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Det manliga klimakteriet: om försöket att lansera ett medicinskt begrepp

Är du en surgubbe?” frågar kvällstidningen Aftonbladet i en artikelrubrik. I så fall kan du ha hamnat i det manliga klimakteriet. Allt oftare talas det idag om ett manligt klimakterium. Ämnet väcker allmänhetens uppmärksamhet. Därigenom vinner föreställningen om att män i medelåldern drabbas av besvär och förlorar sin ’manlighet’ i en nedbrytande klimakterieprocess utbredning i samhället. Tanken p

Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from adult dyspeptic patients in Tikur Anbassa University Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Presently, there is no published information on the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of H. pylori strains in Ethiopia to guide the choice of drug for therapy. Therefore, it is becoming clinically relevant to test the in vitro susceptibility of H. pylori clinical isolates prior to treating patients. Susceptibility testing was performed on 50 clinical H. pylori isolates obtained from adult dyspe

Nattsänkning av temperatur i flerbostadshus

Rapporten redovisar en undersökning av energibesparing vid sänkning av temperaturen nattetid i flerbostadshus. Mätningarna visar att en 4-procentig energibesparing har uppnåtts mot en enligt beräkningar förväntad 11-procentig besparing. Utvärdering i 30 hus på fem orter och ingående i internationellt forskningssamarbete genom IEA.

Ny avhandling - ägglavar i västra Nordamerika.

För den som vill ha något att bita finns det många angelägna projekt inom lavsystematiken. Ett släkte som inte har rönt någon större uppmärksamhet de senaste 50 åren är Candelariella, ägglavarna, med sin svårbegripliga arttaxonomi. Nu finns en avhandling som förhoppningsvis kan kasta lite ljus på systematiken inom detta släkte. Martin Westberg, en av våra redaktörer, är författare till denna och s

Observation of elastic scattering effects on photoelectron angular distributions in free Xe clusters

We report an observation of substantial deviations in the photoelectron angular distribution for photoionization of atoms in free Xe clusters compared to the case of photoionization of free atoms. The cross section, however, seems not to vary between the cluster and free atoms. This observation was made in the vicinity of the Xe 4d Cooper minimum, where the atomic angular distribution is known to

Voltage-gated and resting membrane currents recorded from B-cells in intact mouse pancreatic islets

1. The perforated patch whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique was applied to superficial cells in intact pancreatic islets. Immunostaining in combination with confocal microscopy revealed that the superficial cells consisted of 35 % insulin-secreting B-cells and 65 % non-B-cells (A- and D-cells). 2. Two types of cell, with distinct electrophysiological properties, could be function

Association between visual impairment and functional and morphological cerebral abnormalities in full-term children

Purpose: To characterise the nature and degree of ocular disorders and cerebral morphological and functional abnormalities in a population-based group of visually impaired full-term pre-school children. Methods: Forty-five children who were born at full-term between 1989 and 1995 in Varmland, Sweden, were reported as being visually impaired. An ophthalmological examination was performed and clinic

Caloplaca asserigena, the correct name for a small lichen with a unique chemistry.

Caloplaca asserigena is shown to be the correct name for what has been called C. assigena. A description is provided, and it is reported to have a unique anthraquinone not previously known within Teloschistaceae. A recent find from thin twigs of Helianthemum oelandicum on the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic is reported and its ecology is summarized.

Antibody to hepatitis-C-virus-related proteins in sera from alanine-aminotransferase-screened blood donors and prospectively studied recipients

A prospective study of posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis was conducted in Malmo, Sweden, in 1984-1985, in which donors were alanine aminotransferase (ALT) screened but not ALT selected. Among 741 patients studied at 0, 6, and 12 weeks after transfusion, 13 developed non-A, non-B hepatitis, and these were further followed up. Stored sera from the 13 hepatitis patients and their 123 donors were

Short-term outcome after laparoscopic and open 360 degrees fundoplication - A prospective randomized clinical trial

Background: Despite the lack of randomized trials supporting the laparoscopic approach, laparoscopic antireflux surgery has gained widespread acceptance during the last decade. The aim of this study was to compare the short-term symptomatic and objective outcome after laparoscopic and open 360 degrees fundoplication in a prospective randomized clinical trial. Methods: Sixty patients with GERD were

Inferior vestibular neuritis

Sudden, spontaneous, unilateral loss of vestibular function without simultaneous hearing loss or brain stem signs is generally attributed to a viral infection involving the vestibular nerve and is called acute vestibular neuritis. The clinical hallmarks of acute vestibular neuritis are vertigo, spontaneous nystagmus, and unilateral loss of lateral semicircular function as shown by impulsive and ca

Electronic Interactions at romatic-Metal Oxide Interfaces Calculated from First Principles

The electronic structure of interfaces between aromatic adsorbates and metal oxide surfaces has been investigated using periodic hybrid ab initio Hartree–Fock-density functional theory calculations. Strong interfacial electronic coupling is observed for isonicotinic acid adsorbed on ZnO(1 0 0) and TiO2(1 1 0) surfaces. The results are in good agreement with experiments of ultrafast surface electro

Mucosal in vitro permeability in the intestinal tract of the pig, the rat, and man: species- and region-related differences

BACKGROUND: The barrier properties of the gastrointestinal mucosa may be studied by measuring its permeability to different-sized marker molecules. Owing to difficulties in obtaining human tissue it is, however, often necessary to extrapolate findings from experimental animals to man. The aim of the present study was to compare regional intestinal mucosal permeability in man, the rat, and the pig,

The nature of ultraviolet spectra of AG Pegasi and other symbiotic stars: locations, origins, and excitation mechanisms of emission lines

A detailed study of ultraviolet spectra of the symbiotic star AG Peg has been undertaken to derive the atomic excitation mechanisms and origin of formation for the lines common in symbiotic systems. More than 600 emission lines are observed in spectra from IUE, HST and FUSE of which 585 are identified. Population mechanisms and origin of formation are given for a majority of those lines. Based on

Teaching ancient folklore

Finely wrought pieces of storytelling, pithy sayings and clever riddles constituting oral traditions often labelled “verbal art” abound in ancient texts. Yet while it has long been recognised that such traditions—folklore—can be found in the Homeric poems, it is less well known that they have also been incorporated into many other types of texts. This paper aims to offer a concise description of h

Biosensors for life quality - Design, development and applications

Biosensors, combining a selective biological recognition element and a sensitive transducer, are versatile analytical tools applied more and more in different fields, such as medicine, food quality and safety control, and environment pollution monitoring. They are expected to play an increasingly important role in the improvement of life quality. In this context, the present work covers recent app