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Standard mortality rates and years of life lost for serologically defined adult-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes – A fifteen year follow-up

Aims: The Diabetes Incidence in Kronoberg (DIK) study of adult-onset diabetes used serological classification. Standard Mortality Rates (SMR) and Years of Life Lost (YLL) 15 years after adult-onset (18–100 years) of diabetes were compared to the population of Kronoberg. Methods: Of 1609/1660 (97%) patients, 112 (7%) had type 1 (T1D) (GADA+ and/or ICA+, and/or C-peptide < 0.25 nmol/l), and 1497 (93

Language as resource and challenge among bilingual social workers in the Swedish social services

This article explores how language informs work practice from the perspective of bilingual social workers in the Swedish social services. The analysis is based on empirical data from three focus group interviews. The article concludes that, on the one hand, social workers’ bilingualism has the potential of contributing to relationship building with clients; facilitating clients’ democratic partici

In-situ chemical polymerization of Cu-Polythiophenes composite film as seed layer for direct electroplating on insulating substrate

Metal particles are embedded in the polymer to form a polymer composite film as a seed layer on an insulating substrate to overcome the limitation that electrodeposited copper only occurring at the interface between the polymer and the metal electrode. In this work, we successfully developed a Cu-polythiophenes composite film (Cu-PT composite film) through a facile in-situ reduction method, obtain

From Quark Gluon Plasma to a Perfect Fluid of Quarks and Beyond

With high energy heavy ion collisions one tries to create a new forms of matter that is similar to the one present at the birth of our Universe. Recent development on flow pattern, initial energy-density and freeze-out temperature shows that most likely this new form of matter is in a deconfined state, has colored degrees of freedom and is more fluid-like than gas-like. In present paper we calcula

Different teeth profile shapes of polymer gears and comparison of their performance

This article presents a lifespan testing analysis of polymer gears manufactured by cutting. Compared to injection molding, machine cutting provides higher accuracy of gear geometry. Two different tooth flank geometries were tested; i.e. involute and S-gears. In theory, S-gears have several advantages over involute gears due to the convex/concave contact between the matching flanks. The theoretical

From small space to small width in resolution

In 2003, Atserias and Dalmau resolved a major open question about the resolution proof system by establishing that the space complexity of formulas is always an upper bound on the width needed to refute them. Their proof is beautiful but somewhat mysterious in that it relies heavily on tools from finite model theory. We give an alternative, completely elementary, proof that works by simple syntact

A simplified way of proving trade-off results for resolution

We present a greatly simplified proof of the length-space trade-off result for resolution in [P. Hertel, T. Pitassi, Exponential time/space speedups for resolution and the PSPACE-completeness of black-white pebbling, in: Proceedings of the 48th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS '07), Oct. 2007, pp. 137-149], and also prove a couple of other theorems in the same vein. W

Fully symmetric dispersionless stable transmission-grating Michelson interferometer

Michelson interferometers have been routinely used in various applications ranging from testing optical components to interferometric time-resolved spectroscopy measurements. Traditionally, plate beamsplitters are employed to redistribute radiation between the two arms of an interferometer. However, such an interferometer is susceptible to relative phase fluctuations between the two arms resulting

Europeiska unionens hantering av coronakrisen

Den här rapporten analyserar Europeiska unionens hantering av coronakrisen från de första signalerna om spridning av viruset från Kina i januari 2020 till dess att Europeiska rådet enades om ett historiskt stöd- och återhämtningspaket i juli 2020. Under halvåret pågick ett intensivt krishanteringsarbete på EU-nivå. Samtidigt hanterades krisen primärt av medlemsstaterna själva, med olika och ibland