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Your search for "*" yielded 533497 hits

AtlFast3: The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS

The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has a broad physics programme ranging from precision measurements to direct searches for new particles and new interactions, requiring ever larger and ever more accurate datasets of simulated Monte Carlo events. Detector simulation with Geant4 is accurate but requires significant CPU resources. Over the past decade, ATLAS has developed and utilized

Centrality-Dependent Modification of Jet-Production Rates in Deuteron-Gold Collisions at sNN =200 GeV

Jet production rates are measured in p+p and d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV recorded in 2008 with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Jets are reconstructed using the R=0.3 anti-kt algorithm from energy deposits in the electromagnetic calorimeter and charged tracks in multiwire proportional chambers, and the jet transverse momentum (pT) spectra are corrected for the detecto

Measurement of the Groomed Jet Radius and Momentum Splitting Fraction in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

This article presents groomed jet substructure measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. The soft drop grooming algorithm provides access to the hard parton splittings inside a jet by removing soft wide-angle radiation. We report the groomed jet momentum splitting fraction, zg, and the (scaled) groomed jet radius, θg. Charged-particle jets are reconstructed a

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst – An Assessment of Flood Preparedness at Primary Health Care Facilities in Central Vietnam

Background: Floods affect over 85 million people every year and are one of the deadliest types of natural disasters. The health effects of floods are partly due to a loss of access to health care. This loss can be limited with proper flood preparedness. Flood preparedness is especially needed at the primary health care (PHC) level. Flood preparedness assessments can be used to identify vulnerable

Assessment of long-term water stress for ecosystems across China using the maximum entropy production theory-based evapotranspiration product

Water demand growth coupled with its high spatial-temporal mismatch of water resources will lead to an increasing water scarcity worldwide. In order to investigate a robust long-term water stress for ecosystems and regions across China, the improved maximum entropy production (MEP) method was utilized to obtain a reliable evapotranspiration (ET) product during 1982–2015. Afterwards four water stre

Modelling impacts of lateral N flows and seasonal warming on an arctic footslope ecosystem N budget and N2O emissions based on species-level responses

Future Arctic tundra primary productivity and vegetation community composition will partly be determined by nitrogen (N) availability in a warmer climate. N mineralization rates are predicted to increase in both winter and summer, but because N demand and –mobility varies across seasons, the fate of mineralized N remains uncertain. N mineralized in winter is released in a “pulse” upon snowmelt and

Structure of a major immunogenic site on foot-and-mouth disease virus

ATTACHMENT of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) to its cellular receptor involves a long and highly antigenic loop containing the conserved sequence, Arg-Gly-Asp, a motif known to be a recognition element in many integrin-dependent cell adhesion processes1-7. In our original crystal structure of FMDV the Arg-Gly-Asp-containing loop ('the loop'), located between β-strands G and H of capsid protei

Aluminum-Allergen of the Year 2022

Exposure to elemental aluminum and its salts is unavoidable. Aluminum as a metal is present in transport, construction, packaging, and electronic equipment. Aluminum salts are present in consumer products, food items and drinking water, vaccines, drugs, and antiperspirants. Aluminum in vaccines and preparations for allergen-specific immunotherapy are the major sensitization sources. The predominen

Effect of selenium on the induction of breast fibroadenomas by adenovirus type 9 and 1,2‐dimethylhydrazine‐induced bowel carcinogenesis in rats

Selenium in its organic and inorganic forms has been shown to inhibit the development of chemically induced, spontaneous and transplanted tumors. The present investigation was performed to study the effect of selenium (4 μg per ml of drinking water) on tumorigenesis of adenovirus‐type‐9‐induced breast fibroadenomas and on 1,2‐dimethylhydrazine‐induced bowel carcinogenesis in WF rats. It was found

Linking local services to global manufactures

We assess how global shocks propagate from global manufacturing firms to local service providers through a spatial variation in export-driven service demand. We show that a 1% increase in a localised measure of exporting increases sales of service firms by around 0.08%. We also show that this link is local as the effect fades away after just 20 km, that it is more pronounced with larger and foreig

State-civil society relations in Gramsci, Poulantzas and Bourdieu: Strategic implications for the degrowth movement

Degrowth thought and strategies suffer from a tension between viewing the state as incapable of initiating transformational change and making a political appeal to it to do precisely this via targeted eco-social policies. While a small number of academic papers has theoretically addressed this tension, there is a lack in research on the strategic implications arising from conceptualizations of the

People, Companies in Cryogenics

News item in section labelled "People, Companies in Cryogenics", about a new musical composition which was the result of a collaboration between John Weisend (scientist and CSA Board Chairman) of the European Spallation Source and Mike Edgerton of Lund University.

An N-Path Enhanced-Q Tunable Filter With Reduced Harmonic Fold Back Effects

A high-Q, tunable, bandpass filtered amplifier structure is proposed which is based on a novel Q enhancement technique in N-path filters. Using Fourier series analysis, frequency response of an N-path filter as well as the aliasing effects which are present in it are derived. Frequency translation of unwanted contents at higher frequencies to the center frequency of the bandpass filter is called h

Chalk Laboratory I : SMASH ensemble: Ramon Lazkano

I became acquainted with the music of Ramon Lazkano in 2001 through his guitar pieces. I was immediately fascinated with his ideas and his sound palette; somehow, I associated his music to a range of color between white and gray. His is a musical language where harmonics work as shadows and offer glimpses of a music that lives within a very personal and unique instrumental treatment.Later, togethe