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Nitrocellulosa, lagerhållning och hantering inom tryckfärgsindustrin

The purpose of this report is to provide a basis for routines pertaining to the storage and handling of nitrocellulose at Torda Ink AB. Experiments on flashpoints, auto ignition and extinguishing were performed. Current routines and the way nitrocellulose is actually handled has been observed and checked against regulations. Recommendations for new routines has been given based on the findings in

Branden på Potatisåkern 2007 - En nätverksanalys av insatt ledningspersonal

On the night between October 26 and 27 in 2007, a five storey building at Potatisåkern in Malmö, Sweden caught fire, probably due to an incorrectly installed stove near the buildings attic. The scope of the ensuing fire is rare in Sweden, and 122 tennants in 80 apartments lost their homes that night. To handle this fire 26 units from local fire departments were involved. In this report a networkan

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering av Motala Folkets Hus

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Motala Folkets Hus. This report has been carried out as a part of the students´ education and does not concern protection of property or environment, but focuses on the safety of people during egress. Motala Folkets Hus is a commercial five-storey building, which consists of a library, theatre, cafeteria, restaurant, school and a variety

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Landskrona Teater

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Landskrona Theatre, a 100-year old theatre in Sweden. Times to critical conditions have been calculated with ARGOS in three cases and with FDS4 in one case. Evacuation time has been calculated with Simulex. The fire safety for people in the building has been evaluated based upon the results of the calculations and suggestions to improve the fire safety of

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av varuhuser Oden, Trollhättan

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oden 8, a shopping mall located in Trollhättan, Sweden. The evaluation is based on Swedish laws and regulations, manual calculations, fire modelling using CFAST 3.1.7 and egress simulations using Simulex 2.0. The results have been evaluated with a sensitivity analysis. Conclusions drawn using these results has been used to present suggestions to imp

Att vara mamma med en nuvarande eller tidigare ätstörning

Being a mother with a history of Eating Disorders Eating disorders are a growing concern among women. This paper examines the possible effect this can have on mothers using three different concepts taken from the same perspective, the symbolic interactionalism. It gives a view of both some of the current research available, a few interviews with women and some women that have been writhing in dif

Ethos och civil olydnad: En retorikanalys av uttalanden gjorda av Greenpeace i TV-nyheter i samband med Forsmarkaktionen

Vid civil olydnad finns en problematik gällande utövarnas trovärdighet eftersom man hävdar en syn på rätt och fel som kan ses som moraliskt försvarbar men juridiskt oriktig. Uttalanden av Greenpeace i TV-nyheter analyseras för att finna svar på frågan hur civil olydnad kan göras trovärdig. Ethos undersöks på mikronivå och i relation till kontext med hjälp av kvalitativ retorik- och argumentationsa

Effects on proprietary trading after the announcement of the Volcker Rule

There has been significant growth in proprietary trading in recent years and it constitutes a major part of the traded volume in the financial markets. I have analyzed differences in the volume and volatility of Standard & Poor’s 500 index, before and after the announcement of the Volcker Rule. I have also looked into how the biggest investment banks have been affected according to their marke

Lakvattendetektion med hjälp av katjonsutbyte – fallstudie av Flishults avfallsanläggning i Vetlanda kommun

Water that flows through a landfill brings pollution to the groundwater and the polluted water is called leachate. This polluted water has to be treated due to environmental law to prevent damage in nature and to human health. In this thesis, a new approach to detect the streaks of leachate has been developed. This new method looks at the composition of the dominating cations (positive ions) adsor

Product Strategies for Emerging Economy:How Nordic outdoor firms can penetrate China

China would become one of the major economies in the world which has great market potential. The Chinese outdoor industry is on its rapid pace of blooming since Chinese people start to care about health and get to know more about various kinds of outdoor activities. Chinese outdoor market becomes a very attractive place for local and foreign outdoor firms to explore. However, China’s situation is

Experter i morgon- och kvällspress

The thesis examines how Swedish newspapers use experts to legitimize their news reports. The method used is a textual analysis, focusing on the form of the articles and their content. This is done with a media theory and different theoretical perspectives on expert function, and their way of operating with an agenda. The thesis analysis 60 randomly selected news articles. The articles are publishe

Studies of Au Clusters on a Graphene Covered Ir(111) substrate: Cluster Growth and CO Adsorption

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Guldklustrar- storleken har betydelse Utveckling och framsteg inom material- och ytfysik har blivit allt viktigare för det moderna samhället. Snabbare och mindre datorer, bättre och effektivare ljuskällor, renare men effektivare energiprodktion. Listan på applikationer är lång och kraven många och hårda. Således har det blivit allt viktigare att förstå materialThe chemical properties of 0.2-1 ML Au clusters have been studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). By exposing the clusters to CO, at 10^-7 mbar, in periods of two minutes, while systematically increasing the cluster size, a correlation between cluster size and CO adsorption was found. Furthermore, the most probable adsorption sites on the Au cluster were identified. The clusters were

State failure in a time of terror - An analytical survey on the state failure of Somalia and the implications of terrorism

The paper examines the state failure of Somalia, seeking to enhance the understanding of the situation and how history, as well as colonial heritage, has affected the country. By embracing the theory of state building the concept of state failure will be analysed in a quest to understand what brought Somalia to fail so miserably. It also considers the controversial link made between terrorism and

Salus Per Aqua - What Is Health To You? A study investigating how to connect the dots between health care, health maintenance, rehabilitation and spa

In this study the relationship between spa visiting and health aspects was investigated. An Internet survey was developed and out of 152 participants a group of 54 non-spa visitors who had never been to a spa before were compared to a group of 38 spa visitors who frequently had attended a spa. The results showed that spa visitors had significantly higher levels of well-being and nature connectedne