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Your search for "*" yielded 537901 hits

The Provision of Conflicting Public Goods. Incompatibilities among Trade Regimes and Environmental Regimes

From its early days, the academic debate on public goods has focused on discrepancies or trade-offs regarding the provision of public goods on the one hand and private goods on the other. However, both the extension of the public domain and an increasing interdependence in international relations clearly drive the expansion of an agenda in which there are a growing number of cases where public goo

Microscale Acoustofluidics

The manipulation of cells and microparticles within microfluidic systems using external forces is valuable for many microscale analytical and bioanalytical applications. Acoustofluidics is the ultrasound-based external forcing of microparticles with microfluidic systems. It has gained much interest because it allows for the simple label-free separation of microparticles based on their mechanical p

The Concept of Packaging Logistics

Packaging has a significant impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of retail supply chains, where improvements can be achieved through the adaptation and development of the concept of packaging logistics. In order to enable these improvements, models are needed that facilitate evaluations along the supply chain and show the activities involved in the packaging logistics process. The knowledge

Applied participation and empowerment at work: Methods, tools and case studies

As globalisation of economy is developing, the value of “human capital” was discovered as one of the solid basics for sustainable entrepreneurship in a knowledge-based society. Accordingly, the relevance of Participation and Empowerment (P&E) among management approaches has increased significantly. In this anthology, 26 authors from six European countries, networking in the “International Soci

Fuktpåverkan på material - kritiska nivåer (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader)

"Fukt och vattenskador kostar årligen miljardbelopp att åtgärda. Mer än 80 procent av alla byggskador anses bero på fukt - direkt eller indirekt. I denna skrift visas att fukt påverkar många materials egenskaper och ofta medverkar till att bryta ned materialet. Dessutom beskrivs var de kritiska fuktnivåerna ligger genom att försöka kvantifiera påverkan på rena materialegenskaper och olika typer av

Ensembleledning : ledarskap i mindre musikgrupper

Ensemblemetodikens utveckling mot ett område som skulle kunna kallas allmän gruppledarmetodik. Syftet var att fördjupa förståelsen och kunnandet om gruppens generella processer och utvecklingsfaser, inte de musikaliska.