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Spatially Mutually Constrained Inversion of Airborne Hydrogeophysics Survey with Ground Geophysics and Borehole Data

This work presents examples from processing and interpretation of 2576 km of SkyTEM data in the Ringsted-Suså groundwater mapping area located southeast of Denmark. The mapping area is approx. 422 km2 and includes approx. 75,000 SkyTEM soundings. Additionally, diverse ground based geophysical data (>260 km Multi-Electrode Profiling (MEP), > 130 km Pulled-Array Continuous Electrical Soundings (PACEThis work presents examples from processing and interpretation of 2576 km of SkyTEM data in the Ringsted-Suså groundwater mapping area located southeast of Denmark. The mapping area is approx. 422 km2 and includes approx. 75,000 SkyTEM soundings. Additionally, diverse ground based geophysical data (>260 km Multi-Electrode Profiling (MEP), > 130 km Pulled-Array Continuous Electrical Soundings (PACE

Acceptability of a physiotherapeutic pain school treatment in trauma-affected populations in the Middle Eastern & Northern African region

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evalu-ate the acceptability of a physiotherapeutic pain treatment (Pain School), focusing on patient education, physical exercises and self-reliance, and a capacity building program developed for MENA based physiotherapists working with pain and trauma-affected populations. Method: Qualitative interviews with seven physiotherapists participating in the Pa

A prospective, controlled study on the utility of rotational thromboelastometry in surgery for acute type A aortic dissection

To evaluate the hemostatic system with ROTEM in patients undergoing surgery for acute type aortic dissection (ATAAD) using elective aortic procedures as controls. This was a prospective, controlled, observational study. The study was performed at a tertiary referral center and university hospital. Twenty-three patients with ATAAD were compared to 20 control patients undergoing elective surgery of

Maps and stories in the creation of richer accounts of change in pastoral landscapes in Nordland, northern Norway

The categories and concepts in the existing official land-use maps have been under improvements over recent years; however, this study from Nordland, northern Norway, shows that they continue to pose several dilemmas when aiming to better capture the impacts of multiple land uses on reindeer herding. While these developments have done much to better communicate the presence of reindeer herding to

Modeling rush hour vehicular traffic using a machine learning approach

Det finns olika typer av så kallade artificiella neurala nätverk som används till olika saker. En av dessa kallas för konvolutionella neurala nätverk och används till att bearbeta bilder. Denna typ av artificiella neurala nätverk används bland annat för klassificering av bilder och för att styra självkörande bilar. I den här uppsatsen används ett konvolutionellt neuralt nätverk för att försöka förIn this thesis, a convolutional neural network is used to model the behaviour of individual vehicles on a stretch of the U.S. 101 highway during rush hour. This model is then extended to model the collective behaviour of all vehicles on the stretch of road and a 15 minute simulation is carried out. Using an initial vehicle layout, images displaying the position of nearby vehicles and information o

How accurate is food security early warning? Evaluation of FEWS NET accuracy in Ethiopia

Famine early warning systems are fundamental for anticipating and preventing food security crises. These systems require diverse socio-economic, climate and other environmental indicators. However, the uncertainty that is inherent in climate forecasts and other early warning data can influence the accuracy of early warning systems. Inaccurate forecasts result in ineffective preparedness and poor r

Impact of Extreme River Flows on Bridges An Application to River Lagan in Ljungby Municipality, Sweden Using HEC RAS

Strömmande vatten påverkar broar över vattendrag huvudsakligen genom: (1) hydrodynamiska krafter med direkt effekt på konstruktionen och (2) lokal erosion kring bropleare och sidostöd, inkluderat erosion på grund av flödeskontraktion. Utformning och dimensionering av broar i Sverige med avseende på direkt flödespåverkan och lokal erosion är relativt förenklad och täcker inte alla aspekter av problThe role of bridges in the transportation network has become increasingly important as they ensure the smooth and safe passage of people and goods across rivers and other bodies of water. Flowing water impacts bridges over rivers primarily in two ways: (1) Hydrodynamic forces that directly impact the structure and (2) scouring at the pier and abutment, including contraction scour. The design princ

