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MIMO Decoding Algorithm and Implementation

Multi-Input Multi-Output system has been one of the hot technologies for future wireless communications, since it can increase the capacity (coverage or link quality in other senses) at no cost in frequency spectrum. This doctoral thesis investigates improvements to MIMO decoding algorithms and presents VLSI implementation results. The main contributions consist of four algorithms and three VLSI i

Vårdnadstvister : En rättssociologisk studie av tingsrätts funktion vid handläggning av vårdnadskonflikter med utgångspunkt från barnets bästa

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige bryter drygt 30 000 föräldrapar årligen upp från sin relation. Tillsammans har dessa föräldrar cirka 55 000 barn. I samband med föräldrarnas separation skall frågor om de gemensamma barnens vårdnad, boende och umgänge lösas. De flesta föräldrar klarar detta på egen hand eller med stöd av samarbetssamtal eller familjerådgivning, men ungefär 10% av de separerandThe purpose of this socio-legal dissertation is to examine the role of the district court in the handling of custody disputes, from the standpoint of the child's best interest. More specifically, the focus is partly on the relationship between the family and society during district court proceedings, and partly on the relationship between civil law and public law procedure that is to say between t

Thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies of cadmium(II)-N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (PMG) complexes

Speciation and equilibria in the H+-Cd2+-N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (PMG, H3L) system have been studied in 0.1 M Na(Cl) medium at 25.0 degreesC. Formation constants for a series of mononuclear complexes, CdHL, CdL-, CdL24- and CdL(OH)(2)- were determined from potentiometric titrations. The structures of the predominating species CdL-, and CdL24- in solution were investigated using EXAFS and IR spe

Deactivation of oxidation and SCR catalysts used in flue gas cleaning by exposure to aerosols of high- and low melting point salts, potassium salts and zinc chloride

For the purpose of this deactivation study, Pt- and vanadia supported catalysts were used. The catalysts have been exposed to aerosol particles of inorganic salts, with high- or low melting points. The average diameter of the generated salt particle was kept constant at around 70 nm. The aerosol particle penetration depth for the samples exposed to potassium salt, was 1 μm as measured by scanning

A comparative study of two methods for determination of pH, exchangeable base cations, and aluminum

The ability to compare soil chemical data achieved by different chemical extraction methods is a necessity for an efficient long-term monitoring of soils and for comparisons of results from regional soil surveys with differing standard methods. This study compares two common, methods for analysis of soil chemical properties, the combination of soil extraction in 1.0 M NH4Cl and 1.0 M KCl and the s

Improving radioimmunotargeting of tumors: the impact of preloading unlabeled L6 monoclonal antibody on the biodistribution of 125I-L6 in rats

In the radioimmunotherapy of malignancies the uptake of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) is commonly low in tumors compared with normal tissue. Several methods have been suggested to increase the tumor-to-normal tissue (T/N) ratio. In this study we have investigated the biodistribution of different amounts of 125I-L6-biotin MoAb in combination with a preload of unlabeled L6 MoAb. Nude rats were inject

Future Directions in Control in an Information-rich World

The Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems was formed in April 2000 to provide a renewed vision of future challenges and opportunities in the control field, along with recommendations to government agencies, universities, and research organizations to ensure continued progress in areas of importance to the industrial and defense base. The panel released a report in April 2002

A computer-oriented method for reducing linearized multibody equations by incorporating constraints

Consider a spatial multibody system with rigid and elastic bodies. The bodies are linked by rigid interconnections (e.g. revolute joints) causing constraints, as well as by flexible interconnections (e.g. springs) causing applied forces. Small motions of the system with respect to a given nominal configuration can be described by linearized dynamic equations and kinematic constraint equations. We

Effects of smoking cessation on insulin and cardiovascular risk factors--a controlled study of 4 months' duration

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects on serum lipids, plasma fibrinogen, plasma insulin, plasma C-peptide and blood glucose, of smoking cessation after 4 months. To develop a group-based smoking intervention programme in primary health care. SETTING: Twenty health centres in primary health care in southern Sweden. SUBJECTS: Four hundred habitual smokers (> 10 cigarettes per day-1, > 10 years), r