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Towards Efficient Call Admission Control Criterion for State-Dependent Routing in Multirate Networks
We consider a link serving multiple service classes. We evaluate the properties of the link admission control policies that are obtained from an efficient scheme proposed by Krishnan and Hubner (1997). The Krishnan and Hubner approach suggests efficient calculations of state-dependent routing criteria for multi-rate networks through state-space aggregation. Through simple examples we show that it
A randomised controlled trial in Sweden of acupuncture and care interventions for the relief of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation.
Customer perceived service quality in the supermarket and the discount store. Examination of a service quality measurement scale in a Swedish context
Service has traditionally been a forceful competitive tool in grocery retailing. Lately discount stores has proven to be a winning concept within North European grocery re-tailing and this has evoked a renewed interest in service quality and grocery retailing. The overall aim of this study is to enhance the understanding of customer perceived service quality within grocery retailing, by testing a
Småland-Amerika tur och retur: Filmen och smålänningen
The 14-3-3 protein family - Conserved structure, diverse functions
While once abstruse, 14-3-3 proteins are now well known as players in several cellular processes. These processes range from apoptosis and mitosis in mammals and yeast, to regulation of primary metabolism in plants. To date, 104 proteins have been shown to interact with 14-3-3s of which 85 are found in mammals and yeast, and 21 are found in plants. Their consensus action is to bind to phosphorylat
The Christian Apostolate
Are there mechanisms protecting against obesity caused by high-fat diets?
Dry deposition over grassland : seasonal influences, chemical equilibria and surface wetness
Measurement of microclimate in diapers during supine posture using a baby thermal manikin
Nitric oxide in experimental sepsis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Septisk shock (shock utlöst av blodförgiftning) är en potentiellt dödlig komplikation till infektion med bakterier eller andra mikroorganismer. Inte bara de infekterande organismerna i sig, men också de inflammatoriska system och signalsubstanser som aktiveras, orsaker ett generaliserat inflammatoriskt tillstånd. Om obehandlat, kan detta leda till att ett eller flera orNitric oxide (NO) is important in the control of blood pressure and organ perfusion. In septic shock, NO produced by inducible NO-synthase (NOS) has been claimed to mediate pathological vasodilation and cell injury, while NO produced by constitutive NOS may be protective in counteracting hypoperfusion and organ injury. This thesis comprises studies on the effects of inhaled NO on pulmonary functio
Så är det, så det är
Grammatical analysis of an annexed affirmative clause, used in certain southerbn Swedish dialects: han har snuva, så han har, han kan inte simma så han inte kan, han såg ett spöke i går, så han gjorde.
VAT The case of value added tax in the European Union
Om regelkonkurrens inom inkomstskatterätten. Med särskild inriktning på förhållandet mellan olika grunder för beskattning av dolda vinstöverföringar till utlandet.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bland kommunalskattelagens (KL) allmänna bestämmelser finns vissa regler som motverkar överföringar av obeskattade vinstmedel mellan företag. Om ett företag säljer en tillgång eller tjänst för ett pris understigande marknadsvärdet kan uttagsbeskattning ske. Om ett företag i stället köper en tillgång eller tjänst för ett pris överstigande marknadsvärdet är det möjligt atThis dissertation deals with the conflict of rules for the taxation of income. By 'conflict of rules' I refer to the circumstance that two or more provisions are applicable simultaneously, but where it is clear that only one of the provisions concerned could or should be applied. The dissertation concentrates on the relationship between the different provisions - within the Swedish legal system -