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Fastighetsägarens avhjälpandeansvar för föroreningsskador på förvärvad fastighet

Föroreningar på en fastighet berör fastighetsägaren på olika sätt. En direkt effekt av föroreningarna kan vara att fastighetsägarens möjligheter att använda marken begränsas och att värdet på fastigheten påverkas. Det kan också få till följd att fastigheten blir svår att avyttra. Framförallt kan en förorening på fastigheten innebära att fastighetsägaren riskerar miljörättsliga krav på att vidta avPollution of real estate affects the owner in different ways. As a direct effect, the possibilities of using the land may be limited, and the value of the real estate can be influenced. The real estate may also be difficult to sell. Above all, pollution of real estate may involve environmental legal demands on the owner to repair the damage. The main rule of the Swedish environmental code is that

Motivation i socialt arbete med försörjningsstöd - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter

The aim of the current study was to gain an overview of factors that can effect social secretaries motivation, both positively and negatively, in their work with social assistance. This study has focused on what the employee does rather than what he or she earns as a factor that leads to increased work motivation. To have motivated employees are important in every organization and above all in Hum

Stressa hem från jobbet för att hinna slappna av : En text om förkortad arbetstid, livskvalité, normer och rättigheter

In the thesis I begin with trying to clarify how we have understood our working time until today and how we ended up like we did, by looking back at the history of working hours and how people have evaluated and looked upon their time use historically. In the next chapter I try to answer whether or not we could shorten our working hours with a maintained, or even increased, quality of life, turnin

Dödsstraffet i USA : En analys av argument för och emot dödsstraff

There is no doubt that the United States of America has used death penalty as a method of punishment in their legal system since the 17th Century. This essay is going to seek to explain why the United States of America has not yet abolished the death penalty; furthermore, it will discuss why they decided to resume the temporary suspension of the death penalty throughout the years 1966-1976. There

Freedom of expression and the downfall of a regime : The Tunisian revolution and the transition to democracy

Ben Ali’s authoritarian rule over Tunisia was caused by corruption, nepotism, and unemployment. I aim to show that the downfall of the regime was enhanced by the repression of freedom of expression. Limiting access to information creates struggle for people in their daily lives; they become more dissatisfied and the will to create change becomes stronger. Repressing freedom of expression to hide t

Reformeringen av Sveriges säkerhet - En studie om Sveriges krishantering av tsunamin i Thailand år 2004, och reformeringen av säkerheten som skedde därefter

In the year of 2004, a tsunami struck the coast of Thailand. Around 30 000 Swedish tourist was present, and over 500 was killed. The Swedish government acted slowly in helping its citizens, which created a political crisis in Sweden when the support for the government declined. After the crisis management of the tsunami was over, the government started to reform Sweden’s national security. The mai

Bringing cities in - the urbanization of critical peacebuilding

As major flashpoints of contemporary conflict, contested cities are intensely resistant towards efforts aimed at reconstruction, reintegration and reconciliation. Peacebuilding undertaken in these cities often fails, leaving them on a continuum between war and peace where their frozen internal conflicts become stumbling blocks of statewide peacebuilding. Interestingly enough, limited attention has

Enhancing Democracy in the European Union: The European Citizens’ Initiative as an Instrument for Increasing Citizen Involvement

A recurring theme in debates on European Union politics is the lack of enthusiasm and involvement of European citizens in the decision-making and legislative procedures, which may appear complex and impermeable. While some scholars deny the existence of a democratic deficit, others fear that continued failure to bridge the gap between the political elite and the constituents will lead to an ever-d

Kvinnor i en patriarkal stat- En uppsats om kvinnors politiska representation i Turkiet

Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att förklara den kvinnliga underrepresentationen i det turkiska parlamentet från det tidiga rösträtts- och valbarhetsinförandet 1935 fram till 2011-års parlamentsval. Som teoretiskt ramverk och utgångspunkt används det statsvetenskapliga aktörs- och strukturperspektivet. Efter en teorigenomgång presenteras internationell forskning som tidigare har använts för att f

Möss, män och mikrodatorer: Manligt och kvinnligt i tidningen Mikrodatorn 1978–1985

Många datorintresserade är män, men könsfördelningen varierar inte bara kraftigt mellan olika kulturer, utan också över tid: även i vår del av världen var programmering länge en utpräglat kvinnlig uppgift. Till skillnad från den feminisering som observerats i många yrken har alltså här istället skett en maskulinisering. Undersökningen syftar till att förstå denna maskulinisering i ett historiskt p

Growth and structural characterization of GaP-GaPSb nanowires

In this thesis epitaxial growth of Ga(P1-xSbx) and analysis by electron microscopy are presented. To the authors knowledge Ga(P1-xSbx)has not been grown in the form of nanowires before and the main motivation of this work is to investigate the possibility of overcoming the miscibility gap (1-99%) in nanostructures. The goal of this project is to gain a better understanding of the general behavior

Classes of biharmonic polynomials and annihilating differential operators

It is well-known that the classical Poisson kernel for the unit disc $\D$ in the complex plane is naturally associated to the Laplacian. In this paper we establish a similar relationship between the kernel $$ P_2(z)=\frac{1}{2}\frac{(1-\lvert z\rvert^2)^3}{\lvert 1-z\rvert^4}, \quad z\in\D,$$ and a certain second order differential operator $D_2(z,\partial)$. The analysis of this relationship depe

Sanctions against Iran and their effects on the global shipping industry

Economic sanctions are defined as the exercise of pressure by one state to bring about a change in political behaviour of another state. Traditional economic sanctions are directed at the entire population of the sanctioned country while targeted sanctions are directed at the State’s government and/or individuals. Iran has become a sanction target first in 1979, which was imposed by United States