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Your search for "*" yielded 530204 hits

Down-regulation of insulin receptor substrates (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 and Src homologous and collagen-like protein Shc gene expression by insulin in skeletal muscle is not associated with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

To examine whether altered gene expression of insulin receptor substrates (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 and Src homologous and collagen-like protein Shc is an inherited trait and is associated with muscle insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, we measured mRNA levels of these genes by a relative quantitative RT-PCR method in muscle biopsies taken before and after an insulin clamp from 12 monozygotic twin pair

A 10-bit 5-MS/s successive approximation ADC cell used in a 70-MS/s ADC array in 1.2-um CMOS

A 10-bit 5-MS/s successive approximation ADC cell and a 70-MS/s parallel ADC array based on this cell, designed and fabricated in a 1.2-?m CMOS process, are presented. The ADC cell was designed to have an input bandwidth of more than 35 MHz and a sampling time of 14 nS at a clock rate of 70 MHz. The parallel ADC array consists of 14 such cells which are timed in one clock cycle skew successively i

Evaluation of microwave thermotherapy with histopathology, magnetic resonance imaging and temperature mapping

Purpose: Interstitial temperature mapping was used to determine the heat field within the prostate by the Coretherm. (ProstaLund, Lund, Sweden) transurethral microwave thermotherapy device. Gadolinium. enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathology were used to determine the extent and pattern of coagulation necrosis following treatment. The cell kill assessment feature of the device

Brits in Space

Analys av den brittiska science fiction-filmen under 1960- och 1970-talen med filmen Moon Zero Two som exempel.

Patrullerande polisers yrkeskultur

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet för denna avhandling är att bland patrullerande poliser undersöka förekomst och karaktär av en yrkeskultur, som går utöver eller står i motsättning till polisens officiellt sanktionerade samhällsmandat bl.a. i termer av den inriktning, de prioriteringar och det regelverk som omger polisarbetet. Begreppet yrkeskultur står här för kollektiva mönsteUsing ethnographical methods, this thesis examines the prevalence and character of an occupational culture among patrolling police in terms of frames of reference, conduct and attitudes, a culture which overrides or is in opposition to the official mandate of the police force. It is suggested that the occupational culture of the patrolling police should not be regarded as a homogenous culture but

Moisture content penetration in wood elements under varying boundary conditions

Knowledge of effects of moisture exposure on timber structures is important for serviceability and load bearing capacity of timber elements and systems. Varying climate affects the moisture content profiles in timber as the relative humidity changes in the ambient air. This paper presents methods for calculation of diffusion based moisture transport and corresponding results on how timber responds

Effect of surface and bulk solution properties on the adsorption of whey protein onto steel surfaces at high temperature

The adsorption of whey proteins on modified and unmodified 316 2R stainless steel surfaces was studied by in situ ellipsometry under well-defined flow conditions. The effects of bulk properties, e.g. temperature, pH, protein concentration and flow rate as well as surface modification by ion implantation, sputtering, chemical vapour deposition and silica sol-gel deposition, were investigated. The s

Evaluating the linear dielectric constant-electrical conductivity model using time-domain reflectometry

Recently, Hilhorst (2000) presented a theoretical model describing a linear relationship between bulk electrical conductivity, sigma(a), and dielectric constant, K-a, in moist soil. Hilhorst (2000) found that using this linear relationship, measurements of the pore water electrical conductivity, sigma(p), can be made in a wide range of soil types without soil-specific calibrations. If accurate mea

Raised serum S100B levels after acute bone fractures without cerebral injury

Background: S100B, a protein abundant in astroglial cells within the central nervous system, has been shown to increase in cerebrospinal fluid and serum after various neurologic diseases. However, the cerebral specificity of S100B has been questioned. This study aims to show serum S100B levels after uncomplicated bone fractures in patients without current or prior neurologic diseases. Methods: Blo

Mathematical Methods of a Pulp and Paper Mill Scheduling Problem

Mathematical methods for production scheduling of a complex integrated pulp and paper mill are discussed. The scheduling problem is formulated as an optimal control problem for a multivariable deterministic system. A method of solution for the problem, using optimal control theory, is derived. The method developed is suitable for an on-line process control computer.

Time-domain Green dyadics for temporally dispersive, bi-isotropic media

Time-domain Green dyadics for linear, homogeneous, temporally dispersive bi-isotropic media are presented. A complex time-dependent electromagnetic field is introduced. Approximation to the complex field from an electric point dipole in an unbounded bi-isotropic medium with respect to the slowly varying components (second forerunner approximation) is obtained. Numerical examples are presented. Sur

Mechanics of the external fixation test in the lumbar spine. A roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis

STUDY DESIGN: By implanting tantalum indicators percutaneously during application of pedicular screws, lumbosacral mobility could be studied with roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis in seven patients having a diagnostic external fixation test. OBJECTIVES: To determine the mechanical effects on the segmental mobility during an external fixation test of the lumbar spine. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DA

Own-other differences in the realism of some metacognitive judgments

The present study investigated differences in judgments of one's own and others' knowledge (the own-other difference). Consistent with the below-average effect (e.g., Kruger, 1999), our main results showed that the participants gave lower knowledge ratings of their own extent of knowledge than of another person's extent of knowledge (Experiment 1). Furthermore, lower and more realistic judgments w

cis-Bis(dimethyl sulfide)dinitratoplatinum(II) at 295 and 150 K

The title compound, [ Pt( NO3)(2)( C2H6S)(2)], crystallizes in the P2(1)/ n space group ( Z' = 2), with pseudo- square- planar coordination geometry. The complex forms dimers with pseudosymmetry C-i arranged in columns along the b- axis direction, with Pt center dot center dot center dot Pt distances of 6.3056 ( 3) and 4.2382 ( 2) angstrom ( at 150 K). Each column is surrounded by six other column

New world, but not Old World, monkeys carry several genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein

It was shown by Southern hybridization that cotton-top tamarin and common marmoset, New World monkeys, carry three or more genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein, also known as PSP94. In contrast, the genomes of Old World monkeys, as represented by rhesus macaque and sacred baboon, contain a single gene. Clones containing three different genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein were isolated from a