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Have sex like a man - En diskursanalys av Sex and the city och Entourage

Med hjälp av en utförd diskursanalys av de två första avsnitten i första säsongen av tv-serierna Sex and the city och Entourage besvarades frågeställningarna. Uppsatsen syftar till att studera konsumtionsdiskursen i konsumtionssamhället och hur olika budskap som konsumtion, lycka, makt och framgång förmedlas till seriernas tittare. Den syftar även till att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader d

Long term variability of Swedish river discharge as represented by EC-Earth in the past and future climates

The aim of this study is to identify changes in pattern of long-term variability of seasonal discharge for the period 1851-2100 among four selected Swedish rivers based on output data from EC-Earth climate model. In order to achieve the main goal and be able to analyze and compare changes in patterns of variability of water discharge for the past time period 1851-2005 and future time-period 2006-

Comparison between ARISTO and DIgSILENT Power Factory

Voltage stability is an important issue in electrical power system. As a result, several industrial-grade power system simulator tools are developed in order to estimate the behaviour of the electric power system under certain conditions. Several tests have been developed to compare and to check different simulators and to prove their correct performance. Comparisons between commercial simulation

Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) för ungdomar - En kvantitativ studie av psykiatrisk problematik, anknytningsdimensioner samt temperaments- och karaktärsfaktorer före och efter behandling

Syftet med uppsatsen var att utvärdera dialektisk beteendeterapi för ungdomar, en behandling som initialt utvecklats för en äldre patientgrupp. Inledningsvis jämfördes patienternas (N = 33, ålder = 13-17) skattningar innan behandlingen, gällande psykiatrisk problematik, anknytningsdimensioner samt temperaments- och karaktärsfaktorer, mot normgrupper. För en mindre grupp (N = 10) undersöktes däreftThe purpose of the paper was to evaluate a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) treatment for adolescents, a treatment that was originally developed for older patient groups. First patients (N = 33, age = 13-17) were compared with norm groups on current psychiatric problems, attachment dimensions (ASQ) and temperament and character factors (TCI). The adolescent patient group differed in most of thes

Visions in motion : integrating the social dimension of transport through local participatory planning in Montreal (Quebec, Canada)

Urban transportation is becoming increasingly challenging in the face of growing cities, urban sprawl and a rising trend in car use. Beyond the direct impacts of motorized transports, the development of extensive car infrastructure exacerbates social differences, especially in urban areas. The social dimension of transport is however marginalized in the current model of transport planning and sign

Shaping Identity - A Study of the Construction of National Identity in Two Royal Speeches

This study examines the construction of national identity in two speeches, held respectively by King Abdullah II of Jordan and King Mohammed VI of Morocco, during the height of the Arab Spring in 2011. These speeches were a response to public uprisings and contained numerous reforms, which may have been instrumental for the continued rule of the Jordanian and Moroccan regimes. Using theories on na

Musiken som skapade varumärket

As a result of technological advancements, marketing of various shapes have ex-ploded. In today's society it is not a question of where, what or how to spread a message, it's about getting someone to listen. This paper aims to raise awareness of the role of music in marketing, specifically how music in advertising can affect consumers' perception of and approach to an enterprise. By de

Changes and Challenges of ERP Implementation in the Context of Procurement and Supply Chain Processes - A Case Study at Maersk Drilling

Problemdiskussion: Sektorn för olja och gas är inte särskilt mogen när det gäller kunskapen om försörjningskedjor. Det valda företaget för fallstudien, Maersk Drilling (MD), har problem med ett splittrat IT-­landskap och dålig datakvalitet. Det har orsakat problem med ineffektiva och komplexa processer där det krävs onödig kommunikation, parallell inmatning av data, etc. Inom upphandlingar och inkProblem Discussion: The oil and gas sector is not very mature in terms of supply chain management. The chosen case company, Maersk Drilling (MD), has problems with a split IT-­landscape with poor data quality. It has caused problems with inefficient and complex processes with much communication required, parallel information and more. Within procurement it translates to problems in spend managemen

