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Perception of a City’s Extent

The thesis is about the perceived extent of a city in comparison to the administrative city limits. This thesis primarily based on an opinion poll with 500 respondents that was conducted in the Malmö region in May 2013 and sets out to map the perceived city extent of the city of Malmö. Furthermore, a comparison is made with the findings from an identical opinion poll made in the Stockholm region.

Internal Displacement, Place attachment and post-conflict trauma in Sucre, Colombia.

This essay gives and insight into the situation of IDPs in Sucre, Colombia. The aim of the study is to try to draw on the concepts of internal displacement, place attachment and post-conflict trauma to see how IDPs view themselves in respects to these concepts. Colombia has the second largest number of IDPs in the world making the situation for IDPs a highly relevant case to study. When one talks

All in the game yo, all in the game - Normteoretisk styrning utav polisiära insatser mot organiserad narkotikarelaterad brottslighet

In the radio documentary Narkotikalandet Sverige made during late 2012 by the Swedish radio channel P1 the narcotic-related part of society is explored in three separate parts. The first part explores the heroin market in the Swedish capitol of Stockholm. Focused around Sergels Torg the reporter explores a part of the Swedish society that many either doesn’t know exist or they choose to ignore it.

Community, work and sustainability : redefining work through cohousing

The prevailing view on work excludes unpaid activities like care, individual or community work although they are crucial for economy and everyday life. Because the focus on paid work also leads to both social and environmental unsustainability, work has to be redefined. Cohousing evolved from the belief that through a collective organisation with a specific built and social environment, care work

What are the effects of the financial crisis on Gender Inequality? - The case of Greece

The purpose of this thesis has been to ask whether the financial crisis in Greece is having any effects on gender inequality using the two concepts of gender roles and care work as theoretical frameworks. The scope of the study stretches from the beginning of the crisis in 2009, to 2012. Greece is used as a case study in the thesis and the data consists of official statistics from Eurostat and ELS

The influence of the financial crisis on the investment behaviour of German pension funds regarding the Swedish real-estate market as an investment location

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 shock the financial markets worldwide and caused major losses for financial institutions and institutional investors. German pension funds need to invest their assets also during times of financial and economic downturns, regardless the uncertainty about the future development of the market situation. Real-estate is considered a safe investment for capital in time

Recognizing Recognition – An analysis of donor-recipient relations using the example of Sino-Malawian cooperation

The partnership rhetoric is widely spread in development studies and practice. This thesis revisits the debate on partnership using Honneth’s theory of recognition. In order to shed light on the role of recognition in donor-recipient relations, Sino-Malawian cooperation on infrastructure projects in Malawi is exemplarily examined. A discourse analysis of original expert interviews with Malawians i

Absolut barnfattigdom vs. relativ barnfattigdom : en argumentationsanalys av debatten kring Rädda Barnens årsrapport om barnfattigdom i Sverige

This essay is an analysis of the on-going debate concerning child poverty in Sweden. In what follows, I will outline the most significant definitions of child poverty currently in use. These are absolute poverty, absolute poverty in a Swedish context and relative poverty. I have based my discussion of these issues on Save the Children Sweden’s report on child poverty, along with its strongest coun

Pro-israelisk kritik mot UNRWA : en retorisk analys av Middle Eastern Quarterlys specialnummer om UNRWA

The purpose of this thesis has been to categorize the criticism that the pro-Israeli side presents against UNRWA. With a rhetorical perspective I have carefully examined an academic journal with an expressed pro-American agenda to find the main theses of the criticism. My studies showed that the criticism the authors are presenting is that it is wrong that the integration has disappeared from UNRW

Corporate Reputation Management of Swedish Universities in Marketing Perspective - An Example of Lund University

Sweden was one of the most popular countries where many non-European students chose as the destination to study. However, since the introduction of tuition fees in the autumn of 2011, there has been a major reduction of enrolment in the total number of non-European students. Approximately all Swedish universities had a 33% decrease in the number of foreign students in 2011. However, Lund Universit

Bigi, Dagmar, Hannah och Pär - En kvalitativ textanalys av VeckoRevyns hjärtespaltsrådgivares svar under åren 1950, 1970 och 2010

