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Sverigedemokraterna -En kritisk diskursanalys av hur media framställer Sverigedemokraterna

In 2010, for the first time in the history of Sweden, a party with a racist and nazi past got elected to the Swedish parliament. The media tried to stop this by not giving the party any media exposure during the election in 2010, but that didn’t stop the Swedish democrats from getting elected. Now the Swedish democrats have been in the parliament for almost four years. The purpose of this essay

Governing through freedom and control: A Foucauldian reading of citizenship and rights in EU

More than ever before the European integration project reached a point of political and economic crisis that cannot be dismissed. The main academic and political solutions presented for the crisis is to refocus on European citizens, enhance their rights and make them part of the system, a move considered to be a response to democratic deficit. The present thesis takes the discussion one step furth

Man ändrar inte åsikt bara för att man tvingas byta linje - En studie om politisk representation i praktiken

Representative democracy is the most fast growing political system in the world. The politician, however, plays various roles within his representative assignment. This paper shows that there are divergence between the representatives’ normative position and her political actions. The aim of this study is to understand what representation is and what we can expect from the representative. The main

Populism in the Media Representation of UKIP

Populism is a phenomenon gaining popularity throughout Europe and has been enhanced by the current economic crisis. The aim of this thesis is to examine the image of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the media and analyse whether it can be qualified as populist. I have included an overview of previous researcher on populism, in order to define it. In addition to the theories of knowl

Brothers without Arms: Explaining Iceland’s Participation in European Union CSDP Operations

A number of non-EU members – or third states – have chosen to participate in EU CSDP operations. This thesis seeks to answer why one of them, Iceland, has chosen to do so despite not being a member of the Union and not having any armed forces which are traditionally used in such activities. States have various motivations for participating in international crisis management operations and the same

Kan den nyliberala bostadspolitiska vågen rättfärdigas?

The purpose of this thesis has been to seek, by political theoretical discussion, an effective norm or standard with to evaluate three critical neoliberal reforms in recent Swedish housing policy. By discussing the theories of what the government can and should do, 6 normative principles are formed to evaluate these neoliberal reforms. The three neoliberal reforms that are evaluated is: Marketisat

Folkets röst skapar olika ekon: Det kommunala folkinitiativet

In this paper two cases of local public initiatives have been compared. The cases, taking place in municipalities outside Stockholm with political and socio-economical similarities, turned out in two very different ways. The purpose of this paper has been to find out why that was. Institutional theories combined with theories of political adaptation were used. As a source of data, a total of nine

CSR och demokratisering - En studie av H&M:s CSR-arbete

This thesis examines how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be used as a tool to influence democratization and democratic norms. In a globalized world where companies nowadays can differentiate their production and sale by outsourcing their production in a country where labor is cheaper, followed by higher demands on the transnational companies set by the surroundings, however, resulted in

Var det där övning? - en studie om jazzmusikers syn på skillnaden mellan att spela och att öva

Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur sex jazzmusiker upplever skillnaden mellan att spela och att öva, hur de ser på sitt spelande respektive övande och hur synen på dessa två begrepp har förändrats under årens gång, samt även vad de har för tankar kring distinktionen mellan de två begreppen. Sex professionella jazzmusiker intervjuades och resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades, kateThe purpose of this study is to investigate how six jazz musicians perceive the difference between playing and practicing, their ideas of playing and practicing and how their understanding of the two words has changed in the course of the past years, and also what they think of the distinction between playing and practicing. Six professional jazz musicians were interviewed and the results of the i

Lust på scen – en kvalitativ studie för att få en inblick i fem sångares upplevelse av sceniskt framträdande.

Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka fem sångares upplevelser av att stå på scen och genom att se hur de beskriver lustfyllda upplevelser, skapa förståelse för vilka eventuella faktorer som kan spela in för upplevelsen, samt hur övning och förberedelser påverkar upplevelsen. I Litteraturöversikten presenteras begreppen känsla, lust, olust, njutning, flow och upplevelse. I metodkapitlet föThis paper aims to explore the experiences of five singers on stage and by seeing how they describe passionate experiences, creating an understanding of the circumstances that may affect the experience, and how practice and preparation affects the experience. In the theoretical background the concepts of feeling, passion, aversion, enjoyment, flow and experience are presented. The method chapter e

På tal om Lean inom den offentliga sektorn - en diskursanalys av hur Lean presenteras inom Sveriges kommuner och landsting

The main purpose of the study was to show how the work model lean is depicted within the public sector and, for the discourse, the actual roles constructed by people working with lean. The relevant questions for the study were: What central concepts are presented within lean, and how these are constructed and what the consequences might be. The empirical basis for this study was a brochure with tw

Demokrativärden och ekonomivärden i EU:s asylpolitik

Studien är en idéanalys av Dublinförordningarna från 2007 respektive 2014 och består av en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Idéanalysen är uppbyggd av två idealtyper som lagts över respektive förordningen som ett raster. Idealtyperna är tagna ur Lennart Lundqvists teori om demokrativärden och ekonomivärden. I den kvalitativa analysen anlades respektive perspektiv som ”glasögon” genom vilka fö

Deconstructing ‘Troops for Influence’: A First Attempt at Revealing the Anatomy of the Acclaimed ‘Troops for Influence’- Assumption

Having notoriously escaped the operation table to be cut open for a full intestine check-up, the anatomy of the acclaimed ‘troops for influence’- assumption finally faces a full body search. Although appearing to be somewhat of a tacitly accepted ‘truth’ both in the academic and political world, there is confusion as to how we might actually understand the assumption of ‘troops for influence’ and

Det nordiska försvarssamarbetet: Ett svenskt perspektiv

In this thesis I have investigated the reasoning for the development of the Nordic defence cooperation from a Swedish perspective. Since the Cold War Sweden made some really big changes in their defence and security approach. A part in this change is the defence cooperation with the other Nordic countries. I have used two logics of actions, logic of consequences and logic of appropriateness to try

“Get Away From Me!”: Implicit and Explicit Transphobia in Swedish-speaking Men

This study aimed to measure implicit and explicit prejudice towards transpeople among Swedish-speaking men. A new picture IAT (Implicit Association Test) was created in a pilot study to measure implicit attitudes towards gender transgressing males. In the main study, 66 male participants were divided into control and experimental groups. The manipulation consisted of two different gender presentat

En pappa som slår - En innehållsanalys av domslut i vårdnadstvister där det framkommit uppgifter om våld

Abstract The aim of this research was to peruse the verdicts of custody disputes were violence against the mother has occurred. In 2005, a study by Barnombudsmannen presented a result that showed that 43 % of custody disputes were domestic violence occurred was convicted joint custody. The result leaded to a restriction of Swedish family law in 2006. This study therefor aims to examine how the cou

Towards a dermal papilla specific expression system in mice

Popular science summary: Healing: what we can learn from white mice Stem cells are a cell type responsible for building the body. They are the ancestor cells from which all the cells making up the body’s tissues are created. Stem cells play an important role in maintaining the body in shape by repairing damages as they occur during life. We believe that if we had a better understanding of how t