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Your search for "*" yielded 531886 hits

Flight of the dragonflies and damselflies

This work is a synthesis of our current understanding of the mechanics, aerodynamics and visuallymediated control of dragonfly and damselfly flight, with the addition of new experimental and computational data in several key areas. These are: the diversity of dragonfly wing morphologies, the aerodynamics of gliding flight, force generation in flapping flight, aerodynamic efficiency, comparative fl

Structural topology optimization of multibody systems

Flexible multibody dynamics (FMD) has found many applications in control, analysis and design of mechanical systems. FMD together with the theory of structural optimization can be used for designing multibody systems with bodies which are lighter, but stronger. Topology optimization of static structures is an active research topic in structural mechanics. However, the extension to the dynamic case

How prepared is prepared enough?

Decisions about disaster preparedness are rarely informed by cost-benefit analyses. This paper presents an economic model to address the thorny question, 'how prepared is prepared enough?' Difficulties related to the use of cost-benefit analysis in the field of disaster management concern the tension between the large number of high-probability events that can be handled by a single emergency resp

Anatomical basis for interactions of enkephalins with other transmitters in the CNS of a snail.

Immunocytochemical techniques for double staining were employed to investigate the morphological basis for interactions between enkephalins and other neuroactive compounds in the behavior of the gastropod mollusc Cepaea nemoralis. Coexistence of each of the two enkephalins with FMRFamide, serotonin or GABA-like immunoreactivity was found in certain neurons in cerebral, parietal, and pedal ganglia.

Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes

Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems that deliver both economic and ecological goods in tropical agricultural landscapes, but trade-offs underlying current land-use dynamics are poorly known. Here, using the most comprehensive quantification of land-use change and associated bundles of ecosystem functions, services and economic benefits t

Mögelpåväxt på mineraliska fasader

Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader har alltid förekommit. På senare tid har dock problemet ökat kraftigt. Flera fall med krafigt påväxt på putsade fasader inom några år efter putsningen har rapporterats. Vid ett seminarium i Göteborg 2001, arrangerat av Mur och Puts Information (MPI), framkom starka önskemål att problemet skulle analyseras i detalj. Innan något större projekt påbörjades beslöts att geno

Några fakta om vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering

Sedan 1990 har forskningsprojekt rörande vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering ingått i forskningsprogrammet för Fuktgruppen vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Projekten har finansierats av Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond, SBUF.

The Co-Structure Directing Agent (CSDA) Approach to Mesoporous Silica Formation – Exploring the Assembly Characteristics

This thesis is focused on the detail process of formation of mesoporous silica materials.Mesoporous silica materials are one type of porous materials with a pore size between 2 and 5 nm (1 nm=0.000 000 001 m). The pore walls consist of silicon dioxide – silica (sand also consists of silica). The mesoporous silica materials are formed by amphiphilic molecules, a kind of molecule with one part that We investigate the formation mechanism responsible for two specific systems of mesoporous silicas formed with the so-called co-structure directing agent (CSDA) route. The synthesis relies on the interactions between silica source (tetraethylorthosilicate, TEOS), surfactants and CSDA. The structures of the mesoporous silica materials were investigated mainly by small angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD),

Swedish regional GDP 1855-2000 Estimations and general trends in the Swedish regional system

This paper uses a method devised by Geary and Stark to estimate regional GDPs for 24 Swedish provinces 1855-2007. In empirical tests, we find that the Swedish estimations yield results of good precision, comparable to those reported in the international literature. From the literature, we generate six expectations concerning the development of regional GDPs in Sweden. Using the GDP estimations, we

Maximise your returns in crisis management preparedness : A cyclic approach to training and exercises

Training and exercises programmes are not independent activities, forming part of a larger, risk-based, process of disaster management preparedness. In order to have an impact on an individual's skills knowledge or behaviours, or to influence organizational learning or procedures, the programmes needs a cyclic and holistic approach. It should focus on clearly identified outcomes that are designed

Effects of naloxone on c-jun/AP-1 in MET-enkephalin- and FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons of a gastropod snail

1. Opioid- and FMRFamide (FMRFa)-ergic systems are believed to play antagonistic behavioral roles in both higher and lower animals. In our previous experiments on a snail, behavioral choice has been demonstrated to be dependent on a balance between FMRFa and enkephalins [7]. Here, we examined if the disturbance of the balance causes changes in the activity of both systems. Opiate receptor blocker