Tennessee Williams pjäser i Sverige och Frankrike
Recension av Dirk Gindts bok Tennessee Williams in Sweden and France 1945–1965 (2019)
Recension av Dirk Gindts bok Tennessee Williams in Sweden and France 1945–1965 (2019)
Nestbuilding of the hairy-footed flower bee Anthophora plumipes (Pallas) (Apidae) in a home-made bee hotel with a loam mixture, in a garden in Lund, Scania, is reported. Observations of behaviour and the ecology of the species are described.
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Organizations (MRO) have to be competitive and attractive for the existing and new customers. Aircraft ground time at the MRO has to be as short as possible as well as cost efficient without reducing the quality of the accomplished work. Application of lean methods into aircraft maintenance processes means continuous improvement process and elimination of non-value-
Effective communication of risks involved in the climate change discussion is crucial and despite ambitious protection policies, the possibility of irreversible consequences actually occurring can only be diminished but never ruled out completely. We present a laboratory experiment that studies how residual risk of failure of climate change policies affects willingness to contribute to such polici
Over many years, scientists and engineers have developed a broad variety of mathematical formulations to investigate the propagation and interactions with flow of flow-induced noise in early-stage of product design and development. Beside established theories such as the linearized Euler equations (LEE), the linearized Navier–Stokes equations (LNSE) and the acoustic perturbation equations (APE) wh
The use of a single vertical screen to obstruct the propagation of noise from source to receiver over hard and soft flat ground is well known. However, In addition to considerations of acoustical efficiency, the design of road traffic noise barriers depends on many other factors. Site conditions, planning restraints and visual considerations will affect the final selected design, as will engineeri
Review of Roald Hoffmann, Memory Effects, Calhoun Press, 1999
Functional activity of granulocytes from healthy individuals and from patients with acute leukemia in remission was studied. The increase of heat production rate (metabolic activity) after stimulation of the blood cells with in vitro formed immune complexes was measured by microcalorimeters of heat conduction type. It was demonstrated that increased heat production rate after exposure to immune co
This paper aims to examine the influence of authors’ reputation on editorial bias in scholarly journals. By looking at eight years of editorial decisions in four computer science journals, including 7179 observations on 2913 submissions, we reconstructed author/referee-submission networks. For each submission, we looked at reviewer scores and estimated the reputation of submission authors by means
Bubbles are omnipresent in lab experiments with asset markets. Most of these experiments are conducted in environments with only human traders. Since today's markets are substantially determined by algorithmic trading, we use a laboratory experiment to measure how human trading depends on the expected presence of algorithmic traders. We find that bubbles are clearly smaller when human traders expe
A uniform approach to investigate the transmission of vibrations in the vicinity of a harmonic strip vertical load, acting on a arbitrary depth viscoelastic layer overlying a rigid foundation, is investigated. Using a semi-analytic approach a well–conditioned solution involves utilizing a projection-method based on the transformed equations with respect to the vertical space variables. By re-arran
Aim: Students with hearing loss (HL) often fall behind hearing peers in complex language tasks such as narrative writing. This study explored the effects of school grade, gender, cognitive and linguistic predisposition and audiological factors on narrative text quality in this target group.Method: Eleven students with HL in Grades 5–6 and 7–8 (age 12–15) who took part in a writing intervention wro
Review of Paul Muldoon, Poems 1968-1998, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001