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Fuel deposition rates in migrating birds: Causes, constraints and consequences.
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Industrial energy efficiency and technology transfer in the Chinese cement sector
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The previous round-robin (RR) study on clothing evaporative resistance (Ret) has shown that the repeatability and reproducibility of clothing Ret measurements on sweating manikins were rather low. To further examine and enhance the measurement accuracy, a new strict but feasible test protocol was proposed and thoroughly examined in a new round-robin test. Eight laboratories participated in this st
Balancing as a judicial methodology of EU constitutional adjudication
Exploring everyday life : strategies for ethnography and cultural analysis
“Bodily forces, actions and the semantics of verbs”
Setting the game plan – The role of clients in construction innovation and diffusion
Ungdomar i Vilhelmina. Redovisning av en enkät som genomfördes på Malgomajskolan i Vilhelmina under vårterminen 1996
Organisk kemi
Taming of the BEAST
Modern communication systems are designed to enable reliable and fast information transfer. Therefore, efficient channel coding and decoding strategies are needed, which guarantee sufficiently low probability of erroneous reception with affordable receiver complexity. For many channel codes, optimal decoding with traditional methods is prohibitively complex. The challenge therefore lies in designi
Cerebellar pathways and mechanisms in classical conditioning
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärnan ansvarar för styrningen av vårt beteende. Exempelvis kan skador på hjärnan vara förödande för vår motorik eller förändra vår personlighet. Hur hjärnan exakt ger upphov till vårt beteende är i huvudsak okänt men hjärnans betydelse för vissa delar av vårt beteende har studerats genom att bryta ner vårt beteende i avgränsade, identifierbara beståndsdelar. Ett avgräIt has been suggested that the cerebellar mossy fibre afferents transmit the conditioned stimulus (CS) information to the cerebellum. Several studies are consistent with this suggestion but alternative explanations have not been excluded. In conditioned ferrets, the forelimb CS was replaced by a direct stimulation of the cerebellar mossy fibre afferents. It was found that true conditioned response
Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation
Judendom - en väg till helighet och helhet
A European roadmap for environments of ageing. FUTURAGE. November, 2010.
Identification of pathway-biased and deleterious melatonin receptor mutants in autism spectrum disorders and in the general population
Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and a synchronizer of many physiological processes. Alteration of the melatonin pathway has been reported in circadian disorders, diabetes and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, very little is known about the genetic variability of melatonin receptors in humans. Here, we sequenced the melatonin receptor MTNR1A and MTNR1B, genes coding for MT1 and MT2 rece
Odour detection in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria: antennal structure and function
The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is a polymorphic insect that occurs in two morphological and physiological distinct phases, solitary and gregarious, depending on population density. The two phases are reversible at any developmental stage. The gregarious phase produces and uses stage-specific pheromones, that keep the swarm together. In my thesis, I investigated the functional morphology