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Då följer en stämpel i pannan -en diskursanalytisk studie om bilden av psykisk ohälsa

The aim of this paper was to explore the perceptions and images of mental illness that is conveyed in the media form of internet magazines, more precisely in the discussion forums that are found below the articles. This paper also explored how the category of people with mental health problems related to these structures. A central focus was to investigate how the image was constructed from the ta

Determinants of Infant Mortality in Kenya - Analysis of Kenya DHS 2003 and 2008/9

Infant mortality rate is considered as sensitive indicators of living standard and socio-economic conditions of a country. It remains a big challenge for the Kenyan Government due to the high infant mortality rates as she strives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This paper examined and identified the important determinants of infant mortality in Kenya. The analysis will be based

Are Banks in Switzerland Too-Big-To-Fail?

Too-big-to-fail has been a subject of controversy and has gained much attention in the course of the sub-prime financial crisis 2007-2009. Subjects related under this topic for instance are usually about the excessive risk taken by the government, and moral hazard. In this paper, we perform an analysis to examine the existence of too-big-to-fail impact on the banking sector in Switzerland during t

Features of Auditory Brainstem Response Spectral Representations as Tools for ADHD-Diagnostics

ADHD is a psychological disorder which has become significantly more prevalent and much debated in the last decades. This study investigates the possibilities in developing quantitative diagnostic tools for psychiatric assessment of ADHD based on spectral representations of Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR). Two different approaches to data pre-treatment are adopted, followed by estimates of powe

Proaktiv planering av IS-integration vid fusioner och förvärv

Mergers and Acqusitions (M&A) gör det möjligt för organisationer att utveckla sin verksamhet. Genom genomförandet av en M&A kan organisationer tillskansa sig olika typer av synergieffekter som leder till att organisationen kan utvecklas. Många organisationer är även beroende av de informationssystem (IS) som används för intern informationsspridning. Samtidigt som antalet genomförda M&A

Production and Characterization of Mrp AntiporterComplex - The Evolutionary Progenitor of Complex I

NADH:upiquinone oxidoreductase, or complex I, is the first and largest enzyme in the respiratory chain. It is the last known enzyme in the chain due to its complexity of being a very large complex comprising of a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic domains of about 46 subunits in total in the eukaryote enzyme. Another reason of its complexity is that the hydrophobic domain does not have any redox center

Hur frivillig är frivillig organisation?

I uppsatsen behandlas hur styrelseledamöter ifrån två olika frivillig organisationer beskriver frivillighet kontra tvång och sammanhållning samt status och maktförhållanden i relation till sitt engagemang. Utgångspunkten för studien är en förförståelse om att det finns inslag av tvång och ojämlikhet även i frivillig organisation. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån hur intervjupersonerna beskriver


Titel: Strategiskt resonemang i dagstidningsbranschen Seminariedatum: 2014-05-26 Kurs: FEKN90 Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 ECTS. Författare: Jacob Baarlid Ericson och Sofie Bohman Handledare: Stein Kleppestø Nyckelord: Dagstidningsbranschen, strategisk förändring, strukturella branschförändringar, strategiskt resonemang, Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga de strateTitle: Strategic reasoning in the newspaper industry Seminar date: 2014-05-26 Course: FEKN90 Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS. Authors: Jacob Baarlid Ericson and Sofie Bohman Supervisor: Stein Kleppestø Key words: Newspaper industry, strategic change, structural industry changes, strategic reasoning, Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how com

Building Bridges. The case of Implement – Knowledge Sharing in a management-consulting firm with a bold growth strategy

The main purpose of this study is to examine how Knowledge Management is conducted in a practical setting. This research concerns a single case study conducted from an interpretative, qualitative perspective. The empirical base is a single case study of a management-consulting firm consisting of nine interviews with employees. Contextual factors on Knowledge Management forms the theoretical framew

Knowledge management initiatives and managerial activities

Knowledge is the essence to run IT projects. Managing knowledge in the project context can be contradicting with the limited resources and time span in the projects. Increased empirical research is made to explore the crucial factors influence knowledge management in projects. Even though the research domain is substantial on the subject, there is still limited amount of research of focusing relat

Excess Cash Best In Class? Which Firms Managed Better Stock Returns During The Financial Crisis?

During the normal periods in absence of crisis, diversified firms without any excess cash as a whole, outperformed focused firms holding excess cash. During the Financial Crisis from mid 2007 to early 2009 on the other hand, focused firms holding excess cash outperformed less diversified firms and diversified firms as a group, where diversified firms with more than 2 different SIC codes performed

Secular oscillations and Kozai cycles in planetary systems

Idag vet man att det finns planeter även utanför vårt solsystem, de snurrar runt sina stjärnor precis som vi snurrar runt Solen - vår stjärna. Man kallar dem `exoplaneter', och hittills har man detekterat över tusen stycken. En del av alla dessa exoplaneter har till synes underliga egenskaper: Deras omloppsbanor är väldigt små, endast några hundradelar av Jordens omloppsbana, samtidigt som de The origin of the class of exoplanets typically referred to as hot Jupiters is to this day an unsettled matter. Some of the proposed formation channels predict certain values of the spin-orbit misalignment parameter, i.e. the angle between the stellar rotation axis, and the angular momentum vector of the planet orbit. One such formation channel is tidal capture following Kozai resonance (TCKR). Th

The Beneficial Effects of Relaxation Techniques on Stress, Memory and Attention

High levels of stress have been documented to impact memory and attention. On the other hand according to previous literature low levels of stress can be helpful in preparing individuals physically and mentally to become active. Relaxation techniques have been proved to reduce stress successfully but there is debate regarding if they have the same positive effects on cognitive performance as well.

Understanding Perceptions Towards, and Usage of, Social Media in the Context of Relationship Building: A Generational Comparison

Title: Understanding Perceptions and Usage of Social Media in the Context of Relationship Building: A Generational Comparison Date of the Seminar: 30 May 2012 Course:BUSN29. Master Thesis Authors:Lovisa Haglind and Caroline Jonsson Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Keywords: Generations, Social Media and Relationship Building Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine on what basis diverse gene

Conditional Cash Transfers in the African Context: An Explorative Study on the Impacts of CCTs in Burkina Faso

The proliferation of poverty and global inequality between and within the countries has resulted in an emerging consensus among the actors in the field of international development on the importance of social policies in the process of development. One type of social policy measures employed to tackle poverty is Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). These have been formed within the World Bank Group a

Nonlinear response of a quantum cascade laser in a high intensity electromagnetic field

A theoretical study is presented, in which the nonlinear response of a bi-ased Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) is calculated. The calculations are based on the nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism. Assuming a periodic electromagnetic field in the calculations, this formalism provides not only the stationary behavior Green’s functions, but also the part of the response that varies in time according

Kunskap - Ett redskap i stallmiljön

Ett naturbruksgymnasium är ett socialt rum. Inom det sociala rummet finns det olika fält som hästtjejerna befinner sig på,inom dessa fält synliggörs hästtjejernas positioner genom deras kapitalinnehav. Syftet med studien är att analysera hästtjejernas upplevelse av gruppen som finns i stallmiljön och vad som ger status i stallmiljön. Empirin bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem hästtjejer i ål

Aid for Quality - Quality Assurance in Swedish Party Affiliated Organizations

Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to shed light over the relationship between aid organizations, TQM and overall quality assurance. More specifically, we aim to identify the challenges with quality assurance work in the context of Swedish party affiliated organizations. Methodology: Our study is a qualitative study with an abductive approach. Theoretical perspectives: Our theoretical perspect