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Tågerup - fifteen hundred years of Mesolithic occupation in Western Scania, Sweden: a preliminary view.

The slopes of the Tågerup promontory in western Scania contain one of the largest known Mesolithic settlements that has ever been excavated in Scandinavia. The Tågerup site displays a unique combination of huts and houses, graves and wooden implements, flints and bones which constitute a 1500-year-long Mesolithic occupation sequence, dated 6500–5000 cal BC. During that time, there were gradual but

Density fluctuations of hard-sphere fluids in narrow confinement

Spatial confinement induces microscopic ordering of fluids, which in turn alters many of their dynamic and thermodynamic properties. However, the isothermal compressibility has hitherto been largely overlooked in the literature, despite its obvious connection to the underlying microscopic structure and density fluctuations in confined geometries. Here, we address this issue by probing density prof

Smart polymers as surface modifiers for bioanalytical devices and biomaterials : Theory and practice

Smart, or responsive polymers can reversibly change their state of aggregation, thus switching from water-soluble to insoluble state, in response to minor changes in temperature, pH or solvent composition. Grafting of these polymers to solid surfaces imparts the surfaces with controllable wettability and adsorption behaviour. The review summarizes the theoretical models and the results of physical

Digital konsumentprofilering – stora data, prediktiv analys och policyutmaningar

Den här kunskapsöversikten fokuserar en viktig del av vad jag i en tidigare rapport (Larsson, 2016) kallar en tilltagande informationsasymmetri, nämligen profilering av konsumenter för kommersiella syften. I kunskapsöversikten tecknas kunskapsläget kring digital konsumentprofilering, framförallt utifrån en problematisering av detta rörliga och snabbt framväxande fält i relation till konsumentens i

Whose Memory? Which Future? : Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe

The book takes a new approach to the subject of ethnic cleansing. It is not about its history and not about the memories of the victims. It focuses instead on the present and investigates how the present-day population in a number of Eastern European cities (Wroclaw in Poland, Lviv and Chernivtsi in Ukraine, Pohořelice, Teplice nad Metují, Ústí nad Labem and Postoloprty in the Czech Republic, Zada

The 2-10 keV unabsorbed luminosity function of AGN from the LSS, CDFS, and COSMOS surveys

The XMM-Large scale structure (XMM-LSS), XMM-Cosmological evolution survey (XMM-COSMOS), and XMM-Chandra deep field south (XMM-CDFS) surveys are complementary in terms of sky coverage and depth. Together, they form a clean sample with the least possible variance in instrument effective areas and point spread function. Therefore this is one of the best samples available to determine the 2-10 keV lu

Program for the Promotion of Researchers (PPI) in Venezuela: acknowledgment or stimulus?

In 1990 Venezuela started its Program for the Promotion of Researchers (PPI), in order to foster research in science and technology A partial evaluation of the effects of the program on scientific and technological activities can be carried out using data from the System for :the Promotion of Researchers Foundation Fund (SPI). A complete and definitive evaluation is not possible, due to the fact t

Water related health problems in central Asia-A review

The present paper provides an extensive literature review on water related health issues in Central Asia. Even though the per capita amount of available freshwater is substantial in all Central Asian states the uneven distribution in time and space creates problems for water availability. Due to this, the Central Asian economies are developing under increasing water deficiency. The degradation of