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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

Wound healing and expression of antimicrobial peptides/polypeptides in human keratinocytes, a consequence of common growth factors

In addition to acting as a physical barrier against microorganisms, the skin produces antimicrobial peptides and proteins. After wounding, growth factors are produced to stimulate the regeneration of tissue. The growth factor response ceases after regeneration of the tissue, when the physical barrier protecting against microbial infections is re-established. We found that the growth factors import

Höftfrakturer - ett enormt folkhälsoproblem

Hip fracture is the most serious and resource consuming consequence of osteoporosis. All patients need operation and hospital treatment which gives a great health economic impact. The two main types of hip fracture are cervical (femoral neck, intracapsular) and trochanteric (extra capsular). For the displaced cervical fractures the blood circulation to the femoral head is more or less damaged whic

Contribution of increasing CO2 and climate to carbon storage by ecosystems in the United States

The effects of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and climate on net carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of the conterminous United States for the period 1895-1993 were modeled with new, detailed historical climate information. For the period 1980-1993, results from an ensemble of three models agree within 25%, simulating a land carbon sink from CO2 and climate effects of 0.08 gigaton of carbon

Living and Dying with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Studies on Aetiology, Treatment, Lymphoma, Survival and Predictors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling hade som målsättning att belysa långtidsförloppet vid primärt Sjögrens syndrom (SS). Studierna är baserade på registret över SS-patienter vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS och de Amerikansk-Europeiska konsensuskriterierna för SS från 2002. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) är inte mer prevalent bland SS-patienter än bland kontrollpersoner. Bakteriens förekomThis work was aimed at improving our understanding of the course of primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS). The Malmö SS patient register and the 2002 American-European Consensus Criteria formed the basis of all studies. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) was not more prevalent in SS patients or associated with severe glandular or immunological dysfunction. Consequently, our results do not support screenin

Co-existing disorders in ADHD - implications for diagnosis and intervention

Background It is only recently that comorbidity in ADHD has come to the forefront as one of the most important aspects of the disorder. It is agreed that, often, these problems are at least as important as ADHD in contributing to the longer term outcome in the individual child. Objective To provide the reader with basic information about clinics and treatment of comorbidity in ADHD. Method Revie

Oxygen loss and thermal double donor formation in germanium

Kinetics of interstitial oxygen loss and oxygen-related thermal double donor (TDD) generation upon heat treatments of Ge:O crystals at 350 degrees C have been studied. The TDD concentration (N-TDD) was derived from Hall effect measurements in the temperature range 77-400 K. The bistability of the first TDD species was taken into account. The interstitial oxygen concentration ([O-i]) in the crystal

Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum spermidine synthase in complex with the substrate decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine and the potent inhibitors 4MCHA and AdoDATO

Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of the most severe type of malaria, a life-threatening disease affecting the lives of over three billion people. Factors like widespread resistance against available drugs and absence of an effective vaccine are seriously compounding control of the malaria parasite. Thus, there is an urgent need for the identification and validation of new drug targets.

Individual variation and repeatability of sex pheromone emission of female turnip moths Agrotis segetum

Individual variation of the female sex pheromone signal in Agrotis segetum was determined by gas chromatographic analysis. The individuals varied extensively, both in absolute and relative amounts of the three major pheromone components; Z5-10:OAc, Z7-12:OAc and Z9-14:OAc. Within individuals there was a strong correspondence between the sex pheromone gland content and the signal actually emitted.

Who are the "quitters"? a cross-sectional study of circumstances associated with women giving up smoking.

Background: Smoking is an important preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other diseases. Even though tobacco consumption is declining in Sweden, it is not declining in all groups. This study explored socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances hindering or facilitating smoking cessation in three birth cohorts of women from the general population. Methods: Between 1

Airways symptoms, immunological response and exposure in powder painting

Objectives: Powder painting is an alternative to solvent-based spray painting. Powder paints may contain organic acid anhydrides (OAAs), which are irritants to the airways and may cause sensitisation. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and immunological response among powder painters and to describe the exposure to OAAs. Methods: In all, 205 subjects in 3

Mark and Mission : Mk 7:1-23 in its Narrative and Historical Contexts

Popular Abstract in Swedish I religionernas värld står inga grupper så nära varandra som judendomen och kristendomen. Inte i något annat fall har det förekommit så mycket okunskap, illvilja och förföljelser. Det är ett ofrånkomligt faktum att Förintelsen ägde rum i den världsdel som mest av alla präglats av den kristna kyrkan. Det är därför en angelägen uppgift att studera den tidigaste kristendomFew passages in the New Testament Gospels can compete with Mk 7:1-23 when it comes to the history of influence in biblical scholarship. Generations of scholars have turned to this pericope in order to find the message of the historical Jesus, the theology of early Christianity or even the essence of Christianity. In this thesis it is argued that the mainstream interpretation of the cardinal saying

Status of the RISING Project at GSI

The FRS-RISING set-up at GSI uses secondary radioactive beams at relativistic energies for nuclear structure studies. At GSI the fragmentation or fission of stable primary beams up to U-238 provide secondary beams with sufficient intensity to perform gamma-ray spectroscopy. The RISING set-up is described and results of the first RISING campaign are presented. New experimental methods at relativist

Genetic and immunological risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus

Popular Abstract in Swedish Graviditetsdiabetes (GDM) definieras som nedsatt glukostolerans av varierande svårighets¬grad som upptäcks under graviditet och som oftast försvinner efter förlossning. GDM innebär ökad risk för såväl moder som barn. Kvinnor med GDM föder ofta stora barn och har ökad risk för komplikationer i samband med förlossningen. GDM-prevalensen varierar avsevärt mellan olika popuGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a heterogeneous disorder that is defined as carbohydrate intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Impaired beta-cell function and insulin resistance are the hallmarks of GDM. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the genetic and immunological risk factors that increase susceptibility to GDM. First, we investigated whether autoimmuni

Self-assembly of chiral bicyclic keto-alcohols into supramolecular helices in the solid state

The bicyclic keto-alcohol (1S,4R,6S)-bicyclo[2.2.2]octan-6-ol-2-one, (+)-3, self-assembles in the solid state through hydrogen bonds between the alcohol and the carbonyl groups creating supramolecular helices, without the aid of other forces such as pi-pi interactions to stabilise the superstructure. Furthermore, the bicyclic compound (4) although structurally quite different, in relation to (+)-3

Particle-visualisation - a tool for determination of rise velocities

Particles from post denitrifying Kaldnes Moving Bed(TM) Process were studied using an optical borescope, a visualisation technique that provides opportunities for both qualitative and quantitative studies of the separation mechanism in Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF). Rise rates for particle/bubble aggregates were estimated showing great variability. Two groups of aggregates were distinguished; rela

Experimental demonstration of data erasure for time-domain optical memories

Data erasure is considered an essential requirement for a practical optical time-domain memory, and it requires that the laser used have very good frequency stability. Such a laser is developed for this work, and data erasure is demonstrated with a sample of YSiO5:Eu3+ for write/rewrite pulse sequences of up to a duration of 100 μs. This is two orders of magnitude longer than had been achieved pre

The Power to do Good : Post-Revolution, NGO Society, and the Emergence of NGO-Elites in Contemporary Nicaragua

This thesis critically examines the world of NGOs in contemporary Nicaragua, and suggests connections between the current development 'boom' and the emergence of a materially privileged local development elite, which by means of its cultural and economic capital are in a position to exiercise considerable power in relation to other less powerful strata of the population. It is based on fieldwork c