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The Swedish Case Study, Fire Safety Design for a Multitenant Business Occupancy

The report presents a sample design of a multi-storey building with respect to the fire safety. Three design strategies are examined, a standard solution according to the requirements, a fire safety engineering design without a sprinkler system and finally a fire safety engineering solution with a sprinkler system. Both occupant safety and structural safety have been considered in the design for t

Identification of a mitochondrial external NADPH dehydrogenase by overexpression in transgenic Nicotiana sylvestris

The plant respiratory chain contains a complex setup of non-energy conserving NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, the physiological consequences of which are highly unclear. An expression construct for the potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Desiree) ndb1 gene, a homologue of bacterial and fungal type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, was introduced into Nicotiana sylvestris. Transgenic lines with high transcript and

Mechanisms behind the faceting of catanionic vesicles by polycations: Chain crystallization and segregation

Vesicles composed of an anionic and a cationic surfactant, with a net negative charge, associate strongly with a hydrophobically modified polycation (LM200) and with an unmodified polycation with higher charge density (JR400), forming viscoelastic gel-like structures. Calorimetric results show that in these gels, LM200 induces a rise of the chain melting temperature (T-m) of the vesicles, whereas

Vertical high-mobility wrap-gated InAs nanowire transistor

In this letter, the authors demonstrate a vertical wrap-gated field-effect transistor based on InAs nanowires [Proc. DRC, 2005, p. 157]. The nanowires have a diameter of 80 nm and are grown using selective epitaxy; a matrix of typically 10 x 10 vertically standing wires is used as channel in the transistor. The authors measure current saturation at V-ds = 0.15 V (V-g = 0 V), and a high mobility, c

Metabolism of [N-15]alanine in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus

Alanine metabolism in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus was investigated using [N-15]alanine. Short-term exposure of mycelial discs to [N-15]alanine showed that the greatest flow of N-15 was to glutamate and to aspartate. Levels of enrichment were as high as 15-20% for glutamate and 13-18% for aspartate, whereas that of alanine reached 30%. Label was also detected in the amino-N of glu

Effects of contraction duration on low-frequency fatigue in voluntary and electrically induced exercise of quadriceps muscle in humans

The aims of this study were to investigate if low-frequency fatigue (LFF) dependent on the duration of repeated muscle contractions and to compare LFF in voluntary and electrically induced exercise. Male subjects performed three 9-min periods of repeated isometric knee extensions at 40% maximal voluntary contraction with contraction plus relaxation periods of 30 plus 60 s, 15 plus 30 s and 5 plus

Down-regulation of apolipoprotein M expression is mediated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in HepG2 cells.

Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a novel apolipoprotein present mostly in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in human plasma. In the present study, we demonstrate that insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), and IGF-I potential peptide (IGF-IPP) significantly inhibits apoM expression, in a dose- and a time-dependent manner, in the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2 cells. Insulin-induced down-regulation

Application of fuzzy partial least squares (FPLS) modeling nonlinear biological processes

We applied a nonlinear fuzzy partial least squares (FPLS) algorithm for modeling a biological wastewater treatment plant. FPLS embeds the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy model into the regression framework of the partial least squares (PLS) method, in which FPLS utilizes a TSK fuzzy model for nonlinear characteristics of the PLS inner regression. Using this approach, the interpretability of the TSK

LIVING WITH PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE Quality of life and the patients' view of meaning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är idag välkänt att patienter med kärlsjukdom i benen har en rad problem som kan påverka deras livskvalitet. Studier har visat att de vanligaste problemen för dessa patienter är trötthet, smärta och begränsad rörelseförmåga. Det är även välkänt att en lyckad kärlkirurgisk behandling ger en snar förbättring av livskvaliteten. Emellertid är kunskapen om varaktigheten The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate quality of life and the meaning of living with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) before and after revascularization in a long-term and methodological perspective. The sample in the first study consisted of 142 patients with PAD who were planned for a revascularization. Quality of life (QoL) assessment with the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) was ma

Central bank power: a matter of coordination rather than money supply

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen kretsar kring centralbankens möjligheter att kontrollera inflationstakten. Under senare tid har mycket forskning ägnats åt att analysera och utvärdera de institutionella förutsättningarna för centralbanker, såväl avseende graden av oberoende som vilka mål penningpolitiken bör inriktas mot; exempelvis direkta inflationsmål versus användandet av indirekta målAfter an introductory chapter, the hypothesis is made in chapter two: that central bank power to control the rate of inflation rests on the bank’s ability to achieve a role as a focal point for inflation. Inflation is a measure of changes in the general price level, the price level is an index of individual prices, and to predict future price levels is thus to predict future prices on individual i

Functional analysis of the classical, alternative, and MBL pathways of the complement system: standardization and validation of a simple ELISA

Primary defence against invading microorganisms depends on a functional innate immune system and the complement system plays a major role in such immunity. Deficiencies in one of the components of the complement system can cause severe and recurrent infections, systemic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and renal disease. Screening for complement deficiencies in the classical or

Surface oxides on close-packed surfaces of late transition metals

In recent years, the formation of thin, well-ordered but complex surface oxides on late transition metals has been discovered. The driving force for this line of research has been the strong incentive to increase the partial pressure of oxygen from ultra-high vacuum to conditions more relevant for heterogeneous catalysis. Here we review the present status of the research field. Compared to oxygen

The logarithmic norm. History and modern theory

In his 1958 thesis Stability and Error Bounds, Germund Dahlquist introduced the logarithmic norm in order to derive error bounds in initial value problems, using differential inequalities that distinguished between forward and reverse time integration. Originally defined for matrices, the logarithmic norm can be extended to bounded linear operators, but the extensions to nonlinear maps and unbound

Throughput Analysis of Interfering Packet Radio Networks

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras ett matematiskt ramverk för analys av datagenomströmning i paket-baserade radionät som stör varandra. Tidigare forskning om prestanda i paketradionät täcker många olika system och aspekter. Tidigare publicerade arbeten har dock till stor del varit begränsade till fixa paketlängder. Ramverket som presenteras i avhandlingen tillåter detaljerad aIn this thesis, a probabilistic framework is presented and used for analysis of the throughput of interfering packet-based radio networks, referred to as packet radio networks (PRNs). Previous research on the performance of PRNs covers a wide variety of systems and aspects in varying levels of detail. However, the work presented in the literature has mostly been limited to fixed packet lengths. Th

On Bounds and Asymptotics of Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Filtering, Smoothing, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation in State Space Models

This thesis is based on four papers (A-D) treating filtering, smoothing, and maximum likelihood (ML) estimation in general state space models using stochastic particle filters (also referred to as sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods). The aim of Paper A is to study the bias of Monte Carlo integration estimates produced by the so-called bootstrap particle filter. A bound on this bias which is inv

Iron-related luminescence centers in ZnWO4 : Fe

A systematic spectroscopic study of single ZnWO4 :Fe crystals with different iron concentrations has been performed under excitation by ultraviolet light, by synchrotron radiation or under photostimulation by near-infrared light. The luminescence of Fe3+-related centres has been studied. It is shown that iron centres of different types efficiently promote the formation of crystal defects at low te