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Satellite remote sensing of primary production in semi-arid Africa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ökningen av växthusgaser i atmosfären har orsakat en global temperaturhöjning. Afrika anses vara en av de kontinenter som kan komma att bli mest utsatta av effekterna kring ökande temperaturer med mer frekventa torkor som följd. Satellitdata ger oss möjligheten att uppskatta biomassa över stora områden vilket i sin tur kan leda till att öka vår förståelse kring hur utbyWith the challenges Africa faces with respect to the predicted warming due to climate change, the continents role in the global carbon cycle has been increasingly recognized. Earth observing satellites have played a significant role in the study of vegetation, particularly in Africa where climate stations are sparse. Satellite data can provide the means to map plant primary production for monitori

Characterization and analysis of the astrometric errors in the global astrometric solution for Gaia

Popular Abstract in Uncoded languages [abstract language: Dutch] [Figure 5.1 can be found in the uploaded files] Populair wetenschappelijke samenvatting --- Van Hipparchus tot Gaia --- Sterrenkunde is waarschijnlijk één van de oudst bekende wetenschappen van de mensheid. Prehistorische culturen waren al gefascineerd door de manier waarop de sterren, planeten en kometen zich aan de hemel voortbewThe space astrometry mission Gaia, planned for launch in 2013 by the European Space Agency (ESA), will provide the most comprehensive and accurate catalogue of astrometric data for galactic and astrophysical research in the coming decades. It will observe roughly one billion stars, quasars and other point like objects for which the five astrometric parameters (position, parallax and proper motion)

Laboratory and stellar spectroscopy of the complex ions Fe+, Mo+, Th+ and U+

Popular Abstract in Swedish Större delen av den kunskap vi har om Universum får vi genom att undersöka det ljus som olika kosmiska objekt sänder ut. Det synliga ljuset från en stjärna består av kontinuerlig strålning (Planckstrålning) vars färg ger ett mått på temperaturen av stjärnans yta på samma sätt som färgen hos upphettade metallföremål. Vid en närmare undersökning av stjärnans spektrum kan The new generation of high resolution astronomical instruments such as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) or the Very Large Telescope (VLT) has renewed the demand for accurate atomic parameters like wavelengths, oscillator strengths and line profiles accompanied by reliable uncertainty estimates. Fourier transform spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool when measuring these parameters. In this

On suboptimum component decoding for product codes

The performance and convergence behavior of the iterative schemes for decoding two-dimensional product codes are investigated. The decoding trajectories of the extrinsic and the a posteriori information are used as a main tool for predicting and explaining the behavior of the iterative decoding process. The component-wise optimal BCJR decoder is compared to the suboptimal max-log-MAP decoder and t

On the Causal Mechanisms of Stuttering

Stuttering is one of the most common speech disorders. However, the etiology is poorly understood, and is likely to be heterogeneous. The aim of this thesis was to clarify causal mechanisms, focusing the brain. The project included theoretical development based on published data, and a broad approach of explorative studies and testing of hypotheses. The theoretical work focused the basal ganglia,

ITS for Supply Chain Security - A framework for B/C analysis

Theft, smuggling, counterfeiting and terror attacks constitute serious security threats against private stakeholders and national economies. R&D in the field of ITS has mostly focused on solutions that improve transportation efficiency and safety. This article illustrates a framework for cost-benefit analyses to support design and investment in ITS security systems. Next, it shows how a networ