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Religionspolitik i Syrien
Radiocesium in the forest and forest industry, Studies on the flow, occurrence and technological enhancement of radionuclides in the forest industry with emphasis on radiocesium.
In the aftermath of the nuclear weapons testing and as compared with agriculture, the forest industry has received relatively little attention in spite of its large-scale use of radiocesium- contaminated wood and water. After the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986, numerous studies of the forest environment have been conducted with respect to radionuclide transfer through the forest ec
Quantification of the effects of calibration method and eye factors on eye- tracking accuracy
The ritual use of axes
Hälsoekonomisk utvärdering
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Use and Redesign in IS: Double Helix Relationships?
The theme of this monograph of Informing Science is a dialectic perceived to exist between meaningful use and reflection upon use. This dialectic between use and reflection on use (or thinking, and thinking about thinking) may be consdiered in the following way. Each of these elements is subject to change. As reflection triggers change in use, and such change triggers further reflection, a spiral
First aid for the preservation of textiles in the field
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Electronic Coupling and Coherence Effects in Ultrafast Heterogeneous Electron Transfer
Electron injection from the excited state of the chromophore perylene was time- resolved for different anchor groups on the surface of anatase TiO2. A modulation of the electron transfer rate was ascribed to the motion of a vibrational wavepacket.
Norm Supporting Actors and Structues at the very local level of Implementation in Higher Education
This Norm focussing article starts exploring the various influence processes that take place in connection with the dawn of a new theme - the environment and then sustainable development - in today's society. The Swedish society has in the early 1990-ies declared that educational institutions, places designed for the intentional influence, shall utilise the new environmental theme in its practice.
Krian i läroverkets uppsatsskrivning på svenska under 1800- och 1900-talen
Abstract not available
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Truthers: the 911 Truth Movement and the Culture of Conspiracy
This paper describes the beliefs and practices of the 911 truth movement, who believe that the World Trade Center collapse was caused by a "controlled demolition" and not by the hijacked airplanes. They try to expose the lie of the "official conpsiracy theory" of hijackings. The "truthers" have a coherent belief system, virtual communities and demonstrations, and enemies such as the mainstream med
Returnable vs. one-way packaging – factors affecting supply chain cost and CO2 emissions
Äldreomsorgschefers perspektiv på etnicitet och invandrarskap
Myndigheters kriskommunikation med etniska minoriteter: En studie av relationsbyggande i ett mångkulturellt samhälle
Utanför ramarna : aspekter på folkbildning, kunskap och demokrati
Solidarity and sharing in the Common European Asylum System: the case of Syrian refugees
Although the vast majority of Syrians flee to neighboring countries, an increasing number is trying to reach European soil. On one end of the spectrum, individuals escape their war-torn country seeking protection elsewhere and on the other end the European Union (EU) and its Members States bear specific obligations for granting protection, stemming from their international and regional legal commi