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Your search for "*" yielded 531190 hits

Using an abstract geometry in virtual reality to explore choice behaviour: visual flicker preferences in honeybees

Closed-loop paradigms provide an effective approach to studying visual choice behaviour and attention in small animals. Different flying and walking paradigms have been developed to investigate behavioural and neuronal responses to competing stimuli in insects such as bees and flies. However, the variety of stimulus choices that can be presented over one experiment is often limited. Current choice

Forage collection, substrate preparation and diet composition in fungus-growing ants

1. Variation and control of nutritional input is an important selective force in the evolution of mutualistic interactions and may significantly affect coevolutionary modifications in partner species. 2. The attine fungus-growing ants are a tribe of more than 230 described species (12 genera) that use a variety of different substrates to manure the symbiotic fungus they cultivate inside the nest.

Dynamics of femoral bone remodelling in well fixed total hip arthroplasty. A 20-year follow-up of 20 hips.

The aim of our study was to investigate the dynamics of cortical thinning around well fixed cemented Muller straight stems without osteolysis at different time periods during long term follow-up. We investigated patients operated on for osteoarthritis with a cemented Muller straight stem, all with more than 15 years follow-up and no radiological signs of osteolysis. Cortical thinning in 20 THA hip

Moving regions in Euclidean space and Reynolds' transport theorem

This paper gives new demonstrations of Reynolds' transport theorems for moving regions in Euclidean space. For moving volume regions the proof is based on differential forms and Stokes' formula. Moving curves and surface regions are defined and the intrinsic normal time derivative is introduced. The corresponding surface transport theorem is derived using the partition of unity and the surface div

Reoptimization of Dynamic Flexgrid Optical Networks After Link Failure Repairs

In dynamic flexgrid optical networks, the usage of capacity may not be optimal due to the permanent process of setting up and tearing down connections, which, if not controlled, leads to spectrum fragmentation and, as a result, to increase of connection blocking. On top of this, a restoration mechanism that is launched in reaction to a link failure (cable cut) restores the affected lightpaths. Eve

Prevalence of older people with intellectual disability in Sweden: a spatial epidemiological analysis.

The expected increase in longevity of individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) in many countries of the world is a direct result of medical and social advances, which have also extended the longevity of the general population. It is important to assess the need for social services for people with ID across different administrative levels to ensure sufficient resources are allocated to where

The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon-temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2

Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

In this Letter we report the first results on pi(+/-), K-+/-, p, and (p) over bar production at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5) in central Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV, measured by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The p(T) distributions and yields are compared to previous results at root s(NN) = 200 GeV and expectations from hydrodynamic and thermal models. The spectra

Nomenclature of members of Hieracium sect. Alpestria, Foliosa and Prenanthoidea (Asteraceae) reported from Sweden

Names of taxa referred to Hieracium sect. Alpestria (including the ‘Semidovrensia group’), Foliosa and Prenanthoidea and reported from Sweden have been compiled from the literature and herbaria and all uses have been indexed. Based on this synopsis, the nomenclatural validity and legitimacy of the names are analysed. In total, the use of 75, 62 and 27 names is documented for the three sections, re

A behavioral perspective on the biophysics of the light-dependent magnetic compass: a link between directional and spatial perception?

In terrestrial organisms, sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field is mediated by at least two different magnetoreception mechanisms, one involving biogenic ferromagnetic crystals (magnetite/maghemite) and the second involving a photo-induced biochemical reaction that forms long-lasting, spin-coordinated, radical pair intermediates. In some vertebrate groups (amphibians and birds), both mechanism

Methyl orange (CI acid orange 52) as a new organic semiconductor: Conduction mechanism and dielectrical relaxation

The structural, electrical and dielectrical properties of the methyl orange (MO) have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis methods. The electrical conduction and dielectrical relaxation mechanisms of the organic compound at various frequencies and temperatures were analyzed by impedance spectroscopy. The direct current (DC) electrical conductivity confirmed that methyl orang

Globalization, Democracy, and Child Health in Developing Countries

Good health is crucial for human and economic development. In particular poor health in childhood seems to be of utmost concern since it causes irreversible damage and has implications later in life. Recent research suggests globalization is a strong force affecting adult and child health outcomes. Yet, there is much unexplained variation with respect to the globalization effect on child health, i

The Impact of Captive Innovation Offshoring on the Effectiveness of Organizational Adaptation

We analyze the effects of captive offshoring of innovation activities on the firms' ability to adapt their organizational structures. Basing our arguments on the complexity theory, we use three consecutive waves of the German part of the Community Innovation Survey to test our hypotheses. We find an inverted u-shape of innovation offshoring on the effectiveness of organizational adaptability, impl

Layer-number determination in graphene on SiC by reflectance mapping

We report a simple, handy and affordable optical approach for precise number-of-layers determination of graphene on SiC based on monitoring the power of the laser beam reflected from the sample (reflectance mapping) in a slightly modified micro-Raman setup. Reflectance mapping is compatible with simultaneous Raman mapping. We find experimentally that the reflectance of graphene on SiC normalized t

Upper lower Cambrian (provisional Cambrian Series 2) trilobites from northwestern Gansu Province, China

Upper lower Cambrian (provisional Cambrian Series 2) trilobites are described from three sections through the Shuangyingshan Formation in the Beishan area, northwestern Gansu Province, China. The trilobite fauna is dominated by eodiscoid and 'corynexochid' trilobites, together representing at least ten genera: Serrodiscus, Tannudiscus, Calodiscus, Pagetides, Kootenia, Edelsteinaspis, Ptarmiganoide