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Collaboratively Learning Marketing: How Organizations Jointly Develop and Appropriate Marketing Knowledge

Popular Abstract in Swedish Företagen har mer och mer problem att generera och utveckla kunskaper i samarbete med andra, enskilda företag. Forskare inom det teoretiska område kooperativ inlärning har börjat att undersöka hur partnerorganisationer lär sig att samarbeta med varandra. Men det specifika inlärningsinnehållet av denna kollektivt inlärda kunskap är generellt inte något de fokuserar på. DBusiness organizations increasingly face the problem of how to generate and share knowledge in collaboration with other, separate, business organizations. Researchers in the field of inter-organizational learning have started to study the partner-characteristic, partner-dynamic, and partner-situational factors that influence the process and outcome of such strategic learning collaboration. However

Skin fibrosis, internal organ involvement and auto antibodies in systemic sclerosis: longitudinal development and impact on survival

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudfibros, inre organengagemang och autoantikroppar vid systemisk skleros: longitudinell utveckling och effekt på överlevnad. Systemisk skleros kallas ofta för sklerodermi. Sjukdomen tillhör de systemiska bindvävssjukdomarna och handläggs i Sverige oftast av reumatologer. Kardinalsymtomet vid sklerodermi är förhårdnad hud vilket gett sjukdomen den dess namn. Sklero betySystemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease with a highly variable prognosis. Since new treatment strategies are emerging, there is a need for prognostic markers in order to help allocate patients to the optimal treatment. When comparison is made to the general population, there is an increased mortality rate in this study, both in the series as a whole and in the subgroups of men and

Bose-Einstein correlations in the lund model for multijet systems

The interference based analysis of Bose Einstein Correlations in the Lund Model has hitherto been limited to simple strings without gluonic excitations. A new fragmentation method based on the Area Law in the Lund Model allows such an analysis to be extended to multigluon strings.

Analysis and design of modern stream ciphers (invited paper)

Summary form only given. When designing symmetric ciphers, security and performance are of utmost importance. When selecting a symmetric encryption algorithm, the first choice is whether to choose a block cipher or a stream cipher. Most modern block ciphers offer a sufficient security and a reasonably good performance. But a block cipher must usually be used in a "stream cipher" mode of operation,

New improved method for 2D arterial wall movement measurements

We have recently reported that the inner layers of the arteries, the intima-media complex, of common carotid artery, move as much in the longitudinal direction as in the radial direction, during the cardiac cycle. In order to study this phenomenon we have developed a high-resolution ultrasonic method that can simultaneously record both the longitudinal and the radial movements of the arterial wall

Operational Improvements for Start-Up Time Reduction in Solar Steam Turbines

Solar steam turbines are subject to high thermal stresses as a result of temperature gradients during transient operation, which occurs more frequently due to the variability of the solar resource. In order to increase the flexibility of the turbines while preserving lifing requirements, several operational modifications for maintaining turbine temperatures during offline periods are proposed and

Reality TV

Reality TV is popular entertainment. And yet a common way to start a conversation about it is ‘I wouldn’t want anyone to know this but…’ Why do people love and love to hate reality TV? This book explores reality TV in all its forms - from competitive talent shows to reality soaps - examining a range of programmes from the mundane to those that revel in a spectacle of excess. Annette Hill’s resear