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Associations between Self-Disorders and First-Rank Symptoms : An Empirical Study

BACKGROUND: The diagnostic weight of the first-rank symptoms was deemphasized in DSM-5 and a similar change is expected in ICD-11. This change was motivated by a lack of solid, empirical evidence of the diagnostic significance of first-rank symptoms for schizophrenia. Yet, it seems that Schneider's original concept of first-rank symptoms was overly simplified when it was introduced in DSM-III. Spe

The immune system, amyloid-β peptide, and Alzheimer's disease

In this review, the case is made that amyloid-β peptide in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease is a primary cause of the disease and that immunotherapy directed against this peptide has the potential to halt and/or reverse disease progression. This supposition is supported by the capacity of anti-β-amyloid peptide antibodies to prevent or reverse the disease in mouse models of Alzheimer

Soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to chemical substances : A case-referent study

In 1977 several patients were seen with soft-tissue sarcomas and previous exposure to phenoxy acids. This clinical observation resulted in a case-referent (case-control) study being undertaken which showed that exposure to phenoxy acids or chlorophenols, which are chemically related, gave a roughly six-fold increase in the risk for this type of tumor. A further case-referent study of soft-tissue s

Social class, economic capital and the Swedish, German and Danish asylum systems

Refugees have moved into the spotlight of public debate in Europe and North America, where they are targeted by multiple welfare state interventions. This volume analyses the tensions that emerge within the strong welfare states of Northern Europe when faced with an increased immigration of protection-seeking people. Examining the encounter between refugees and the welfare states, this book explor

Genotype-Environment Correlation and Its Relation to Personality - A Twin and Family Study

The aim of the study was to examine the Family and School Psychosocial Environment (FSPE) questionnaire in relation to a possible genotype-environment correlation and genetic mediation between the FSPE variables and personality variables, assessed by the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. A sample of 506 Swedish children aged 10-20 years from 253 families were recruited via the Swedish stat

A hybrid model for force prediction in orthogonal cutting with chamfered tools considering size and edge effect

Researches on the modeling of machining difficult-to-cut metals are important for optimization of the processing parameters, in which the force modeling is essential due to its significant influence on the performance of tools and the quality of parts. A semi-analytical method for force prediction in orthogonal cutting with chamfered tools considering both edge and size effect is proposed in this

Cortico-Striatal Oscillations Are Correlated to Motor Activity Levels in Both Physiological and Parkinsonian Conditions

Oscillatory neural activity in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical (CBGTC) loop is associated with the motor state of a subject, but also with the availability of modulatory neurotransmitters. For example, increased low-frequency oscillations in Parkinson’s disease (PD) are related to decreased levels of dopamine and have been proposed as biomarkers to adapt and optimize therapeutic interven

Gender differences in treatments and interventions received by children and adolescents with cerebral palsy

BACKGROUND: In the Swedish population-based follow-up program and national quality registry for individuals with cerebral palsy (CPUP), physiotherapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) treatments are regularly recorded along with functional status. By Swedish law, all citizens irrespective of personal characteristics or socioeconomic status, have the right to receive healthcare and medical treatme

Interpretation of normal-deformed bands in Lu 167

With the aim to get a general understanding of rotational bands in the deformed rare-earth region or in deformed nuclei in general, the observed normal-deformed rotational structures in Lu167 are interpreted within the unpaired and paired cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalisms, cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky-Bogoliubov. Particular attention is devoted to the band crossing

Increased particle flow rate from airways precedes clinical signs of ARDS in a porcine model of LPS-induced acute lung injury

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common cause of death in the intensive care unit, with mortality rates of ~30-40%. To reduce invasive diagnostics such as bronchoalveolar lavage and time-consuming in-hospital transports for imaging diagnostics, we hypothesized that particle flow rate (PFR) pattern from the airways could be an early detection method and contribute to improving diagno

Frequently Recurrent Takotsubo Syndrome in COPD

Cardiovascular disease is common among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is a transient cardiac disorder that, in its typical form, involves left ventricular dysfunction with apical ballooning and mimics acute coronary syndrome (ACS). "Bronchogenic TTS" has been proposed as a specific form of TTS (during severe acute dyspnea in asthma or COPD) witCardiovascular disease is common among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is a transient cardiac disorder that, in its typical form, involves left ventricular dysfunction with apical ballooning and mimics acute coronary syndrome (ACS). "Bronchogenic TTS" has been proposed as a specific form of TTS (during severe acute dyspnea in asthma or COPD) wit

The Eye of the Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)

Octopus vulgaris, well-known from temperate waters of the Mediterranean Sea and a well-cited model species among the cephalopods, has large eyes with which it scans its environment actively and which allow the organism to discriminate objects easily. On cursory examination, the single-chambered eyes of octopus with their spherical lenses resemble vertebrate eyes. However there are also apparent di

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide : Implications in diabetes

Nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are two gasotransmitters that are produced in the human body and have a key role in many of the physiological activities of the various organ systems. Decreased NO bioavailability and deficiency of H2S are involved in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Restoration of NO levels have favorable metabolic effects in diabetes. The

Bayesian alignment of proteins via Delaunay tetrahedralization

An active area of research in bioinformatics is finding structural similarity of proteins by alignment. Among many methods, the popular one is to find the similarity based on statistical features. This method involves gathering information from the complex biomolecule structure and obtaining the best alignment by maximizing the number of matched features. In this paper, after reviewing statistical