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Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on axonal outgrowth in sciatic nerve grafts in rats

We studied the effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on axonal outgrowth in grafts of sciatic nerves in 40 rats. The sciatic nerve was transsected and a 10 mm long segment from the opposite side was immediately sutured in as a nerve graft. Postoperatively 17 animals were treated with 100% oxygen at 3.2 atmospheres absolute pressure for 45 minutes and the treatment was repeated at four and eight ho

Leka, lära, öva, arbeta, verkskapa : Elsa Köhler en österrikisk aktivitetspedagog i Sverige

Popular AbstractBarnomsorg- och skolakommittén fick i augusti 1996 uppdraget att utarbeta ett samlat måldokument för förskolans s.k. sexårsverksamhet och för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. I de två betänkandena –Växa i lärande (SOU 1997:21) och Att erövra omvärlden (SOU 1997:157) – anknyter kommittén till 1946 års skolkommissions tankar om skolans inre arbete, i sin vision av den svenska skolans This thesis is mainly about the life and work of the Austrian teacher and psychologist Elsa Köhler (1879-1940), but also about the work of her followers on the Swedish West coast. It traces the influences of pedagogic progressivism and the Central European school-reform movements, on the Swedish school and pre-school system, during the first half of the 20th century. These ideas as laid down in th

Human cysteine proteinase inhibitors. Isolation, physiological importance, inhibitory mechanism, gene structure and relation to hereditary cerebral hemorrhage

The isolation and characterization of six human cysteine proteinase inhibitors is reported. Their distribution in human biological fluids is also described and discussed with respect to physiological function. Studies on kininogen and cystatin C with respect to structure-function relationships and, as a result of the cystatin C studies, a general model for the mechanism of cysteine proteinase inhi

Intraoperative complications in aneurysm surgery: a prospective national study

Object. With increasing use of endovascular procedures, the number of aneurysms treated surgically will decline. in this study the authors review complications related to the surgical treatment of aneurysms and address the issue of maintaining quality standards on a national level. Methods. A prospective, nonselected amalgamation of every aneurysm case treated in five of six neurosurgical centers

Morphology as a key to behavioural flexibility: body shape and swimming variability in the dimorphic crucian carp

Swimming trajectories of length-matched deep-bodied and shallow-bodied crucian carp were quantified in the laboratory using motion analysis software and compared in terms of swimming velocity, turning behaviour and associated coefficients of variation. The mean velocities of the two morphs were similar, but slower than predicted, and there was no difference in turning behaviour. In line with predi

Integral equation methods and numerical solutions of crack and inclusion problems in planar elastostatics

We present algorithms for crack and inclusion problems in planar linear elastostatics. The algorithms are based on new integral equations. For the pure crack problem the integral equations are of Fredholm's second kind. Our algorithms show great stability and allow for solutions to problems more complex than have previously been possible. Our results are orders of magnitudes more accurate than tho

Increased prevalence of seropositivity for non-gastric Helicobacter species in patients with autoimmune liver disease

Various Helicobacter species have been isolated from the stomach, intestinal tract and liver of a variety of mammalian and some avian species, and Helicobacter DNA has been detected in human bile and liver samples. An immunoblot assay was established to analyse serum antibody responses to non-gastric Helicobacter species in patients with autoimmune liver diseases, in comparison with healthy indivi

Aging studies for the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT)

A summary of the aging and material validation studies carried out for the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is presented. Particular emphasis is put on the different phenomena observed in straw tubes operating with the chosen Xe/CF4/CO2 mixture. The most serious effects observed are silicon deposition on the anode wire and damage of the anode wire gold plating. Etching phenomena and active

On modelling of thermal radiation properties for biofuels

Simple and computer attractive models for calculating radiation properties are needed. This paper considers recent models available in literature, and provides suggestions how to improve the calculation performance of the existing ones.

Putskvalitet : inverkan av olika faktorer

Rapporten redovisar hur olika faktorer påverkar putsens egenskaper. De faktorer som undersökts är bindemedelstyp, underlagets vattensugning, härdningsklimat och -tid. De egenskaper hos putsen som studerats är karbonatiseringsgrad, e-modul, hållfasthet samt vittringsbeständighet.