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Your search for "*" yielded 529969 hits

Making of a Community of Learning at the Times of Solitude

Higher Education in the European context has been transformed radically since 1990s, partly in line with global political and economic trends. In the Swedish context these trends also manifested itself, among other things, in how teaching is practiced and valued. The managerial and paradigmatic shift altered the balance between teaching and research in the favour of the latter. This happened while

Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling. : Årsrapport för 2018.

I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 212 svenska fågelarter för olika långa tidsperioder. Fåglarna har räknats vinter, vår och sommar enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren (sedan 1996) men täcker hela Sverige på ett representativt sätt. Nattaktiva fåglar h

Leaky Optoelectrical Fiber for Optogenetic Stimulation and Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Exocytosis from Human Dopaminergic Neurons

In Parkinson's disease, the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra leads to a decrease in the physiological levels of dopamine in striatum. The existing dopaminergic therapies effectively alleviate the symptoms, albeit they do not revert the disease progression and result in significant adverse effects. Transplanting dopaminergic neurons derived from stem cells could restore dopa

Analysis of early-flowering genes at barley chromosome 2H expands the repertoire of mutant alleles at the Mat-c locus

Key message: Analyses of barley mat-c loss of function mutants reveal deletions, splice-site mutations and nonsynonymous substitutions in a key gene regulating early flowering. Abstract: Optimal timing of flowering is critical for reproductive success and crop yield improvement. Several major quantitative trait loci for flowering time variation have been identified in barley. In the present study,

Avtalet som rättsligt och socialt instrument

Detta kapitel behandlar ett rättsligt instrument, avtalet, utifrån ett empiriskt perspektiv. Syftet är tvåfaldigt; dels att lyfta fram en inom rättssociologin försummad regleringsform, dels att ge en bild av vilka forskningsuppgifter studiet av avtal kan föra med sig. Det finns väsentliga skillnader mellan avtal och lag som rättsliga instrument. Lag som bekant är föreskrivande och talar om vad som

A rigid spirocyclic diol from fructose-based 5-hydroxymethylfurfural: synthesis, life-cycle assessment, and polymerization for renewable polyesters and poly(urethane-urea)s

There is currently an intensive development of sugar-based building blocks toward the production of renewable high performance plastics. In this context, we report on the synthesis of a rigid diol with a spirocyclic structure via a one-step acid-catalyzed acetalation of fructose-sourced 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and pentaerythritol. Preliminary life cycle assessment (LCA) indicated that the spiro-di

Blurred Science : The Incessant Pending Between Truth and Mistakes

Both in the humanities and in the sciences, researchers make mistakes, and this is an essential part of the creative process. In a wider historical perspective, dead-ends can turn out to be the way forward. Two fathers of scientific systems, Aristotle and Carl Linnaeus, serve as an argument for the thesis that errors, or what we later label as such, are a necessary element of scientific work. In

OpenMolcas : From Source Code to Insight

In this Article we describe the OpenMolcas environment and invite the computational chemistry community to collaborate. The open-source project already includes a large number of new developments realized during the transition from the commercial MOLCAS product to the open-source platform. The paper initially describes the technical details of the new software development platform. This is followe

How to create efficient public transport systems? A systematic review of critical problems and approaches for addressing the problems

Creating efficient public transport systems that attract users is a challenging task in contexts where the control of public transport is divided between various actors. Recent research on public transport has therefore seen increasing focus on issues like coordination, collaboration and steering in complex governance settings. However, more is known about what needs to be done than how to impleme

Towards Harnessing Solar Energy with Iron N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes

Negative impact of human activity-related emission of greenhouse gases on Earth's ecosphere has been known for decades, but has recently come into spotlight with unprecedented intensity. This is due to increasingly clear understanding that the global warming could soon spiral out of control. It is therefore essential to diminish the use of fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources. Despi

Communicating the promise, risks, and ethics of large-scale, open space microbiome and metagenome research

The public commonly associates microorganisms with pathogens. This suspicion of microorganisms is understandable, as historically microorganisms have killed more humans than any other agent while remaining largely unknown until the late seventeenth century with the works of van Leeuwenhoek and Kircher. Despite our improved understanding regarding microorganisms, the general public are apt to think

Geographic population structure analysis of worldwide human populations infers their biogeographical origins

The search for a method that utilizes biological information to predict humans' place of origin has occupied scientists for millennia. Over the past four decades, scientists have employed genetic data in an effort to achieve this goal but with limited success. While biogeographical algorithms using next-generation sequencing data have achieved an accuracy of 700 km in Europe, they were inaccurate

Exonic DNA sequencing of ERBB4 in bipolar disorder

The Neuregulin-ErbB4 pathway plays a crucial role in brain development and constitutes one of the most biologically plausible signaling pathways implicated in schizophrenia and, to a lesser extent, in bipolar disorder (BP). However, recent genome-wide association analyses have not provided evidence for common variation in NRG1 or ERBB4 influencing schizophrenia or bipolar disorder susceptibility.

Empirical distributions of F(ST) from large-scale human polymorphism data

Studies of the apportionment of human genetic variation have long established that most human variation is within population groups and that the additional variation between population groups is small but greatest when comparing different continental populations. These studies often used Wright's F(ST) that apportions the standardized variance in allele frequencies within and between population gr

Gender differences in allocation of attention and read time in an educational history game

Previous research has shown that female students sometimes benefit more than males when it comes to interacting with pedagogical agents. In our analysis we examined students' tendency to attend to and read feedback text that were visually signalled by a teachable agent (TA), or by an arrow (AR), or non-signalled in a control condition (CN). The results indicate that male learners may benefit from

The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes reveals insights into its obligate symbiotic lifestyle

Leaf-cutter ants are one of the most important herbivorous insects in the Neotropics, harvesting vast quantities of fresh leaf material. The ants use leaves to cultivate a fungus that serves as the colony's primary food source. This obligate ant-fungus mutualism is one of the few occurrences of farming by non-humans and likely facilitated the formation of their massive colonies. Mature leaf-cutter

The 'extremely ancient' chromosome that isn't : a forensic bioinformatic investigation of Albert Perry's X-degenerate portion of the Y chromosome

Mendez and colleagues reported the identification of a Y chromosome haplotype (the A00 lineage) that lies at the basal position of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree. Incorporating this haplotype, the authors estimated the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for the Y tree to be 338,000 years ago (95% CI=237,000-581,000). Such an extraordinarily early estimate contradicts all previous