The Urban Penalty

The stimulus for this essay was given by the fact that life expectancy in certain countries started to increase long before the development of modern medicine. Having as a principal axis the so called „urban penalty‟, the analysis was limited in two port cities; Glasgow and Malmö. Data on crude, age-specific and disease-specific mortality were used over the period 1800-1914 in order to identify th

Consumer Response and Interpretation of Provocative Advertising through Message Encoding and Association Creation

In a globalized world subjected to ongoing rapid technological development and increasingly evocative entertainment, advertisers are turning their attention to methods of provocation in an effort to induce actionable behavior from the consumer. Struggling to fight their way through the challenging environment of todays saturated market and appeal to the increasingly desensitized consumer, advertis

Mobile Commerce App Adoption: Consumer Behavior Differences between Europe and Asia

Title: ‘Mobile Commerce App Adoption: Consumer Behavior Differences between Europe and Asia’ Research Question: 1. What are the differences between European and Asian consumer behavior of adopting m-commerce apps? 2. Why is there a different level of m-commerce app adoption between European and Asian consumers? Research Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the reasons why consum

Förusättningar för miljömålsarbetet i små kommuner - en fallstudie av kommuner i nordvästra Skåne

This study examines the work with the environmental goals in five small municipalities in northwestern Skåne, Sweden. The environmental goals are set nationally and are adjusted at a regional level. The municipalities then adjust the national and regional goals in varied extent to meet the local circumstances. The implementation and success of the work with environmental goals at local level is cr

The Policy Formation Process in Sweden: The Case of Granting Individuals from Syria Permanent Residence

Sweden has a history of being seen as a tolerant and generous country when it comes to receiving refugees from countries suffering from war. In times of increased influence of radical right-wing parties across Europe, Sweden as the first country decided to grant permanent residence permits to refugees escaping the Syrian war. By applying the Multiple Streams Framework and treating Sweden as a devi

”Hur vet man att barnet far tillräckligt illa?” - En studie om lärares inställning till, och tankar om, anmälningsskyldigheten (14:1 SoL)

The aim of this study was to examine teachers' attitudes to the notification requirement of 14:1 SoL. It also aimed to examine the factors that influence their tendency to report, and what might constitute obstacles to report, according to the teachers themselves. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four secondary school teachers in a municipality in Sweden. In

Stratigrafin i Hanöbukten under senaste glaciationen : en studie av borrkärnor från IODP’s expedition nr 347

Hanöbuktens utveckling under den senaste istiden har studerats med hjälp av borrkärnor från IODP’s Baltic Sea Palaeoenvironment expedition i Östersjön. Genom att analysera förekomsten av IRD, korrelera en varvig enhet till Ringbergs (1991) regionala lervarvskronologi från sydöstra Sverige, göra pollenanalyser och glödförlustbestämningar har en del luckor i Hanöbuktens historia fyllts i. I borrkärnThe development of Hanö Bay during the last ice age has been investigated by analyzing cores from IODP’s Balitc Sea Palaeoenvironment expedition in the Baltic Sea. By analyzing the presence of Ice Rafted Debris, correlating one of the varved clay units to Ringbergs (1991)regional varve chronology from southeastern Sweden, analyzing pollen grains and measuring loss on ignition a few gaps in the his

Neurofeedback Treatment for Traumatized Refugees - A Pilot Study

The aim of this quasi-experimental pilot study was to examine if neurofeedback is associated with a reduction in some of the common symptoms suffered by traumatized refugees who have been exposed to war and/or torture. Furthermore, an ambition was to develop and test methods for conducting research with this group. Twenty-one individuals were divided into either a treatment-group (n=12) or a non-e

The Characteristics of Patterns in Simple Discrete Reaction-Diffusion Systems of Different Dimensionality and Number of Species

The formation of smooth quasi-periodic patterns in static discrete reaction-diffusion systems of various kinds is here studied from a mathematical point of view. The regularity of the patterns can be attributed to the integrability of the system, so that, when searching for such patterns in a system, it is important to investigate whether or not there exist any conserved quantities. The work prese