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Concurrent Development of Product and Packaging - Towards an Integrated Development Procedure

The global company operates from a number of locations worldwide, which entails geographical distances and logistical implications for product and parts transported, as well as the choice of product variety because of numerable worldwide consumer preferences. In these companies, packaging becomes a frequently used object to complement product features and achieve an effective and efficient means o

Environmental Barriers and Housing Accessibility Problems Over a One-Year Period in Later Life in Three European Countries

The objective of this study was to describe environmental barriers and investigate the nature of accessibility problems in housing among single-living, very old people (N = 1,150) in urban regions in three European countries (Sweden, Germany, Latvia), in a one-year perspective. A specific feature of this study is the explicit conceptual differentiation between environmental barriers and accessibil

Linear programming relaxations and a heuristic for the buffer sharing model - Discounted case

We investigate a model for buffer management of multi-class traffic into a finite shared buffer. A hierarchy of increasingly stronger linear programming relaxations for this model is proposed. The number of hierarchies equals the number of job classes. Each relaxation in the hierarchy is constructed by projecting the original achievable performance region into a polytope with fewer variables and f

Streptomyces sporulation - Genes and regulators involved in bacterial cell differentiation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns många skäl till varför streptomyceter är en intressant grupp av bakterier att undersöka. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på celldifferentieringen hos dessa organismer och deras förmåga att bilda en specialiserad typ av tåliga celler som kallas sporer. Genom att studera sporuleringsprocessen hos dessa bakterier kan man lära sig mycket om fundamentala livsprocessStreptomycetes are Gram-positive bacteria with a complex developmental life cycle. They form spores on specialized cells called aerial hyphae, and this sporulation involves alterations in growth, morphogenesis and cell cycle processes like cell division and chromosome segregation. Understanding the developmental mechanisms that streptomycetes have evolved for regulating for example cell division i

Immunological and Inflammtory Responses against Intrastriatal Neural Grafts in the Rat

Intracerebral neural transplantation offers a new strategy to combat Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. However, a host immune response against a histoincompatible neural graft in the brain may jeopardize transplant survival. We transplanted dissociated mesencephalic tissue prepared from Sprague-Dawley (SD) (syngeneic), Lewis (allogeneic) rats or mice (xenogeneic), into 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OH

Directional effects due to quantum statistics in dissociation of elongated molecular condensates

Ultracold clouds of dimeric molecules can dissociate into quantum mechanically correlated constituent atoms that are either both bosons or both fermions. We theoretically model the dissociation of two-dimensional anisotropic molecular condensates for which this difference manifests as complementary geometric structures of the dissociated atoms. Atomic bosons are preferentially emitted along the lo

A New Method of Determining Moisture Flow Coefficients for both Isothermal and Non-isothermal Conditions

The calculation of isothermal moisture transport requires a moisture flow coefficient, Dφ(φ,T), for isothermal flow with φ as the moisture state variable. In the non-isothermal case, a second flow coefficient, DTφ(φ,T), is required to account for the temperature gradient. This means that a number of isothermal measurements are required for a few different temperature levels. It also means that a c