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Prognostic factors for tumour response and skin damage to combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia in superficial recurrent breast carcinomas

Prognostic factors for complete tumour response and acute skin damage to combined hyperthermia and radiotherapy were analysed in material of patients with breast cancer, recurrent in previously irradiated areas. Radiotherapy was given daily to a total absorbed dose of 30.0 Gy in 2 weeks or 34.5 Gy in 3 weeks. The first radiotherapy schedule was combined with heat twice weekly, a total of four heat

Diet quality affects egg size and number but does not reduce maternal antibody transmission in Japanese quail Coturnix japonica

1. The ability to resist infection is an important component of survival and lifetime reproductive success. Mounting and maintaining an immunological defence is assumed to be energetically costly and nutritional resources expended on immune function may induce trade-offs with other energetically expensive functions, including reproduction. Resource limitation may even have transgenerational effect

Weighted Channel Allocation and Power Control for Self-Configurable Infrastructure WLANs

IEEE802.11 WLANs show increasing growth in popularity. Since these networks operate in the unlicensed ISM bands where the number of non-overlapping channels is limited, the growing number of wireless nodes leads to interference. It is well known that the interference leads to degraded performance of WLANs, especially in densely populated areas where the number of overlapping nodes is very large. C

A minimal test practice framework for emerging software organizations

Testing takes a large share of software development efforts, and hence is of interest when seeking improvements. Several test process improvement frameworks exist, but they are extensive and much too large to be effective for smaller organizations. This paper presents a minimal test practice framework (MTPF) that allows the incremental introduction of appropriate practices at the appropriate time

Individual and neighbourhood determinants of social participation and social capital: a multilevel analysis of the city of Malmö, Sweden.

The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of neighbourhood on individual social capital (measured as social participation). The study population consisted of 14,390 individuals aged 45-73 that participated in the Malmö diet and cancer study in 1992-1994, residing in 90 neighbourhoods of Malmö, Sweden (population 250,000). A multilevel logistic regression model, with individuals at the first

Modelling of post-irradiation events in polymer gel dosimeters

The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-spin relaxation time (T2) is related to the radiation-dependent concentration of polymer formed in polymer gel dosimeters manufactured from monomers in an aqueous gelatin matrix. Changes in T2 with time post-irradiation have been reported in the literature but their nature is not fully understood. We investigated those changes with time after irradiation u

Propagation of very long water waves, with vorticity, over variable depth, with applications to tsunamis

We present a theory of very long waves propagating on the surface of water. The waves evolve slowly, both on the scale e (weak nonlinearity), and on the scale, a, of the depth variation. In our model, dispersion does not affect the evolution of the wave even over the large distances that tsunamis may travel. We allow a distribution of vorticity, in addition to variable depth. Our solution is not v

Personality characteristics of women with fibromyalgia and of women with chronic neck, shoulder, or low back complaints in terms of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Defense Mechanism Technique Modified

Objectives: To compare personality features of fibromyalgia patients with those of a disease control group with regional pain. Methods: A group of 33 women with fibromyalgia [FMS-group] was compared on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory [MMPI] and the Defense Mechanism Technique modified [DMTm] with 31 women [C-group] without this diagnosis who had localized chronic pain in their neck

Interactions between cyclic AMP and inositol phosphate transduction systems in astrocytes in primary culture

Astroglial cells in primary culture possess receptors with cyclic AMP and inositol phosphates (IP) as second messengers. The beta-receptor agonist, isoproterenol induces an increase in the accumulation of cyclic AMP, the alpha 2-receptor agonist clonidine inhibits the isoproterenol-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP, while the alpha 1-receptor agonist phenylephrine acts only on the inositol phosph

Brain function in spider phobia

Measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were performed in 16 women suffering from spider phobia. The non-invasive 133Xe inhalation method, giving information about the blood flow of superficial areas, was used. The subjects were studied under three conditions: during resting, when exposed to a videotape showing nature scenery, and finally when watching a video with living spiders. Duri

Nanowire-based one-dimensional electronics

During the last half century, a dramatic downscaling of electronics has taken place, a miniaturization that the industry expects to continue for at least a decade. We present efforts to use the self-assembly of one-dimensional semiconductor nanowires(1) in order to bring new, high-performance nanowire devices as an add-on to mainstream Si technology. The nanowire approach offers a coaxial gate-die

Alveolar derecruitment at decremental positive end-expiratory pressure levels in acute lung injury: comparison with the lower inflection point, oxygenation, and compliance

We examined the hypothesis that recording multiple elastic pressure-volume (Pel/V) curves and calculating alveolar derecruitment (V(DER)) induced by decreasing positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may allow determination of alveolar closing pressures, thus helping to select the optimal PEEP level. V(DER) measured in 16 patients with acute lung injury (ALI) was compared with the lower inflection

Basic density-functional theory - an overview

In these notes I have given a personally flavored expose of static density-functional theory (DFT). I have started from standard many-body physics at a very elementary level and then gradually introduced the basic concepts of DFT. Successively more advanced topics are added and at the end I even discuss a few not yet published theories. The discussion represents many of the personal views of the a

Direct observation of the molten state of nanometer-sized particles with an atomic force microscope: A feasibility study

An atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to directly examine the physical state of nanometer-sized particles. The critical diameter of indium particles, where evidence of melting at room temperature was observed, was 7.8 +/- 1.2 nm. This conclusion is based on a method relying on the manipulation of particles in ambient air and at constant temperature. This method involves a simple set-up that pe

Genetic variation in Arabidopsis suecica and its parental species A-arenosa and A-thaliana

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to estimate the level of genetic variation in Swedish accessions of the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica and its parental species A. thaliana and A. arenosa. The results showed clear differences among the three species with respect to the level of variation. A. arenosa was highly variable, A. thaliana showed a moderate level of variation w

Structural and magnetic properties of the molecular beam epitaxy grown MnSb layers on GaAs substrates

The structural and magnetic properties of MnSb layers grown on two differently oriented GaAs substrates are reported. The MnSb compounds grow nonhomogenously both on GaAs (111) B and on GaAs (100) substrates. In x-ray diffraction studies the formation of two epitaxial domains is observed depending on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. The observed diffusion of Ga atoms from the sub

Les péri-récepteurs chimiosensoriels des insectes / Chemosensory perireceptors of insects

Small globular proteins, highly abundant in the antennal sensillar lymph and in the mammalian nasal mucus, and capable of binding odorant molecules have been discovered. They have led to the concept that odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) and chemosensory proteins (CSPs) may optimize the reception of hydrophobic stimuli molecules by enhancing their solubilization in the aqueous environment that bath

Recycling of process streams in ethanol production from softwoods based on enzymatic hydrolysis

In ethanol production from lignocellulose by enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation, it is desirable to minimize addition of fresh-water and waste-water streams, which leads to an accumulation of substances in the process. This study shows that the amount of fresh water used and the amount of waste water thereby produced in the production of fuel ethanol from softwood, can be reduced to a large ext