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De gentilium fonte : Hieronymus, origenism och icke-kristen litteratur

This article examines the heresiological mechanisms involved in constructing Origenism as a heresy in Late Antiquity. Attention is especially paid to the rhetorical role that “paganism” played in this construction. Focusing on the polemics of Jerome of Stridon, I argue that Jerome created a dichotomy of pagan learning and Christian confession, and described the Origenists as relying excessively on

Test of CP Invariance in Higgs Boson Vector-Boson-Fusion Production Using the H→γγ Channel with the ATLAS Detector

A test of CP invariance in Higgs boson production via vector-boson fusion has been performed in the H→γγ channel using 139 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The optimal observable method is used to probe the CP structure of interactions between the Higgs boson and electroweak gauge bosons, as described by an effective field theory

Trafiksäkerhetsgranskning - Riktlinjer

Baserat på genomgång av internationellt etablerade bästa praktik riktlinjer och fyra länders (Australien England, Danmark och Norge) manualer/riktlinjer har riktlinjer för trafiksäkerhetsgranskning i Sverige utarbetats.

Acting Together in Asymmetrical Ways - Towards a New Sociological Understanding of Asymmetrical Coaction

Asymmetry. What is in the word? One kind of asymmetry is asymmetrical coaction, that is, when actors relate in different ways to one another and/or partake differently in an action done together. Coaction requires that the actors acting together, during the process, reach an enlarged mentality (Arendt, Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy), either through putting themselves in the position of o

Photon emission statistics of a driven microwave cavity

Recent experimental advances have made it possible to detect individual quantum jumps in open quantum systems, such as the tunneling of single electrons in nanoscale conductors or the emission of photons from nonclassical light sources. Here, we investigate theoretically the statistics of photons emitted from a microwave cavity that is driven resonantly by an external field. We focus on the differ

Force induced DNA melting in the presence of an attractive surface

The self avoiding walk (SAW) model of the polymer has been extended to study the equilibrium properties of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) where two strands of the dsDNA are modeled by two mutually attracting self-avoiding walks (MASAWs) in the presence of an attractive surface. We study simultaneous adsorption and force induced melting transitions and explore different phases of DNA. It is observed t

Comparison of absorbed doses and organ doses measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters and Gafchromic film for cone beam computed tomography examination of the posterior mandibular region in a head phantom

Objectives: We aimed to map the correlation between thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and Gafchromic film for measuring absorbed doses and to compare minimum, maximum, and mean absorbed doses over larger regions of interest and at various craniofacial organs and tissues during cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) exposure of the mandibular third molar region. Study Design: We positioned TLDs at

Sorting of Breast Cancer Cell into Different Subpopulations towards Long-Term Observation

To study how mechanical factors influence the spread of cancer and the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), it is crucial that cancer cell populations be sorted without labels in relevant subpopulations with respect to mechanical properties. It is also important to confine subpopulations for long-term observation to track changes, in inherent properties of the subpopulations, and on the influen

Beyond ray optics absorption of light in CsPbBr3perovskite nanowire arrays studied experimentally and with wave optics modelling

We study experimentally and with wave optics modelling the absorption of light in CsPbBr3perovskite nanowire arrays fabricated into periodic pores of an anodized aluminum oxide matrix, for nanowire diameters from 30 to 360 nm. First, we find that all the light that couples into the array can be absorbed by the nanowires at sufficient nanowire length. This behavior is in strong contrast to the expe

Prolonged Sick Leave Before and After Diagnosis of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis : A Swedish Population-based Register Study

The aim of this study was to analyse sick leave in generalized pustular psoriasis, the most severe form of pustular psoriasis. Prolonged sick leave of >14 days was analysed for 502 patients with generalized pustular psoriasis compared with controls with psoriasis vulgaris and matched controls from the general population. Using data from the Swedish National Patient Register, and the Longitudinal i

The C-reactive protein Albumin ratio was not consistently associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in two community-based cohorts of 70-year-olds

C-reactive protein (CRP)/Albumin ratio (CAR) seems to mirror disease severity and prognosis in several acute disorders particularly in elderly patients, which we aimed to study. As method we use a prospective study design; the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS; n = 912, women 50%; mean age 70 years, baseline 2001 and 2004, median follow-up 15.0 years, end of fo

An Egalitarian Perspective on Information Sharing: The Example of Health Care Priorities

In health care, the provision of pertinent information to patients is not just a moral imperative but also a legal obligation, often articulated through the lens of obtaining informed consent. Codes of medical ethics and many national laws mandate the disclosure of basic information about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment alternatives. However, within publicly funded health care systems, other k

Socioeconomic disparities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Sweden : An intersectional ecological niches analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (IEN-AIHDA)

We aimed (i) to gain a better understanding of the demographic and socioeconomical distribution of ADHD risk in Sweden; and (ii) to contribute to the critical discussion on medicalization, i.e., the tendency to define and treat behavioural and social problems as medical entities. For this purpose, we analysed the risk of suffering from ADHD in the whole Swedish population aged between 5 and 60 yea

Choice of Indoor Standard in Hygrothermal Simulations of External Walls – Three Swedish Case Studies

When assessing the moisture damage risks of different external wall designs using hygrothermal simulation software, the user of said software can choose between different inputs for the determination of the indoor climate. This paper aims to compare results from field measurements in three Swedish buildings using different standards available in a widely used commercial hygrothermal simulation sof

The relation between synovitis of individual finger joints and grip force over the first 5 years in early rheumatoid arthritis — a cohort study

Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the relation between swelling and tenderness of individual finger joints and grip force in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: In an inception cohort of patients with early RA (symptom duration < 12 months), all patients were examined by the same rheumatologist, and grip force was measured using the Grippit instrument at