undersöka om forskaren Bonnie Meguid’s teori, om mainstreampartiernas strategier mot nischpartier kan användas i detta fall. 2010 fick Sverige ett nytt parti i riksdagen, Sverigedemokraterna med fokus på migr