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DFA as a window into postural dynamics supporting task performance : Does choice of step size matter?
Introduction: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) has been used to investigate self-similarity in center of pressure (CoP) time series. For fractional gaussian noise (fGn) signals, the analysis returns a scaling exponent, DFA-α, whose value characterizes the temporal correlations as persistent, random, or anti- persistent. In the study of postural control, DFA has revealed two time scaling region
Radio Frequency InGaAs MOSFETs
III-V-based Indium gallium arsenide is a promising channel material for high-frequency applications due to its superior electron mobility property. In this thesis, InGaAs/InP heterostructure radio frequency MOSFETs are designed, fabricated, and characterized. Various spacer technologies, from high dielectric spacers to air spacers, are implemented to reduce parasitic capacitances, and fT/fmax are
Detection of Inflammasome Activation in Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Infected with Group A Streptococcus
Inflammasomes are large multiprotein complexes that assemble mainly in innate immune cells after detection of microbial or sterile insults. Activation of inflammasomes is a key proinflammatory event during infection, and many pathogens have evolved specific evasion mechanisms to evade or inhibit inflammasome activation. One such pathogen is the common bacterium group A Streptococcus (GAS), which c
Large-scale assessment of polyglutamine repeat expansions in Parkinson disease
OBJECTIVES: We aim to clarify the pathogenic role of intermediate size repeat expansions of SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, and SCA17 as risk factors for idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD).METHODS: We invited researchers from the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease Consortium to participate in the study. There were 12,346 cases and 8,164 controls genotyped, for a total of 4 repeats within the SCA2, SCA3,
Genomförandet av mänskliga rättigheter; ansvar och möjligheter för kommuner, landsting och regioner
Unga universitetsstudenters kunskaper om sex, attityder till sex och cybersexualitet
The primary objective of this investigation entailed examining the sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of young adults aged 18-29 who were enrolled at Lund University. Additionally, the study sought to determine whether a statistical relationship exists between knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Data collection employed a web-based survey method, sent out to a randomized sample of 1,000 s
Är kundvalssystem med auktorisation inom vård- och omsorgssektorn förenliga med upphandlingsreglerna?
Varför är den svenska kronan så svag mot euron?
Kronan har försvagats mot euron under tio års tid. Detta har på sistone utlöst enintensiv debatt. Deprecieringen har tagits som intäkt för att Sverige bör ersättakronan med euron. Vi studerar här faktorerna bakom kronförsvagningen. Vårslutsats är att den i huvudsak beror på att inflationen i Sverige varit högre äni euroområdet. Denna process är kopplad till en mer expansiv penningpolitik iSverige.
Beräkningar av energi och klimatpåverkan kopplat till stomval och köldbryggor vid anslutningar.
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Energi- och klimatberäkningar kopplat till olika byggmaterial och värmeförluster som uppkommer i anslutningar där byggdelar möts. Klimat och miljö har under de senaste åren blivit alltmer uppmärksammat och äntligen följer Boverket med! Med den nya lagen som trädde i kraft under 2021, om att undersöka klimatpåverkan hos nybyggda hus har man satt byggbranschens mConsidering the current energy and climate crisis, it is important to examine how the impact on these can be managed and reduced within the building sector. One of the objectives of this study is to analyze the impact of several typical thermal bridges for a single-family house on the energy use and show how these vary depending on the choice of framing system. The framing systems studied are CLT,
Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Geospatial Technologies
Remissyttrande: En telesamverkansgrupp för fredstida kriser och höjd beredskap
Nanofluidic gas/liquid switching utilizing a nanochannel open/close valve based on glass deformation
There has been much progress in the field of nanofluidics, and novel applications, such as single-cell analysis, have been achieved. In such cases, controlling the location of the gas/liquid interface is vital and partial hydrophobic modification is frequently used to pin the position of this interface. However, because the fluid manipulating pressure in such devices is comparable to the Laplace p
Mission-Oriented Innovation Districts : Towards challenge-led, place-based urban innovation
In recent years, there has been rapidly growing interest in Innovation Districts (ID) in urban policy and practice. IDs are touted as catalysts for innovation and economic development involving a wide range of stakeholders often in under-performing neighbourhoods or precincts. Despite the appeal, critique is forming around their linear understanding of innovation, the narrow focus of economic goal
Spatial data for design
The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the Field of Cross-Border Surrogacy: In the Best Interests of the Child?
Surrogacy is prohibited in many European states. However, such a ban is not global. This can create problems when individuals from states where surrogacy is prohibited travel to other states where it is allowed and become legally recognised parents of children born through surrogacy in the latter states. The implications of cross-border surrogacy come into reality when the intended parents return
From Hatchling to Adulthood: Exploring the Effects of Developmental Temperature on Mitochondrial Function in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and cold spells, are predicted to increase under climate change, which can have significant negative effects on fitness and survival of wildlife. If such variations are timed during development, they can affect growth and subsequent performance in birds, with influence over long-term temperature tolerance. Developmental temperature can also have direct eff
Meteorological Data Policies Needed to Support Biodiversity Monitoring with Weather Radar
Weather radar networks have great potential for continuous and long-term monitoring of aerial biodiversity of birds, bats, and insects. Biological data from weather radars can support ecological research, inform conservation policy development and implementation, and increase the public’s interest in natural phenomena such as migration. Weather radars are already used to study animal migration, qu