Spirit of Christ Inculturated- A Theological Theme Implicit in Shusaku Endo's Literary Works
Popular Abstract in Swedish Shusaku Endo (1923-1960) är en romersk-katolsk, japansk romanförfattare. Från 1950-1953 studerade han fransk litteratur I Lyon, Frankrike. När han återvänt från Lyon, började Endo en karriär som författare. Hans tidiga verk omfattar bl a White Men, Yellow Men (1954) Wonderful Fool (1959), The Women in the Bible (1960),Foreign Studies (1965). Denna studie analyserar hanShusaku Endo (1923-1996) is a Roman Catholic, Japanese novelist. From 1950 to 1953, he studied French literature in Lyon, France. Returning from Lyon, Endo began his career as a novelist. His early works include: White Men, Yellow Men(1954), A Wonderful Fool(1959), The Women in the Bible(1960), Foreign Studies(1965), etc. The present study analyses his work from the perspective of the inculturati