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Continuity and Positivity Problems in Pseudo-differential Calculus

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom fysiken studeras bl a olika jämviktssystem. Med ett system i jämviktsläge menas att det krävs en yttre kraft för att ändra på tillståndet i systemet. För att beskriva det mera matematiskt kan vi (ofta) relatera systemet ifråga till en s k operator. För operatorer definieras ett annorlunda positivitetsbegrepp än för vanliga tal och man kan stoppa in olika objekt somThe paper deals with various positivity and continuity questions arising in the Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators. Let W be a symplectic vector space. In the first part of the paper we discuss positivity and continuity properties in spaces sp(W) of distributions, whose Weyl quantizations are in the Schatten-von Neumann class of the order p> 1. In particular we prove some Young related

A postmodern saint? - on motives for voluntarism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utgångspunkten för denna avhandling är de många bekymmer som präglar vår tid - däribland också bekymret om frivillighetens framtid i ett postmodernt samhälle. Det är en paradox, när det å ena sidan hävdas att det moderna samhället är i kris, att den sociala gemenskaperna har brutit samman och att människor inte längre ställer upp, engagerar sig och hjälper varandra. OchThe theme of this thesis is motives for voluntarism - with particular focus on volunteering in social work compared to voluntary work in sports clubs and patient associations. It is based on a combination of different data sources and methodological approaches: surveys, analyses of letters from volunteers and literature studies. Theoretically the thesis is based on two sets of sociological theorie

Robustness Analysis of Uncertain and Nonlinear Systems

Control design is often done based on simplified models. After design it is necessary to verify that the real closed loop system behaves well. This is mostly done by experiments and simulations. Theoretical analysis is an important complement to this that can help to verify critical cases. Structural information about uncertainties, time-variations, nonlinearities, and signals can be described by

Colour Interference and Confinement Effects in W-pair Production

In the reactione + e – rarrW + W – rarr ( $$q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) ( $$Q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) we expect that normally the colour singlet systems ( $$q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) and ( $$Q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) hadronize independently into two hadron chains or strings. However also the pairs ( $$q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) and ( $$Q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) form colour singlets with probability 1/N c 2 =1/9. This probability could be further enhanced by g

Evidence for a 1g9/2 Rotational Band in 51Mn

A terminating rotational band has been identified in Mn-51 following the Si-28(S-32,2alpha1p)Mn-51 fusion-evaporation reaction at 130 MeV beam energy. Spins and tentative positive parities of the band members are assigned based on angular distribution and correlation measurements of transitions, which connect the rotational structure with previously known yrast states. Configuration-dependent cran

Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: The European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

Objective: The association between consumption of fruit and vegetables and risk of ovarian cancer is still unclear from a prospective point of view. Methods: Female participants (n = 325,640) of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, free of any cancer at baseline, were followed on average for 6.3 years to develop ovarian cancer. During 2,049,346 person-years, 581

The Use of Photo-elicitation in Tourism Research - Framing the Backpacker Experience

The aim of this paper is to elucidate the use of photo-elicitation as a method for data collection as well as a method for analysis. By using a study on backpacker tourism where the respondents’ own photographs were used in in-depth interviews as an example, the immersion of data collection and analysis is illustrated through the backpackers’ narratives and experiences of travel photography. The t

Pulsating Combustion - Combustion Characteristics and Reduction of Emissions

In the search for high efficiency combustion systems pulsating combustion has been identified as one of the technologies that potentially can meet the objectives of clean combustion and good fuel economy.Pulsating combustion offers low emissions of pollutants, high heat transfer and efficient combustion. Although it is an old technology, the interest in pulsating combustion has been renewed in rec

Cyclin E overexpression and associated events in human breast cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligast förekommande cancerformen hos kvinnor och årligen drabbas ungefär 6000 kvinnor i Sverige. I de flesta fall uppstår bröstcancer spontant, men viss ärftlighet ligger bakom ca 10 % fallen. Det finns kopplingar till faktorer som ökar risken för bröstcancer. Till riskfaktorer hör bl.a. långvarig exponering för hormoner: tidig mens och sent klimakUnrestrained proliferation is a hallmark of cancer and genetic defects within G1/S-phase regulation and the pRb pathway occur frequently. Proliferation control can be circumvented either by excess cyclin D1 or cyclin E, alterations that can define two alternative tumour biologic pathways in breast cancer. By overexpressing cyclin E in a cell line model system we demonstrate that the capacity of ce

Intestinal adaptation in atrophic rat ileum is accompanied by supersensitivity to vasoactive intestinal peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide and nitric oxide

BACKGROUND: Intestinal inactivity leads to atrophic changes and concomitant alterations in the expression of neurotransmitters in the enteric nervous system. In atrophic rat ileum neurones expressing vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) decrease in number while nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expressing neurones increase. Since little is known

Maximizing the Use of Computational Resources in Multi-Camera Feedback Control

In vision-based feedback control systems, the time to obtain sensor information is usually non-negligible, and these systems thereby possess fundamentally different timing behavior compared to standard real-time control applications. For many image-based tracking algorithms, however, it is possible to trade-off the computational time versus the accuracy of the produced position/orientation estimat

Poetry as music : The significance of musicalized poetry in the aftermath of Swedish modernism

In the 1940s, Swedish poetry saw the breakthrough of modernism. With the modernist style came a new kind of poetic aspiration towards the condition of music: semantic imitations of musical genres and attempts to create, with the help of the words' associations, an aesthetic effect similar to a musical effect. This type of intermediality, which I call semantic musicality, was inherited as a norm of

Lung ventilation/perfusion SPECT in the artificially embolized pig.

Planar lung scintigraphy is a standard method used for the diagnosis of lung embolism, but it is hampered by the high incidence of nondiagnostic tests. Ventilation/perfusion SPECT may possibly improve this situation. The objective of this study was to compare planar lung scintigraphy with ventilation/perfusion SPECT using pigs with artificially engendered lung emboli labeled with (201)Tl. METHODS:

Consensus proposals for a unified system of nomenclature of hepatitis C virus genotypes

International standardization and coordination of the nomenclature of variants of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is increasingly needed as more is discovered about the scale of HCV-related liver disease and important biological and antigenic differences that exist between variants. A group of scientists expert in the field of HCV genetic variability, and those involved in development of HCV sequence data

Prey size selection in piscivorous pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) includes active prey choice

Knowledge of the mechanisms behind prey selection in piscivorous fish is important for our understanding of the dynamics of freshwater systems. Prey selection can involve active predator choice or be a passive process. We experimentally studied size-selectivity in pikeperch, feeding on roach and rudd. When given a choice of different prey sizes, pikeperch selected small prey. Passive selection mec