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A multivariate approach to plant community distribution in the coastal dune zonation of NW Denmark

A near-natural coastal dune system in NW Jutland, Denmark was investigated. The area contains a gradient in natural soil mobility with the highest values in dynamic white dunes dominated by Ammophila arenaria, and low mobility in fixed decalcified dune heath with Empetrum nigrum and Calluna vulgaris. A total of 267 plots was investigated and presence of mosses and rooted vascular plants recorded.

Energy transfer and conformational dynamics in Zn-porphyrin dendrimers

The energy transfer within a series of Zn-porphyrin appended dendrimers was studied by means of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. We show that the energy transfer process between the Zn-porphyrin units in the dendrimers is limited to a maximum of four porphyrin units. At 200 K, the energy transfer process takes place on a 100-ps time scale, and can be modeled by Forster theory. Our results at

Isotope structure of SmII as an indicator of r- vs. s-process nucleosynthesis

Aims. The isotope composition of samarium provides a previously unexploited means of determining the r- versus s-process content of e. g. metal-poor stars. The seven stable isotopes of samarium can be divided into two groups, where in one group the r- process is the dominant production mechanism, while for the second group it is the s-process that is dominant. The center-of-gravity for spectral li

No adverse events after simultaneous administration of 50 000 IU vitamin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination to normal-birth-weight newborns in Guinea-Bissau

Objective:To determine whether the combined intervention of 50 000 IU vitamin A administered together with Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination at birth was associated with adverse events, in particular bulging fontanels and adverse reactions to BCG.Subjects/Methods:From an ongoing trial, 2145 infants randomized to 50 000 IU vitamin A or placebo with BCG vaccination were recruited. Adverse ev

Enzyme activities in the tibialis anterior muscle of young moderately active men and women: relationship with body composition, muscle cross-sectional area and fibre type composition.

The aims of this study were (i) to assess the differences between men and women in maximal activities of selected enzymes of aerobic and anaerobic pathways involved in skeletal muscle energy production, and (ii) to assess the relationships between maximal enzyme activities, body composition, muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and fibre type composition. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the tibial

Prediction of relative glomerular filtration rate in adults: New improved equations based on Swedish Caucasians and standardized plasma-creatinine assays.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate newly developed equations predicting relative glomerular filtration rate(GFR) in adult Swedish Caucasians and to compare with the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease(MDRD) and Mayo Clinic equations using enzymatic and zero-calibrated plasma creatinine assays. MATERIAL AND METHODS: GFR was measured with iohexol clearance adjusted to 1.73 m(2). One population sample (n=436/L

Från Eden till Damavdelningen : studier om kvinnan i litteraturen : en vänbok till Christina Sjöblad

Under den vida rubriken Från Eden till Damavdelningen har uppsatser om kvinnan som författare, som huvudkaraktär, som objekt, som samhällshot, som mor och maka, som ung flicka, som offer, som bohem, som resenär och som naturskildrare samlats. Variationerna av uppsatsernas innehåll är stora. Som titeln antyder sträcker sig ämnena tidsmässigt från den paradisiska till den moderna tiden. Med boken vi

Fakiren på film

Om filmatiseringen av Axel Wallengrens (Falstaff, fakirs) novell "Ett svårskött pastorat" (1958).

Att välja döden

Översiktligt om självmord i historiskt perspektiv, lagstiftning, källkritiska problem, litteraturtips.

Intrapatient evolution of HIV-1 in the context of coreceptor usage

The variable region 1 to 3 (V1-V3) of the HIV-1 envelope plays an important role in coreceptor usage. Early in infection HIV- 1 is using CCR5 as coreceptor to enter target cells (R5 viruses) whereas viruses using CXCR4 as coreceptor (X4 viruses) may appear later in infection. This broadening or switch in coreceptor usage is associated with progression to AIDS. In my thesis work, we have compared t