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Revidering av provningsmetod för vattendimsystem - CEN/TS 14972:2008, Annex A.3.

This report evaluates an existing method for testing water mist systems - CEN/TS 14972:2008, Annex A:3. The evaluation is to be seen as an analysis of the uncertainties with respect to repeatability and reproducibility of the test. It is concluded that the test method does not meet the standards required to become an EN-standard in its present form. A new concept is presented and verified, both th

Sexualbrottsoffer i domstolen - Om rättens föreställningar om våldtäktsoffer

Den svenska sexualbrottslagstiftningen ska skydda från intrång i den kroppsliga integriteten och rättsskyddet ska inte vara beroende av brottsoffrets beteende eller motstånd. Rättsprocessen har dock inte alltid inneburit ett skydd från kränkande intrång i den personliga och sexuella integriteten för sexualbrottsoffer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om rätten förhåller sig objektiv och oThe Swedish sex crime legislation shall protect against abuse of physical integrity and shall not be dependent on the victim's actions or resistance. Although the legal process hasn't always protected victims of sexual offenses from offensive abuse of individual and sexual integrity. The aim of this paper is to determine if the judicial system stands objective and impartial in a process wh

Allocation of burden of proof that the arm's length principle was(not) breached under the TFEU Fundamental Freedoms

The topic of this work is the correlation between the protection of tax base by transfer princing rules and EU Law requirements. In particular, the question that wil be dealt with in this paper is how the burdern of proof that the arm's length principle was (not) followed by the taxpayer should be allocated in EU Law Context? Firstly, the EU Law framwork that is relevant for transfer pricing r

Barnets bästa - en studie av FB 6:2 a och vårdnadsavgöranden vid Malmö tingsrätt

Uppsatsen behandlar begreppet barnets bästa. Begreppet regleras i föräldrabalken 6:2 a och skall vara avgörande vid alla beslut om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka klargöra innebörden av begreppet barnets bästa genom en noggrann genomgång av lagtext, förarbeten, doktrin samt avgöranden från Malmö tingsrätt. Som en del i detta undersöks om Malmö tingsrätt låter barneThis paper discusses the concept of the best interests of the child. The best interest of the child is regulated in the Parental Code (Föräldrabalk (1949:381)) 6th chapter 2 a, and shall be conclusive in all decisions concerning custody, residence and contact. The purpose of this paper is to try to clarify the concept of the best interests of the child through a thorough review of the statutory te

Betydelsen av ne bis in idem-principen inom EU-rätten för skattebrott och skattetillägg

Ne bis in idem är en av straffprocessens grundpelare. Principen innebär att en person inte får lagföras eller straffas för samma gärning som denne har blivit frikänd eller dömd i ett tidigare förfarande. Ne bis in idem uttrycker förbudet mot dubbelbestraffning. Detta är en mänsklig rättighet som skyddas genom artikel 4 i sjunde tilläggsprotokollet Europakonventionen samt artikel 50 i EU:s rättigheNe bis in idem is one of pillars on which the criminal procedure system rests. This means that a person may not be punished nor have legal proceedings taken against him/her if they have previously been freed or found guilty of the crime. Ne bis in idem expresses the will to prevent dual liability. This is a human right supported by article 4 in the seventh protocol amendment of the European Conven

Ta lika lott. Jämkning för bröstarvingar

Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida reglerna om laglott påverkas av regler om förmånstagarförordnande, förstärkt laglottsskydd samt förskott på arv. Framställningen behandlar först den rättsliga regleringen av de olika rättsinstituten, för att sedan diskutera deras inbördes förhållande. I svensk rätt utvecklades ett tidigt The following essay is a thesis on the program leading to a Master of Law degree. The aim of the essay is to examine whether the rules of lawful portion of forced heirship (Swedish: laglott) may be affected by the rules of beneficiary clauses, by reinforced lawful portion of forced heirship (Swedish: förstärkt laglottsskydd) or by advances on inheritance (Swedish: förskott på arv). The thesis exam

Capturing the Anthropocene - Sensory Ethnograpy in Anthropogenic Biomes

In the last decade conceptual considerations of a new geological periodization called the Anthropocene have made scientists reconsider the role of human life on Planet Earth. This thesis examines the epistemological uncertainty concerning the hypothesis of the Anthropocene and analyses the theoretical implications in the human and social sciences hermeneutically. Based on multi-sited sensory ethno

Comparison of ectoparasite load on barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) in arctic and temperate regions

Popular science summary Comparison of ectoparasite load on barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) in arctic and temperate regions Some birds winter in warm regions, but breed in the arctic. This long migration takes up a lot of energy, which leaves scientists wonder why birds undertake this journey. One of the many hypotheses to explain it, is that there are fewer parasites in the arctic. Therefore,

