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Prompt Thrombo-Inflammatory Response to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Kidney Transplant Outcomes

Introduction: In kidney transplantation (KT), the role of the intravascular innate immune system (IIIS) in response to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is not well-understood. Here, we studied parallel changes in the generation of key activation products of the proteolytic cascade systems of the IIIS following living donor (LD) and deceased donor (DD) transplantation and evaluated potential assoc

Degrowth beyond the metropole: theory and praxis for a revolutionary degrowth

This chapter brings the Global South to the centre stage of degrowth debates to envision what a truly global and anti-colonial movement towards degrowth could look like. To do so, we first bring the varying definitions of the term ‘Global South’ to the forefront and consider the Global South not as an undynamic and apolitical cate- gory, but as a site of resistance and independent critical thinkin

Bivalirudin Versus Heparin During PCI in NSTEMI : Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Large Randomized Trials

BACKGROUND: The benefit:risk profile of bivalirudin versus heparin anticoagulation in patients with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is uncertain. Study-level meta-analyses lack granularity to provide conclusive answers. We sought to compare the outcomes of bivalirudin and heparin in patients with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial

Extending the cystatin C based EKFC-equation to children – validation results from Europe

Background: A new cystatin C based European Kidney Function Consortium (EKFCCysC) equation was recently developed for adults, using the same mathematical form as the previously published full age spectrum creatinine based EKFC-equation (EKFCCrea). In the present study the cystatin C based EKFC-equation is extended to children, by defining the appropriate cystatin C rescaling factor QCysC. Methods:

Short, medium, and long deferral of umbilical cord clamping compared with umbilical cord milking and immediate clamping at preterm birth : a systematic review and network meta-analysis with individual participant data

Background: Deferred (also known as delayed) cord clamping can improve survival of infants born preterm (before 37 weeks of gestation), but the optimal duration of deferral remains unclear. We conducted a systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of umbilical cord clamping strategies with different timings of clamping or wit

An ecological explanation for hyperallometric scaling of reproduction

In wild populations, large individuals have disproportionately higher reproductive output than smaller individuals. Some theoretical models explain this pattern—termed reproductive hyperallometry—by individuals allocating a greater fraction of available energy towards reproductive effort as they grow. Here, we propose a simple ecological explanation for this observation: differences between indivi

Economic development during the height of colonialism, c. 1920-1960

During the colonial era, economic strategies and policies were shaped by both the colonisers and the colonized, from the imperial offices in the metropoles to the African farmers in the rural communities. Negotiations and interactions, within and between groups, impacted the outcomes at both the state and the individual levels. While we try to highlight this complexity and diversity, it is impossi

Accumulation of advanced glycation end products in skin and increased vascular ageing in the general population : The Malmö Offspring Study

OBJECTIVES: Advanced glycation end product (AGE) is an established risk marker for diabetic vascular disease, and associated with the degree of diabetes complications, renal failure, and atherosclerosis in middle-aged and older individuals. The relationship between AGEs and aortic stiffness has not been thoroughly examined in the younger general population. We aimed to evaluate the association bet

Inflammation Biomarkers in Huntington’s Disease

Neurodegenerative diseases share many features, such as inflammation. Accumulating evidence support the role of neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory markers are suggested important tools to identify disease risk, diagnose disease, monitor disease progression or treatment response, as well as predict clinical outcomes. In Huntington’s d

Safety of continuing mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist treatment in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and severe kidney disease : data from Swedish Heart Failure Registry

Aims: Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) improve outcomes in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) but remain underused and are often discontinued especially in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to concerns on renal safety. Therefore, in a real-world HFrEF population we investigated the safety of MRA use, in terms of risk of renal events, any mortality and an

Increase in multiple paternity across the reproductive lifespan in a sperm-storing, hermaphroditic freshwater snail

Polyandry is a common phenomenon and challenges the traditional view of stronger sexual selection in males than in females. In simultaneous hermaphrodites, the physical proximity of both sex functions was long thought to preclude the operation of sexual selection. Laboratory studies suggest that multiple mating and polyandry in hermaphrodites may actually be common, but data from natural populatio

Baryon correlations in Pythia

We present the results from our investigation of angular correlations between baryons pairs in the Pythia8 event generator. We show how colour reconnection models and hadronization mechanisms influence such angular correlations and in particular address the effect of gluons on the baryon production mechanism in the Lund string fragmentation model. We conclude by discussing the new theoretical idea