Denna kandidatuppsats handlar om hjärtespalterna i VeckoRevyn från åren 1950, 1970 och 2010. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys, samt användandet av Judith Butlers teori om den heterosexuella matrisen samt om det performativa könet har jag analyserat hur rådgivarna bemöter sina läsare och brevskribenter. Rådgivarnas röster har gått från att 1950 var ganska krass, till att 1970 vara väldigt dist

Implementing traceability requirements to eliminate IUU fishing beyond EU jurisdiction

Olagligt, orapporterat och oreglerat (IUU) fiske är ett av de största hoten mot den marina biologiska mångfalden. Problematiken går hand i hand med farhågorna kring överfiske, något som har anammats av det internationella samfundet under de senaste två decennierna. Stater har uppmanats att på egen hand eller genom gemensamma initiativ, vidta åtgärder för att bekämpa IUU-fiske. Som en utav de störsIllegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities are currently considered to be one of the largest threats to the conservation of marine living resources and biodiversity. Thus, the international community have for the last two decades called upon States to take measures, individually or jointly, to combat IUU fishing. As an important actor on the global market, the European Union (EU)


Purpose: To explore and describe how country-of-origin has its effect towards both high- and low-context culture societies. Theoretical perspectives: Country-of-origin effect, cultural context, international marketing. Methodology: A comparative study using six focus group discussions to obtain differences and similarities on country-of-origin effect in both high- and low-context culture societies

Vessel segmentation for time resolved phase contrast MRI

Quantication of cardiovascular flow and blood volumes are useful tools in diagnosing cardiovascular disease such as congenital heart defects and different kinds of valve leakage. Medical imaging techniques enables non-invasive analysis of anatomy and physiology. In order to perform flow quantification from medical image sequences, the boundaries of the vessels of interest are usually delineated ma

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The horizontal principle which usually applies when it comes to international law is not more universal than the human rights they concern. At least not in all of the worlds regions. This thesis´ starting point is Africa and is based on a combination of theory of power and empirical examples from the colonial era. It argues that the power relations between the state and the individual generated un

Responsibilities of the Member States under the Dublin II Regulation from a fundamental rights perspective

I denna uppsats undersöks hur grundläggande rättigheter inom EU påverkar medlemsstaternas ansvar vid tillämpning av Dublinförordningen. Uppsatsen inriktas på två huvudsakliga skyldigheter hos medlemsstaterna – skyldigheten att bedöma andra medlemsstaters skydd av grundläggande rättigheter och skyldigheten för alla medlemsstater att respektera de grundläggande rättigheterna inom unionen. MedlemsstThis essay examines the responsibilities of the Member States in the European Union under the Dublin II Regulation from a fundamental rights perspective. The examination focuses in particular on two main obligations of the Member States – the obligation to assess other Member States’ compliance with fundamental rights and the obligation for all Member States to respect fundamental rights in the Un

The responsibility to enforce? : a study of the responsibility for the human rights of the Palestine refugees

The question of the Palestine refugees has been an issue to the United Nations’ General Assembly (UNGA) ever since its creation in 1948, and it has played an immense role in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Everyone involved wants to find a solution to the problem, but 65 years on, the issue is as complex as it has ever been. The question of which actor have the main human rights responsibility for

Miljöutredning och miljökommunikation på fordons- och transportprogrammet på Svalöfs gymnasium

The report contains an environmental investigation of the automotive and transportat-ion program on Svalöfs gymnasium and an analysis of the environmental communicat-ion between management, teachers and students. The environmental investigation has been based on the methodology of ISO 14001. The various environment aspects on the automotive and transport program has been identi-fied and then eval

Gentrifiering i Rosengård - En studie i ställningstagning till fysisk förändring i Rosengård.

The study concerns urban change in Rosengård where the study discusses the urban phenomena gentrification witch is reinvestment in urban areas. Rosengård is a product of ”miljonprogrammet” where the government had the intension to build one million apartments in ten years. Rosengård have gain hard critic for over 50 years for being rationalized and standardized. The study portray results from a su

Utvecklingsarbete på armlängds avstånd? : En studie av Kultur Skånes roll i utvecklandet av kulturhustanken vid tre skånska bibliotek

The aim of this Master’s thesis is to study some of the consequences the collaboration model has brought about to public libraries in Skåne. Since the implementation of the model in 2011, the regions have obtained increased responsibilities in terms of both development work and allocation of funds to public libraries in the region. The regional cultural plan states that Kultur Skåne – The Administ