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Three Ways to Mount Distinguishing Attacks on Irregularly Clocked Stream Ciphers
Many stream ciphers use irregular clocking to introduce nonlinearity to the keystream. We present three distinguishers on irregularly clocked linear feedback shift registers. The general idea used is to find suitable linear combinations of keystream bits, here called samples, that are drawn from a biased distribution. We describe how to place windows around the estimated positions around members
Observation of strongly subhomogeneous linewidths using high-contrast transmission spectroscopy: Experiment and theory
Conceptions of Crisis Management Capabilities – Municipal Officials’ Perspectives
In the Swedish crisis management system, the municipalities have a great responsibility. One part of this responsibility concerns preparing for crises by making risk and vulnerability analyses as well as plans for how to handle extraordinary events. Such preparedness planning involves municipal officials and consequently their conceptions of their organisations’ crisis management capabilities. Thi
Enögd men vidsynt
A portrait of prof. Kilian Stobaeus, Linnaeus, teacher in Lund 1727-1728. Footnotes, illustrations
Grammaticalization of prosody in the brain
Based on the results from three Event-Related Potential (ERP) studies, we show how the degree of grammaticalization of prosodic features influences their impact on syntactic and morphological processing. Thus, results indicate that only lexicalized word accents influence morphological processing. Furthermore, it is shown how an assumed semi-grammaticalized left-edge boundary tone activates main cl
Social Dialogue on Training - Case Study Sweden
Ecological language education policy
Det förflutna som samtida resurs - det odelade kulturlandskapets konsekvenser
Presentation of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2001
The Nordic Council: Regional Cooperation and Informal Integration
Abstract is not available
"Fysik för poeter" möts med "poesi för fysiker
Proceedings of the 14th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (NETWORKS 2010),
Det andra moderna: om Jürgen Habermas och den samhällsteoretiska diskursen om det moderna
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jürgen Habermas uppfattas idag ofta som dagens ledande samhällsteoretiker. Samtidigt är hans tänkande svårtillgängligt och ofta utsatt för missuppfattningar. De flesta försök att klargöra och diskutera hans kritiska teori har varit filosofiskt och idéhistoriskt inriktade. Denna avhandling framställer däremot hans kommunikativa handlingsteori genom att 'positionera' den This is a dissertation in social theoretical research. Its main subject is the critical social theory of the later Jürgen Habermas, that is, the social theory of Habermas which has broken with his earlier attempt to found social theory in an anthropology of knowledge and which instead - since the beginning of the seventies - takes its point of departure in the presuppositions of communicative acti
The environmental impacts of electronics. Going beyond the walls of semiconductor fabs
The growing complexity of integrated circuits and increasing component density place higher requirements for raw material and clean room standards, which demand significant amounts of energy. In spite of these developments, semiconductor facilities managed to reduce their energy intensity measured per product unit. At the same time, the impact of increasing circuit integration on upstream life cyc
Memory Distortions Induced by Fluency : Behavioural and Electrophysiological Investigations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Att gifta sig eller att vara med om en olycka är emotionella händelser som skapar våra mest livfulla och detaljerade minnen. Sådana minnen av händelser i tid och rum kallas generellt episodiska minnen. De flesta människor minns till exempel nästan exakt var de var när de hörde talas om terrorattackerna i New York 2001. De flesta av oss har nog redan glömt vad som hände The investigation of memory distortions provides insights into how memory normally works. Adopting a cognitive neuroscience perspective, the present thesis aimed at investigating memory distortions and the neural correlates of processes contributing to successful control of memory interference in healthy participants. All studies employed variations of the modified continuous recognition task. In