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Abstract in German Inhalt: Einleitung. I. Sichtung der Argumente für und gegen den psychophysischen Paralellismus. II. Eine geistesgeschichtliche Perspektive.

Industrial challenges in the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ethanolic fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass

Popular Abstract in English The production and use of bioethanol can help reducing the dependency on oil, and also represents a renewable source of energy. Bioethanol can be obtained from biomass such as agricultural and forest residues, after appropriate pretreatment and fermentation. This thesis addresses some of the challenges that must be overcome for the production of ethanol from biomass to The sustainable production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass requires the combination of efficient hydrolysis and complete fermentation of all the monomeric sugars present in the raw material. The present work was aimed at tackling some of the major challenges that will be encountered in commercial-scale ethanol production using Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the preferred microorg

The role of the recording studio

The transformation from analogue to digital recording techniques has not only changed the ways of working for the studiotechnician, but affects the musician in the way he thinks about performance and sound, and therefore also his actual performance. The signal processing and the staging of the singing voice in the studio is both influenced by, and influences the estethics of popular song performa

The role of B cells and Th2 cytokines in physiological and pathological inflammation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunförsvar har utvecklats genom evolutionen för att kunna motstå infektioner från diverse mikrober (parasiter, bakterier, virus). Kroppen svarar då med en inflammationsrespons för att kunna bekämpa infektionen. Immunsvaret kan delas upp i det icke specifika immunsvaret, bestående av bl.a. fagocyterande celler samt det specifika immunsvaret, bestående av sk T och The CD4+ T cells have an important role in inflammation. Based on the local cytokine milieu, these cells can differentiate into either a Th1 population promoting cellular immunity or Th2 population involved in humoral immunity. Th2 cells produce the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, which might have a protective role in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and multiple scle

On the Value of Pictures in Verbal Cognition

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att analysera värdet av bilder i ett antal kognitiva uppgifter som framförallt är av verbal natur. Avhandlingen omfattar tre studier, med vardera tre experiment. I den första studien visades automatiskt inflytande från bilder (ansiktsuttryck) på en affektiv bedömning av ord som positiva eller negativa. I den integrerade presentationen av ord The aim of this thesis was to analyze the value of pictures in a number of cognitive tasks that are predominantly verbal in nature. Three studies, with three experiments each, are included in the thesis. The first study found automatic interference effects from pictures (facial expressions) on the affective evaluation of words. In the Stroop-like presentation of integrated picture-and-word stimuli

The COST 259 Directional Channel Model - Part I

This paper describes a model for mobile radio channels that includes consideration of directions of arrival and is thus suitable for simulations of the performance of wireless systems that use smart antennas. The model is specified for 13 different types of environments, covering macro- micro- and picocells. In this paper, a hierarchy of modeling concepts is described, as well as implementation as

George Lindbeck as a Potential Religious Pluralist

Interreligious dialogue and conversion are two intriguing components in understanding religion. A reading of George Lindbeck constitutes the starting point for a discussion in this paper. The dominant reading of Lindbeck is that he claims that traditions absorb the world. According to this reading of Lindbeck, religious traditions are isolated, and yet the one with the best capacity to assimilate