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Comparison of monolayer films of stearic acid and methyl stearate on an Al2O3 surface

Both stearic acid and methyl stearate chemisorbs onto an oxide surface of aluminum with an asymmetric coordination of the carboxylate group as concluded from infrared (IR) spectroscopy data. Similarities in the IR spectra of the films from the two compounds suggest that the ester is bonded in the same way as the acid, and that the ester therefore undergoes hydrolysis during the surface reaction. X

Kvalet inför valet: Om elevers förväntningar och möten med vägledare i grundskolan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med utgångspunkt i elevers väljande till gymnasieskolan har denna studie fokuserat på hur eleverna upplever detta val och med särskild betoning på samtalen mellan skolans syokon-sulenter (studie- och yrkesvägledare) och elever. Åtta elever har valts ut och samtliga deras samtal i årskurs nio med vägledare (4 stycken) har videoinspelats och analyserats. Dessutom har elevThe main purpose of this study is to highlight the counselling interview in connection with the choice of upper secondary school from three perspectives, the student's, the counsellor's and society's. The intention is to describe and analyse the counselling interview in the ninth grade with relation to: · the student's expectations, perceptions and values before and after the interviews, · the co

Renal arteries covered by aortic stents: clinical experience from endovascular grafting of aortic aneurysms

OBJECTIVES: During the endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), effective anchoring of the stent-graft is difficult in the presence of a short infrarenal aneurysm neck. The aim of this study was to investigate renal artery patency and renal function after deployment of graft anchoring stents across the renal arteries. DESIGN: Retrospective open study. PATIENTS: Twenty-five renal a

Gendered subjectivity in Sweden 1959-1993: Psychological discourses of gendered subjectivity in relaton to history, materiality, political appeals and psychological truth-regimes. What about 2007?

To demonstrate the psychological importance of social changes in behavioural practice, three interview studies were carried out in Sweden, each in the decade of 1970, 1980 and 1990. All subjects were university students, as were te subjects in a study performed 1959 which served as an "anchor study". The results were analysed using the following three perspectives:(1)Hegemonic social appeals rega

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Acute acalculous cholecystitis (AC) is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder, often caused by other severe diseases. The etiology is multifactorial, but the pathogenesis is in all cases a reduction in the gallbladder's emptying capacity. The mortality of AC reaches 85% without treatment. This fact makes it important to consider AC as a possible complication to major surgery, multi-trauma, and

Wavelet Importance Sampling: Efficiently Evaluating Products of Complex Functions

We present a new technique for importance sampling products of complex functions using wavelets. First, we generalize previous work on wavelet products to higher dimensional spaces and show how this product can be sampled on-the-fly without the need of evaluating the full product. This makes it possible to sample products of high-dimensional functions even if the product of the two functions in it

Promoting the Scientist-practitioner Mindset in Clinical Training

While the scientist-practitioner model of training has enjoyed wide-spread appeal, difficulties in implementing the model have continued since its inception. Despite these difficulites, we remain advocates of the model and believe responsibility for inculcating a scientist-practitioner mindset rests with both training programs and trainees themselves. Thus, we offer several suggestions for both tr

Deglutition in elderly patients with dementia: findings of videofluorographic evaluation and impact on staging and management

Oral and pharyngeal function in 131 institutionalized elderly patients with advanced dementia was evaluated by means of videofluoroscopic deglutition examination (VDE). Findings were normal in only nine (7%) patients. Oral-stage dysfunction was observed in 93 (71%) patients, pharyngeal dysfunction in 56 (43%), and pharyngoesophageal-segment abnormalities in 43 (33%). Multiple-stage dysfunction was

Insulin detemir har jämförts med NPH-insulin. Behandlingsstudier visar inga egentliga skillnader

To investigate the evidence behind supposed advantages of insulin detemir over existing therapy (NPH insulin), we carried out a systematic review. We analysed the available documentation presented after registration of the drug by the European drug regulatory authority (EMEA) and approached the data presented at the authority's Internet site. Some data from Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) contri

Evaluation of fetal regional cerebral blood perfusion using power Doppler ultrasound and the estimation of fractional moving blood volume

Objective To standardize the evaluation of regional fetal brain blood perfusion, using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) to estimate the fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) and to evaluate the reproducibility of this estimation. Methods Brain blood perfusion was evaluated in 35 normally grown fetuses at 28-30 weeks of gestation, using PDU. The following cerebral regions were included in the PDU col

Frequent activation of CArG binding factor-A expression and binding in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced rat mammary carcinomas

We previously identified a positive transcriptional element identical to human Ha-ras response element ( HRE) within the promoter of the rat Ha-ras gene. We further identified CArG binding factor A ( CBF-A), a member of heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein ( hnRNP) gene family, as a trans-acting factor that binds the HRE sequence with high affinity in rat mammary carcinoma cells. To determine

Estimation of conversion factors for fungal biomass determination in compost using ergosterol and PLFA 18 : 2 omega 6,9

Eleven species of common fungi from compost were analysed for their content of ergosterol and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) after growth on agar media. Mean content of ergosterol was 3.1 mg g(-1) dw of fungal mycelium (range 1-24 mg g(-1) dw). Total amount of PLFAs varied between 2.6 and 43.5 mumol g(-1) dw of fungi (mean 14.9 mumol g(-1) dw). The most common PLFAs were 16:0,18:2omega6,9 and 18

Multiple factors affect the loss of measurable C-peptide over 6 years in newly diagnosed 15- to 35-year-old diabetic subjects

Objective: The aim of this study is to identify risk factors for the loss of measurable plasma C-peptide in newly diagnosed 15- to 35-year-old diabetic subjects. Methods: This Swedish study included 778 subjects. C-peptide levels were obtained each year for 6 years after diagnosis. Loss of measurable C-peptide was defined as a level at or below the lower detection limit of the local assay (0.13 nm

Det personliga äktenskapet : ett exempel ur medeltida litteratur

Abstract in FrenchCet article a pour cadre le développement de l'idée du mariage comme une union personnelle se fondant sur la relation entre les époux. Les théories qui se sont développées à partis du XIe siècle à l'intérieur de l'église ont mis l'accent sur le caractère personnel du mariage: le fondement du sacrement du mariage étant devenu l'union entre deux individus et non pas l'interêt familIn this article I examine the development of the idea of marriage as a personal union whose foundation is the relation between the spouses. The theories which developed within the Church from the eleventh century and onwards put the emphasis on the personal side of marriage; the sacrament of marriage was founded on the union between the spouses and not on family interest. From the middle of the tw

Optically induced charge storage and current generation in InAs quantum dots

We report on optically induced charge storage effects and cur-rent generation in self-assembled InAs quantum dots embedded in an InP matrix. Illumination with photons of energy higher than about 0.86 eV efficiently loads the dots with a maximum of about 1 hole/dot. The spectral response at lower photon energy is strongly enhanced at elevated temperatures. We present a detailed balance model for th

Äldre och design

Hur vi ser på teknik hänger ihop med hur vi ser på människan. Forskningen inom området Äldre och design i Lund har en uttalad avsikt: att människor med funktionsnedsättningar ska få bättre förutsättningar. Arbetet börjar och slutar i människan. Seniorer på egna villkor, Bodil Jönsson Design för funktion, Bodil Jönsson Titta på tv – ett sätt att kommunicera, Britt Östlund Design för den mänskli