Hot-Wall MOCVD for High-Quality Homoepitaxy of GaN : Understanding Nucleation and Design of Growth Strategies

Thick GaN layers with a low concentration of defects are the key to enable next-generation vertical power electronic devices. Here, we explore hot-wall metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for the development of GaN homoepitaxy. We propose a new approach to grow high-quality homoepitaxial GaN in N2-rich carrier gas and at a higher supersaturation as compared to heteroepitaxy. We develop

Pulmonary surfactant and drug delivery : Vehiculization of a tryptophan-tagged antimicrobial peptide over the air-liquid interfacial highway

This work evaluates interaction of pulmonary surfactant (PS) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in order to investigate (i) if PS can be used to transport AMPs, and (ii) to what extent PS interferes with AMP function and vice versa. This, in turn, is motivated by a need to find new strategies to treat bacterial infections in the airways. Low respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are a leading cause

Influence of nanostructure formation on the crystal structure and morphology of epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on Si(001)

The influence of growth conditions on the layer orientation, domain structure and crystal structure of gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) on silicon (001) has been investigated. Gd2O3 was grown at low (250°C) and high (850°C) temperatures with different oxygen partial pressure as well as a temperature ramp up during growth. At low temperature, the cubic bixbyite type of crystal structure with space group Ia

Spontaneous Cell Cluster Formation in Human iPSC-Derived Neuronal Spheroid Networks Influences Network Activity

Three-dimensional neuronal culture systems such as spheroids, organoids, and assembloids constitute a branch of neuronal tissue engineering that has improved our ability to model the human brain in the laboratory. However, the more elaborate the brain model, the more difficult it becomes to study functional properties such as electrical activity at the neuronal level, similar to the challenges of

Density matrix renormalization group description of the island of inversion isotopes F 28-33

Background: Recent experiments have confirmed that the neutron-rich isotopes F28,29 belong to the so-called island of inversion (IOI), a region of the nuclear chart around Z=10 and N=20 where nuclear structure deviates from the standard shell model predictions due to deformation and continuum effects. However, while the general principles leading to the IOI are relatively well understood, the deta

Human-directed attachment behavior in wolves suggests standing ancestral variation for human–dog attachment bonds

Domesticated animals are generally assumed to display increased sociability toward humans compared to their wild ancestors. Dogs (Canis familiaris) have a remarkable ability to form social relationships with humans, including lasting attachment, a bond based on emotional dependency. Since it has been specifically suggested that the ability to form attachment with humans evolved post-domestication

Peatland Heterogeneity Impacts on Regional Carbon Flux and Its Radiative Effect Within a Boreal Landscape

Peatlands, with high spatial variability in ecotypes and microforms, constitute a significant part of the boreal landscape and play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle. However, the effects of this peatland heterogeneity within the boreal landscape are rarely quantified. Here, we use field-based measurements, high-resolution land cover classification, and biogeochemical and atmospheri

Interfacial layer formation during the growth of Gd2O3 on Si(001) and its thermal stability

The thermal stability of monoclinic Gd2O3 grown on Si(001) as well as changes of the interfacial layer formed during the growth are investigated during rapid thermal annealing in nitrogen atmosphere between 600 °C and 1000 °C using x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The monoclinic Gd2O3 layer was grown at 400 °C and oxygen partial pressure of 5 × 10−7 mbar. The Gd2O3 lay

Bacterial and fungal responses to drying and rewetting using bronopol or cycloheximide as inhibitors

Microbial decomposers breakdown soil organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. This release of CO2 could therefore contribute to future climate change. However, microbial decomposers might also be affected by climate change, as for example the intensity and frequency of drought and rainfall events are expected to increase, resulting in more drying-rewetting (D/RW) events in