Patienters existentiella behov inom palliativ vård - belyst utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund: I samband med palliativ vård är symtom såsom smärta, oro och ångest vanligt förekommande, men här framträder också existentiella behov. Dessutom kan existentiell, psykisk och andlig smärta vara mer smärtsam än den fysiska. Omvårdnadsforskning har visat att patienters existentiella behov ofta är försummade och att vårdpersonal undvikit att beröra frågor som gällde dessa behov. Syfte: StudBackground: In palliative care symptoms such as pain and anxiety are common, but also existential needs. Additionally, the existential, psychological and spiritual pain can be more painful than the physical. Nursing research has shown that patients` spiritual needs often are neglected and that health workers have avoided issues related to these needs. Objective: The aim of the study was to explore

Civilsamhällets roll i en demokratiseringsprocess - en komparativ studie mellan Sydkorea och Indien

Är civilsamhället en viktig faktor i demokratiseringsprocessen? Det är en fråga som både har empiriska för- och motbevis. Vår undersökning består av en komparativ studie mellan Sydkorea och Indien där civilsamhället först genomgått en begreppsutredning, för att komma fram till vad som egentligen menas med begreppet Civilsamhälle. Utifrån vår definition har vi sett på transitionsprocesserna i de b

The Sustainable Future of Music Festivals: How can new policy instruments and voluntary guidance tools help music festivals become more sustainable?

Over the last decade the music festival sector grew enormously: in 2008 over a million festivalgoers gathered in the UK to share music and companionship. However in doing so musicfestivals generate large volumes of waste streams and consume large quantities of resources. Amusic festival of more than 40 000 people will produce in the order of 2000 tons of CO2e –with audience transportation and on s

Demokratisk konsolidering: Varför har Costa Rica lyckats bättre än Nicaragua och El Salvador?

Many of the Latin American and Central American countries have had diffuculties with the democratic process. One country that particularly stands out in the Central American region is Costa Rica, a nation that achieved democratic consolidation in the 1950’s. In order to analyze why Costa Rica has been characterized by this success, the researcher Larry Diamond’s theory is used almost as an analysi

De oönskade hoten : migranter i EU och Italien i en anda av säkerhet

The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the asylum- and migration policy in EU is securitized or not, focusing on illegal immigration and the legal immigration of asylum seekers and refugees. My aim is also to scrutinize if and how a conceivable dilemma between migration, asylum and human rights is appearing in the studying policy documents and in the thesis’ case study. The method chosen for

CFD-beräkningar på parallella processorer - En utvärdering av parallella beräkningar för modellering av rumsbrand med Fire Dynamics Simulator

This report focuses on CFD-calculations using parallel processors carried out with the software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). From a users point of view the advantages and disadvantages with parallel CFD-calculations were analyzed and evaluated. A simplified me-thod for quantitative evaluation was developed with guidance from ASTM E 1355 whereu-pon relative differences between serial reference sc

Konstruktionen av kvinnliga våldtäktsoffer

Rape must be understood from a gender system and exposed women are often afraid of how they will be treated in the subsequent court procedure. The purpose of this essay is to examine how the Swedish courts construe women in rape trials and how this maintains and reinforces the gender system. To do this I am doing a critical discourse analysis of 20 reasoning of judgements with the theory of two fe

Vem har med det att göra? En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars föreställningar om psykisk ohälsa

The aim of our study has been to investigate high school students conceptions about mental illness. We wanted to find different opinions about mental illness among youths: how they experience talking to others about it as well as who they choose to talk about mental illness with. We also wanted to investigate if there was any stigma around mental illness among youths and if there is a difference d

Går det att ta sig ur? En analys av automatiska förlängningar av avtal mellan näringsidkare och konsument

Automatiska förlängningar av avtal innebär att en ny bindningstid inträder om konsumenten inte senast vid viss tidpunkt säger upp avtalet. Att konsumentens passivitet är den omständighet som gör att den nya avtalstiden inträder, har bland annat gjort att sådana förlängningar jämförts med negativ avtalsbindning, vilket svensk rättsordning inte accepterar. Situationen är emellertid annorlunda när paAutomatic extension of contracts means that time-limited contracts are automatically extended unless the consumer terminates the contract a certain amount of time before it is to expire. The fact that the consumer’s inactivity is the reason why the contract is being extended has even led to a comparison between such automatic extensions and an illegal form of contracting called negative contract b

Socialarbetaren i tidningen - en diskursanalys av hur socialarbetare framställs i svenska dags- och kvällspressen

Abstract Author: Elin Eisenschmidt Title: The social worker in the newspaper – a discourse analysis of the portrayals of social workers in Swedish national and local papers. Supervisor: Anders Olsson The purpose of this study was to examine the portrayals of social workers in Swedish newspapers. The method used in the study was discourse analysis inspired by Faircloughs tools for text analysis. A

Microloans from an organizational perspective - A case study from Cambodia

The purpose of this study was to understand how identity could be created in organizations working with microloans. The purpose was also to see how this identity was manifested in term of rules, guidelines and symbolic manifestations. The result of this thesis was analyzed from a symbolic perspective which worked as a tool to understand how identity could be created in an organization working with