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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Rationale and design of Ferinject((R)) Assessment in patients with IRon deficiency and chronic Heart Failure (FAIR-HF) study: a randomized, placebo-controlled study of intravenous iron supplementation in patients with and without anaemia

Iron deficiency (ID) and anaemia are common in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). The presence of anaemia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in CHF, and ID is a major reason for the development of anaemia. Preliminary studies using intravenous (i.v.) iron supplementation alone in patients with CHF and ID have shown improvements in symptom status. FAIR-HF (Clinical Trials.

Corticosteroid action on choroid plexus: reduction in Na+-K+-ATPase activity, choline transport capacity, and rate of CSF formation

Glucocorticoids have a well-known clinical effect on brain edema and intracranial hypertension, but the mechanism of action is still poorly understood. In the present report the effect of beta-methasone on choroid plexus transport and CSF formation was studied. Following 5 days of daily treatment with betamethasone the CSF production rate in rabbits was reduced by 43% as measured by ventriculo-cis

Cryo-TEM observation of 3-dimensionally ordered aggregates of 5-nm gold particles in organic solvents

In this article, we show evidence for the assembly of ordered 3-dimensional aggregates of 5-nm gold particles in toluene, 1-octanol, n-decane, and chloroform. The use of plunge-freezing allows to freeze the solution containing the aggregates at a rate which does not allow reorganisation of the particles during sample preparation. The samples were then observed using cryo-transmission electron micr

Willingness and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among HIV positive Nigerian women

Background: The proven benefit of integrating cervical cancer screening programme into HIV care has led to its adoption as a standard of care. However this is not operational in most HIV clinics in Nigeria. Of the various reasons given for non-implementation, none is backed by scientific evidence. This study was conducted to assess the willingness and acceptability of cervical cancer screening amo

Concomitant contact allergy to the resins, reactive diluents and hardener of a bisphenol A/F-based epoxy resin in subway construction workers

An outbreak of suspected contact dermatitis among subway construction workers was suspected to be due to a new bisphenol A/F-based epoxy resin system (ERS). The construction workers used ERSs during the insertion of iron bars into concrete walls. The objective of the study was to determine the components (if any) of the ERS responsible for the contact allergy. Patch testing was performed on 20 of

The predissociation of highly excited states in acetylene by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

We study the dynamics of highly excited states in acetylene initiated by an ultrashort vacuum ultraviolet laser pulse. Electronic states lying in the 4s-3d Rydberg region are excited with one femtosecond pulse, and the dynamic development of the states is monitored by a second short pulse which ionizes the system. We show that even for femtosecond pulses where the bandwidth of the exciting pulse c

Spatial Influence of Topographical Factors on Yield of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) in Central Sweden

This study has evaluated the sampling density for creation of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) for precision agriculture purposes. The relationships between yield and topographical factors were investigated in a study area located in the central Sweden province of Dalarna. The DEM data sampling was carried out with a RTK-GPS system. A dense sampling scheme was employed and data was

Random environment on coloured trees

In this paper, we study a regular rooted coloured tree with random labels assigned to its edges, where the distribution of the label assigned to an edge depends on the colours of its endpoints. We obtain some new results relevant to this model and also show how our model generalizes many other probabilistic models, including random walk in random environment on trees, recursive distributional equa

Experimental and theoretical evidence of overcharging of calcium silicate hydrate

Electrokinetic measurements such as electrophoresis may show an inversion of the effective surface charge of colloidal particle called overcharging. This phenomenon has been studied by various theoretical approaches but up to now very few attempts of confrontation between theory and experiment have been conducted. In this work we report electrophoretic measurements as well as Monte Carlo simulatio

Pressurized hot water extraction of insecticides from process dust - Comparison with supercritical fluid extraction

Pressurized hot liquid water and steam were used to investigate the possibilities of extracting insecticides (carbofuran, carbosulfan, and imidacloprid) from contaminated process dust remaining from seed-pellet production. Extraction temperature was the most important parameter in influencing the extraction efficiency and rate of extraction, while varying the pressure had no profound effect. A cle

A label of health: a previous immune challenge is reflected in the expression of a female plumage trait.

Studies of ornaments as indicators of individual quality have hitherto focused on males, while studies of female ornaments have been almost absent. However, females within the same species may show large variation in both outer appearance and individual quality. We experimentally examined the effect of an immune challenge on the size of white fringes in the wing feathers produced one to two months

Stability characteristics of a calcium-independent alkaline protease from Nesterenkonia sp.

Thermodynamic stability of an alkaline protease from a new alkaliphilic Nesterenkonia sp. AL-20, was investigated and compared with that of Subtilisin Carlsberg. The amount of calcium bound to the AL-20 protease was determined to be only about 0.14 mol/mol of protease. Differential scanning calorimetry scan of the enzyme at increasing temperature showed the denaturation of the enzyme to be a two-s

Islet amyloid polypeptide inhibits glucagon release and exerts a dual action on insulin release from isolated islets.

We have studied the influence of a wide concentration range of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) on both glucagon and insulin release stimulated by various types of secretagogues. In an islet incubation medium devoid of glucose, the rate of glucagon release being high, we observed a marked suppressive action by low concentrations of IAPP, 10−10 and 10−8 M, on glucagon release. Similarly, glucagon r

Evidence for microbunching "sidebands" in a saturated free-electron laser using coherent optical transition radiation

We report the first measurements of z -dependent coherent optical transition radiation (COTR) due to electron-beam microbunching at high gains (>10(4) ) including saturation of a self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron laser (FEL). In these experiments the fundamental wavelength was near 530 nm, and the COTR spectra exhibit the transition from simple spectra to complex spectra (5% spectr

A BAP1 Mutation in a Danish Family Predisposes to Uveal Melanoma and Other Cancers

Truncating germline mutations in the tumor suppressor gene BRCA-1 associated protein-1 (BAP1) have been reported in families predisposed to developing a wide range of different cancer types including uveal melanoma and cutaneous melanoma. There has also been an association between amelanotic tumor development and germline BAP1 mutation suggesting a possible phenotypic characteristic of BAP1 mutati

Efficient Generation of Hematopoietic Precursors and Progenitors From Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines.

By mimicking embryonic development of the hematopoietic system, we have developed an optimized in vitro differentiation protocol for the generation of precursors of hematopoietic lineages and primitive hematopoietic cells from human embryonic stem cells (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Factors such as cytokines, extra cellular matrix components, and small molecules, as well as the te