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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

Quantification of proteomic profile changes in the hemolymph of crayfish during in vitro coagulation

Hemolymph is the circulatory fluid that fills the body cavity of crustaceans, analogous to blood in vertebrates. Hemolymph coagulation, similar to blood clotting in vertebrates, plays a crucial role in wound healing and innate immune responses. Despite extensive studies on the clotting process in crustaceans, no comparative quantitative analysis of the protein composition of non-clotted and clotte

Innovation and inter-city knowledge spillovers : Social, geographical, and technological connectedness and psychological openness

Knowledge spillovers across economic agents are central to the process of technological innovation. Yet, the mechanisms by which spillovers travel and manifest as innovation are poorly understood. To fill that gap, we study how knowledge spillovers emanating from other cities (knowledge pools) diffuse and get absorbed. We refine the notion of connectedness by comparing three mechanisms through whi

Utveckling av spårvägsnätet i Norrköping

Tramways are a sustainable and accessible mode for public transport. They promote urban development and contribute to a more attractive city. Light rail, but also public transport as a whole, is an important part of society as it is accessible to everyone and reduces the amount of cars needed. The two tramlines in Norrköping account for two thirds of public transport travel in the city. The purpos

The potential of salinity gradient energy based on natural and anthropogenic resources in Sweden

This paper presents assessment of natural and anthropogenic sources of blue energy within Swedish territory to identify suitable spots for implementing new projects. The natural energy potential of salinity gradients was found to be higher in southwest Sweden, and a national energy resource potential of 2610.6 MW from seawater/river water mixing will be reduced to a technical potential ranging fro

A data-driven approach for plasticity using history surrogates : Theory and application in the context of truss structures

Data-driven methods and algorithms show immense potential for future advancements in the modeling and simulation of complex mechanical systems. However, in order to actually exploit this potential, the methods must be extended to consider inelastic and path-dependent material behavior—a step that appears more complex than in conventional material modeling, where this can be achieved with the help

Russia's Policy towards Donbas Since 2014 : The Nation-Building Process and Its Ideology

This study examines the ideology of the nation-building process in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. The key features of this process are uncovered through a discourse analysis of school textbooks published in the People's Republics and in Transnistria, and of the 'Russian Donbas' ideology. This is compared to the history and interpretations of the concept of 'Novorossiya'. Thi

”Den svenska skogen är underutnyttjad”

Forskning och nya metoder för skogsbruk visar att svensk skog kan binda mycket mer koldioxid än i dag och samtidigt ge virke med högre värden. Vi menar att svensk skog är under­utnyttjad, skriver flera debattörer.

A business model canvas framework for sustainable one-stop-shops

The Sustainable Business Model Canvas (SBMC) offers a useful tool for business model design, as it manages to integrate all three dimensions of sustainability without distinguishing between three different layers (economic, environmental, and social). This paper presents the application of SBMC in a real study case of a one-stop-shop (OSS) for the renovation of single-family houses operating inKro

Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancer : A pooled study of eight Nordic cohorts

Background: Environmental noise is an important environmental exposure that can affect health. An association between transportation noise and breast cancer incidence has been suggested, although current evidence is limited. We investigated the pooled association between long-term exposure to transportation noise and breast cancer incidence. Methods: Pooled data from eight Nordic cohorts provided

Offentliga avgifter och ömsesidigt förpliktande avtal

När en kommun tillhandahåller en tjänst utgår vanligen en avgift som baserar sig på den kommunala självkostnadsprincipen. Frågan om vad som egentligen gäller om en brukare av tjänsten – t.ex. till följd av någon form av bristande (mot)prestation från kommunens sida – inte vill erlägga avgiften är dock inte självklar. Av NJA 1998 s. 656 (I) följer förvisso att tvister rörande barnomsorgsavgifter sk

The politics of profits: Profit squeeze and political-economic change in Sweden, 1975–1985

In the late 1970s, the Swedish economy faced a profit squeeze which threatened to hamper investments and hence the creation of jobs. This engendered a massive debate in the media and among economists and policymakers. This paper investigates the discussion of “the politics of profits”, the policy measures directed towards manipulating the distribution between capital income and labour income in th

The robustness of the Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic systems during metamorphism – And case study of the Åker metabasite in southern Sweden

While whole-rock Lu-Hf isotope analysis remains one of the only ways to obtain initial Hf isotope signatures of old mafic rocks, Hf isotope analyses of more robust accessory zircon in intermediate to silicic rocks have largely replaced whole-rock analyses during the last decade. This has led to a discrepancy in the amount of existing data from mafic and felsic lithologies. However, especially in m

Care and the Potential of Genetic Counseling: A Clinical Fieldwork

Recent decades have witnessed an innovation in genetics and biomedical practices, shifting the practice from treatment to prevention. Testing healthy individuals for genetic inherited diseases has now become increasingly common, preventing potential disease by offering early screenings, medication, or potentially surgery, reducing the genetic risk from developing into disease. Though, social scien

Modeling the choice of shared micro-mobility services using XGBoost machine learning

In recent years, shared micro-mobility services (e.g., bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters) have been popularized at a rapid pace worldwide, which provide more choices for people’s short and medium-distance travel. Accurately modeling the choice of these shared micro-mobility services is important for their regulation and management. However, little attention has been paid to modeling their choice, esp