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A Case Study on Benefits and Side-Effects of Agile Practices in Large-Scale Requirements Engineering
In the software industry, there is a strong shift from traditional phase-based development towards agile methods and practices. This paper reports on a case study aimed at investigating if, and how, agile Requirements Engineering (RE) can remedy the challenges of traditional RE, and what new challenges agile RE may pose. The results from an initial case study with 9 practitioners from a large soft
Innovationspolitik och innovationssystem
The interaction between epistemicity and social rank on an online bulletin board
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the close interaction between epistemic and evidential stance verbs on the one hand and social hierarchy and power on the other. It is hypothesized that there is a correlation between the degree and intensity of stance verbs and the social context in which they are generated. The data for the study comes from an online bulletin board, in which members ar
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On the nature and etiology of chronic achilles tendinopathy
The present studies included 362 consecutive patients and 147 healthy controls and were conducted to provide a rational basis for treatment and future research. The major lesion was a focal non-inflammatory tendon degeneration (tendinosis). Twenty per cent of the cases were complicated by a secondary partial rupture. The paratenon was normal. A study of tendon blood flow using laser Doppler flow
”Modul 1 Skogsbruk”. Klimatet och skogen – underlag för nationell forskning
Behovet av ny kunskap i anslutning till klimatförändringen är enormt. Det behövs ny kunskap om hur • klimatet kan komma att utvecklas. • skogsekosystemet kan komma att utvecklas. • dessa system interagerar. Detta kunskapsuppbyggande är högst angeläget att påbörja men kommer att ta tid. Många beslut inom skogsbruket måste fattas redan idag utan tillgång till forskningsresultaten. Man tvingas alltså
Accuracy and the realism in confidence in children’s and adults’ event recall in response to free recall and focussed questions
Numerical Studies of Mixing in Pipes and Static Mixers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling var att studera blandningsprocessen i statiska mixrar vid laminärt flöde och i rör vid förträngning av vätskor med olika fysikaliska egenskaper. En numerisk metod och ett tillvägagångssätt för att karaktärisera statiska mixrar har utvecklats. Med hjälp av den utvecklade metoden och numerisk strömningsberäkning (CFD) har effekten på blandningThe objective of the present work was to investigate the mixing process in static mixers under laminar flow conditions, and in pipes during the displacement of dissimilar liquids. A numerical scheme and a method of characterizing static mixers were developed. The effects of changes in geometry, flow rate, viscosity ratio and volumetric flow rate ratio on the mixing process were investigated using
Identifying the relationship between the precipitation in the source region of the Yellow River and climatic patterns
In this study, the precipitation trend was investigated by linear regression and Mann-Kendall test using the daily data from 1961 to 2010.
Restructuring of medium sized cities - lessons from the Baltic Sea region.
Funktionshindrad - med rätt till arbete?: en komparativ studie av arbetsrättsliga regleringar kring arbete och funktionshinder i Sverige, England och Tyskland
This doctoral thesis examines labour market legislation concerning disability and work in Sweden, England and Germany. In order to provide increased access to the labour market for people with disabilities, all these countries have undertaken more of less far-reaching legislative measures over a number of decades, both in line with, or as a result of, general labour and employment legislation, but
Lasermannen (Per-Olof Zetterberg)
Efficient Conversion of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates- Yeast Tolerance and Redox Metabolism
The fermentation of lignocellulose hydrolysates by Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ethanol production was investigated. An important problem for the successful conversion of these hydrolysates is that they often are inhibitory. The physiological effect of the furan inhibitors 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and furfural were therefore studied, and based on the results novel strains were constructed. A
Vetenskapsnyheten som framgångssaga. Forskningen i journalistikens gråzon
Not available.
Kontextualisering av metallhantverk på landsbygden - arkeometallurgi och landskapsstudiemetodik
The research project "Exclusive metalworking in rural settings" was instigated in 2013 with funding from Berit Wallenbergs foundation. The projects objective is to survey sites housing remains of multimetal craftsmanship of the late Iron Age and medieval periods outside urban contexts. This article aims to contextualize preliminary results from the project by evaluating its chosen source material
Att höra till de äldre på väntelistan för njurtransplantation. Situkulturella, biokulturella och sociokulturella aspekter på åldrande
A Comparative Assessment of Wind Turbine Innovation and Diffusion Policies. A Comparative Assessment of Wind Turbine Innovation and Diffusion Policies. Historical Case Studies of Energy Technology Innovation in: Chapter 24, The Global Energy Assessment
Ecology of zooplankton communities: climate, dormancy, and benthic-pelagic coupling
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur påverkas djurplanktonsamhällen av klimatförändringar och vilken betydelse har vilostadier? Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av “Ecology of zooplankton communities: climate, dormancy and benthic-pelagic coupling”, doktorsavhandling i Limnologi vid Ekologiska institutionen, Lunds Universitet, 2003. Djurplankton är sjöars motsvarighet till betande kossor och de mikThis thesis describes how influences, such as top down and bottom up forces, shape zooplankton communities in shallow lakes. I have also extended the traditional food-web theory by investigating the effects of climate on total biomass, taxonomic composition, and temporal properties of zooplankton communities. A field experiment showed that the total biomass of both phytoplankton and zooplankton in