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How Iran’s Islamic Revolution Does, and Does Not, Influence Houthi Rule in Northern Yemen

at the Houthis are adherents of the Zaidi sect of Shia Islam has invited comparisons of the movement’s actions to the Iranian regime and the establishment of the Islamic republic following the fall of the monarchy in Tehran in 1979. Some Houthi adversaries have gone as far as alleging that the Houthis have converted to Twelver Shiism, seek to remodel Yemen along Iranian Twelver lines and to become

Inclusion of the dwell time effect in the LuGre friction model

The Dahl friction model is a simple dynamic model for friction obtained by adding dynamics to the stress strain curve. The model captures many aspects of friction and has been used for simulation for a long time. A drawback with the model is that it does not display the stick-slip effect. The LuGre friction model extends the Dahl model to capture the stick-slip motion but is does not capture the f

Concentration of citrus fruit juices in membrane pouches with solar energy Part 2 : How solar drying setup and juice pretreatment determine the microbiological quality

The aim of this study was to investigate how solar drying setup and choice of juice pretreatment determine the microbiological quality in a fruit juice concentration process called solar assisted pervaporation (SAP). With this process, hygienic membrane pouches and solar energy are used to concentrate and preserve fruit juices. In this study, citrus (tangerine) marmalades were produced with SAP me

Share the wealth : Trees with greater ectomycorrhizal species overlap share more carbon

The mutualistic symbiosis between forest trees and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) is among the most ubiquitous and successful interactions in terrestrial ecosystems. Specific species of EMF are known to colonize specific tree species, benefitting from their carbon source, and in turn, improving their access to soil water and nutrients. EMF also form extensive mycelial networks that can link multiple

Healthcare costs and productivity losses associated with county-based home-care service for sick children in Sweden

Aims: The aim of this study was to estimate the healthcare costs and productivity losses associated with county-based home-care services (HCS) for sick children. Methods: In this observational follow-up study, a combination of hospital care and HCS was compared to estimated alternative care solely at the hospital. Data on one year of healthcare utilisation for 32 children, supplied by the hospital

Longitudinal Metabolome-Wide Signals Prior to the Appearance of a First Islet Autoantibody in Children Participating in the TEDDY Study

Children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes (T1D) after environmental exposures may develop pancreatic islet autoantibodies (IA) at a very young age. Metabolic profile changes over time may imply responses to exposures and signal development of the first IA. Our present research in The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study aimed to identify metabolome-wide si

Reduced order modeling for the dynamic analysis of structures with nonlinear interfaces

In the present paper, linear substructures with nonlinearities localized at their interfaces, such as the joints in a beam structure, are studied. By subdivision of the total structure into substructures, reduced subsystems are obtained by component mode synthesis. Nonlinear elements are introduced at supports or between substructures. A numerical example is presented where a beam subjected to bla

Where is search in Information Literacy : A Theoretical Note on Infrastructure and Community of Practice

In this conceptual paper theory of infrastructure is combined with one of situated learning, with a focus on search and search engines. The aim of the paper is to make a theoretical contribution to the information literacy research field by discussing theoretical contradictions as well as strengths when combining the two theoretical perspectives. Search engines and their use are part of the contem

Social learning towards a more adaptive paradigm? Reducing flood risk in Kristianstad municipality, Sweden

Social learning is often treated as an intervention, a designed process facilitated or even initiated by a third party. We investigated how a social learning process emerged spontaneously from inside Kristianstad, one of the most flood-prone municipalities in Sweden. Twenty key persons were interviewed over 8 years, many of them several times, to assess the process. A small action oriented group o

Kardiovaskulär sjukdom och diabetes typ II som riskfaktorer för kognitiv sjukdom

En kort sammanställning i tidningen Neurolog i Sverige av våra två artiklar som presenterar prevalensen av kardiovaskulär sjukdom och typ 2 diabetes i olika kognitiva sjukdomar. Här visar vi att Alzheimer's sjukdom och Lewykroppssjukdom, de två vanligaste neurodegenerativa sjukdomarna, har en signifikant lägre förekomst av både kardiovaskulär sjukdom och typ 2 diabetes jämfört med vaskulär demens.Here we presented a review of our two articles presenting the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in neurocognitive disorders; Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, mixed dementa and Lewy body disease. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes showed a significantly lower prevalence among cases with Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body disease, both neurodegenerative disorders, compared to

β-amyloid accumulation impairs multivesicular body sorting by inhibiting the ubiquitin-proteasome system

Increasing evidence links intraneuronal β-amyloid (Aβ 42) accumulation with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In Aβ precursor protein (APP) mutant transgenic mice and in human AD brain, progressive intraneuronal accumulation of Aβ42 occurs especially in multivesicular bodies (MVBs). We hypothesized that this impairs the MVB sorting pathway. We used the trafficking of the epidermal grow

Chaperones increase association of tau protein with microtubules

Molecular chaperones and their functions in protein folding have been implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease, which are characterized by accumulation of protein aggregates (e.g., α-synuclein and huntingtin, respectively). These aggregates have been shown in various experimental systems to respond to changes in levels of molecular ch