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Your search for "*" yielded 531755 hits

Diffusion on complex networks: a way to probe their large-scale topological structures

A diffusion process on complex networks is introduced in order to uncover their large-scale topological structures. This is achieved by focusing on the slowest decaying diffusive modes of the network. The proposed procedure is applied to real-world networks like a friendship network of known modular structure, and an Internet routing network. For the friendship network, its known structure is well

Mixing formulas in time domain

The dispersive properties of dielectric materials in both the time and the frequency domains are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the treatment of heterogeneous materials, particularly two-phase mixtures. A time-domain Maxwell-Garnett rule is derived that differs from the corresponding frequency-domain formula in that it is expressed in terms of convolutions and inverse operators of the su

Megalin is a receptor for apolipoprotein M and kidney-specific megalin-deficiency confers urinary excretion of apolipoprotein M.

Apolipoprotein ( apo) M is a novel apolipoprotein belonging to the lipocalin protein superfamily, i.e. proteins binding small lipophilic compounds. Like other apolipoproteins, it is expressed in hepatocytes and secreted into plasma where it associates with high-density lipoprotein particles. In addition, apoM is expressed at high levels in the kidney tubule cells. In this study, we show that the m

Conceptions of physiotherapy knowledge among Swedish physiotherapists: a phenomenographic study

Objectives and design Knowledge in physiotherapy is based on both scientific evidence and clinical practice. Different perspectives of knowledge generate different implications for theory development. The aim of this qualitative, phenomenographic study was to describe physiotherapists' conceptions of physiotherapy knowledge. Intervention and participants Open, semi-structured interviews were condu

Bacterial vaginosis and smoking

This study aimed to investigate if there is an association between bacterial vaginosis (BV) and smoking. This cohort study included 956 randomly chosen, apparently healthy women at 2 family planning and one youth clinic. Of the 956 women, 131 women fulfilled the criteria for BV and the remaining 825 served as a control group. BV, BV-associated bacteria and gynaecological infections were diagnosed.

Causes and predictors of death in cerebral venous thrombosis

Background and Purpose - The causes of death of patients with cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) have not been systematically addressed in previous studies. We aimed to analyze the causes and predictors of death during the acute phase of CVT in the International Study on Cerebral Vein and Dural Sinus Thrombosis (ISCVT) to identify preventable or treatable causes. Methods - ISCVT is a multinational,

Analysis of a probing control strategy

In this paper we analyse an extremum controller based on a pulsetechnique. The idea is to superimpose probing pulses to the controlsignal and use for feedback the size of the pulse response in the output. Theprobing control strategy has been used with success forthe control of the substrate feeding in E. coli cultivations. The analysis is done here for systems ofHammerstein type with a piecewise a

Patellar fractures. A 30-year follow-up

Forty patients who had had a patellar fracture during the years 1950-58 were reevaluated 30 years later. A clinical and radiographic examination was performed. Fourteen patients had subjective complaints. Two thirds of the patients who had more than 2-mm diastasis or 1-mm incongruity had complaints and reduced quadriceps strength. Radiographically, all the patients had a reduction in the lateral p

Optical and theoretical investigations of small InP quantum dots in GaxIn1-xP

We have studied small InP quantum dots in a GaInP matrix theoretically and experimentally. Using low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy in conjunction with six band k.p calculations, including direct and exchange interactions, we show that the dot size is a crucial parameter that determines whether the dot is neutral or charged with electrons in the nominally undoped n-type host material.

Multiblock implementation strategy for a 3-D pressure-based flow and heat transfer solver

This article reports on a multiblock implementation of a general three-dimensional single-block computational fluid dynamics code, which is developed in a nonorthogonal, structured, collocated finite-volume grid system, and incorporates a range of turbulence models. The multiblock implementation is essentially block-unstructured, each block having its own local coordinate system unrelated to those

Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte : En studie av differentiering, inklusion och marginalisering

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgår från den förändring som ägt rum i Europa det senaste decenniet, med skiftet från ”welfare” till ”workfare” eller aktiveringspolitik. Vissa forskare hävdar att denna politik är den enda möjligheten till inklusion i arbetsmarknaden, för dem som är exkluderade. Andra hävdar att endast den universella välfärdsstaten kan leda till det resultatet. AvhandlinThe thesis aims to discuss if activation policies can support the inclusion of immigrant women and men into the Swedish labour market.A paradigmatic change in welfare policies has taken place in Europe during the last decade with the shift from welfare to workfare or activation policies. Some researchers claim that, for those excluded from the labour force, activation policies are the only way to

Results of two or five years of adjuvant tamoxifen correlated to steroid receptor and S-phase levels

A Swedish cooperative trial demonstrated that 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen was more beneficial than 2 years of tamoxifen in the treatment of postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor (ER) positive, early stage, invasive breast cancer. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the importance of progesterone receptor (PgR) and ER concentration levels for patients participating in the t