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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Genome-wide association study identifies novel single nucleotide polymorphisms having age-specific effect on prostate-specific antigen levels

Background: Testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in blood are widely used and associated with prostate cancer risk and outcome. After puberty, PSA levels increase by age and multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been found to be associated with PSA levels. However, the relationship between the effects of SNPs and age on PSA remains unknown. Methods: To test for SNP × a

Klimatförändringar och biologisk mångfald : Slutsatser från IPCC och IPBES i ett svenskt perspektiv.

De stora miljö- och samhällsproblemen kommer inte ensamma. De är sammankopplade på olika sätt. Detta innebär utmaningar men ger också möjligheter att utveckla åtgärder och lösningar. Det gäller både för klimatfrågan och frågan om att motverka förlusten av biologisk mångfald och ekosystem. Kunskapens betydelse för att hantera dessa och andra aspekter är ovärderlig, såväl kring specifika frågeställn

Assessment of Hydro-Geochemical Properties of Groundwater under the Effect of Desalination Wastewater Discharge in an Arid Area

Desalination to increase irrigation water supply for agricultural production is becoming important in water scarce regions. While desalination has positive effects on the potential irrigation water quantity and quality, the technique may also be a considered as potential source of groundwater pollution. The present study investigated the effects of desalination wastewater discharge on groundwater

Description and prediction of reading decoding skills in Swedish children with Developmental Language Disorder

Aim: Research is lacking in terms of reading decoding skills among clinical samples of Swedish-speaking children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Method: The present cross-sectional study included a sample of 61 children (8-12 years) with DLD attending school language units, years 1 to 5. Our purpose was to study reading decoding skills and predictors for decoding, such as a phonologica

A Putative Prohibitin-Calcium Nexus in β-Cell Mitochondria and Diabetes

The role of mitochondria in apoptosis is well known; however, the mechanisms linking mitochondria to the proapoptotic effects of proinflammatory cytokines, hyperglycemia, and glucolipotoxicity are not completely understood. Complex Ca2+ signaling has emerged as a critical contributor to these proapoptotic effects and has gained significant attention in regulating the signaling processes of mitocho

Realizing a Circular Concrete Industry in Denmark through an Integrated Product, Service and System Perspective

Concrete is the most commonly used material worldwide, often associated with an irreversible production process and waste generation at the end-of-life. As such, the concrete industry holds large untapped potentials for moving towards more circular economy (CE) practices. Product service system (PSS) offerings incentivize CE through extending product use, improving product performance and developi

Adsorption-induced bending of a triatomic molecule : Near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy investigation of N2O adsorbed on different Ni(111) surfaces

A monolayer of N2O/Ni(111), a submonolayer species, and a monolayer of N2O/Ni\(111\)+O p[2×2] were studied using near-edge x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy. From the polarization dependence we derive bent N2O molecules for the monolayer species whereas the two other species remain linear upon adsorption. Using the Xα-scattered-wave method the polarization dependence of the three π* res

Individual and Contextual Factors Associated With Hazardous Drinking in Spain : Evidence From a National Population-Based Study

BACKGROUND: Heavy drinking (HD) and binge drinking (BD) exhibit marked differences in their relationships with contextual-level factors imbedded in geographical areas of residence. The objective is to identify sociodemographic factors, both at the individual and at the contextual level, associated with these 2 main hazardous consumption patterns.METHODS: Cross-sectional study using data from the 2

Evaluation of the LSA-SAF Gross Primary Production product derived from SEVIRI/MSG data (MGPP)

The objective of this study is to describe a completely new 10-day gross primary production (GPP) product (MGPP LSA-411) based on data from the geostationary SEVIRI/MSG satellite within the LSA SAF (Land Surface Analysis SAF) as part of the SAF (Satellite Application Facility) network of EUMETSAT. The methodology relies on the Monteith approach. It considers that GPP is proportional to the absorbeThe objective of this study is to describe a completely new 10-day gross primary production (GPP) product(MGPP LSA-411) based on data from the geostationary SEVIRI/MSG satellite within the LSA SAF (Land SurfaceAnalysis SAF) as part of the SAF (Satellite Application Facility) network of EUMETSAT.The methodology relies on the Monteith approach. It considers that GPP is proportional to the absorbedph

Generalized Cesàro Operators: Geometry of Spectra and Quasi-Nilpotency

For the class of Hardy spaces and standard weighted Bergman spaces of the unit disk, we prove that the spectrum of a generalized Cesàro operator Tg is unchanged if the symbol g is perturbed to g+h by an analytic function h inducing a quasi-nilpotent operator Th⁠, that is, spectrum of Th equals {0}⁠. We also show that any Tg operator that can be approximated in the operator norm by an operator Th w

Those Who Stayed: Selection and Cultural Change during the Age of Mass Migration

This paper studies the cultural causes and consequences of mass emigration from Scandinavia in the 19th century. I test the hypothesis that people with individualistic traits were more likely to emigrate, because they faced lower costs of leaving established social networks behind. Data from population censuses and passenger lists confirm this hypothesis. Children who grew up in households with no

Diagnostic disagreement between clinical standard histopathological- and retrospective assessment of histopathology-based gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease in children

Background: No previous paediatric study has evaluated the frequency of diagnostic disagreement between clinical standard histopathological assessment (CSHA) and retrospective, independent, histopathological assessment (RIHA) of gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GI-GVHD). Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, based on gastrointestinal biopsies collected from allogeneic HSCT-treated c

Symptom occurrence and distress after heart transplantation—a nationwide cross-sectional cohort study

Experiencing symptoms after heart transplantation may hamper the heart recipient’s self-management which can lead to negative effects. We know little about symptom occurrence and distress after heart transplantation, especially in relation to sociodemographic variables. The aim of the study was to explore self-reported symptom occurrence and distress after heart transplantation and their relations