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A Humanist in Reformation Politics : Philipp Melanchthon on Political Philosophy and Natural Law
This book is the first contextual account of the political philosophy and natural law theory of the German reformer Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560). Mads Langballe Jensen presents Melanchthon as a significant political thinker in his own right and an engaged scholar drawing on the intellectual arsenal of renaissance humanism to develop a new Protestant political philosophy. As such, he also shows
Dietary pesticide exposure and non-communicable diseases and mortality: a systematic review of prospective studies among adults
BackgroundResearch on the effect of pesticide exposure on health has been largely focused on occupational settings. Few reviews have synthesized the associations between dietary pesticide exposure and health outcomes in non-occupationally exposed adults.ObjectiveWe aim to summarize the evidence regarding dietary pesticide exposure and non-communicable diseases (NCD) in adults, using a systematic r
A Cautionary Note on "a Cautionary Note on the Use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck Models in Macroevolutionary Studies"
Models based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process have become standard for the comparative study of adaptation. Cooper et al. (2016) have cast doubt on this practice by claiming statistical problems with fitting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to comparative data. Specifically, they claim that statistical tests of Brownian motion may have too high Type I error rates and that such error rates are exacerbate
Nanoscale X-ray Imaging of Composition and Ferroelastic Domains in Heterostructured Perovskite Nanowires : Implications for Optoelectronic Devices
Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have garnered significant interest as promising candidates for nanoscale optoelectronic applications due to their excellent optical properties. Axially heterostructured CsPbBr3-CsPb(Br(1-x)Clx)3 nanowires can be produced by localized anion exchange of pregrown CsPbBr3 nanowires. However, characterizing such heterostructures with sufficient strain and real space reso
Nödbistånd till boende : Hantering av "strukturellt hemlösa" i Malmö
‘The big crossroad’: Parenting, risk and educational transitions in Singapore
Singapore’s education system is globally recognized for its high academic standards. In this paper, I explore how Singaporean parents navigate sentiments of uncertainty and risk in relation to their children’s education. While academic achievements are still considered crucial to foster a competitive population, there has been a shift of attention in education policy towards social-emotional skillSingapore’s education system is globally recognized for its high academic standards. In this paper, I explore how Singaporean parents navigate sentiments of uncertainty and risk in relation to their children’s education. While academic achievements are still considered crucial to foster a competitive population, there has been a shift of attention in education policy towards social-emotional skill
Eosinophils and tissue remodeling : Relevance to airway disease
The ability of human tissue to reorganize and restore its existing structure underlies tissue homeostasis in the healthy airways, but in disease can persist without normal resolution, leading to an altered airway structure. Eosinophils play a cardinal role in airway remodeling both in health and disease, driving epithelial homeostasis and extracellular matrix turnover. Physiological consequences a
Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att bedöma vårdnivå enligt tröskelprincipen
Bakgrund: När Ädelreformen infördes, år 1992, tog kommunerna över ansvaret för hemsjukvård. För att bestämma vårdnivå infördes begreppet "tröskelprincipen", men det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för hur denna ska tillämpas. Det medför att distriktssköterskor brottas med att göra en objektiv bedömning för var vården ska utföras. Syfte: Att undersöka distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att be
Precarity, Crisis and the Political Turn
Windows of Opportunity for Risk-Informed Humanitarian Assistance : An Anticipatory, Early Action, and Disaster Risk Finance Framework
This resource is a disaster risk financing conceptual framework to assist humanitarian donors, practitioners, and their partners (governments, local communities, etc.) to develop and implement more effective disaster risk financing activities.
The renewables pull effect : How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future
To combat climate change, it is anticipated that in the coming years countries around the world will adopt more stringent policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of clean energy sources. These policies will also affect the industry sector, which means that industrial production is likely to progressively shift from CO2-emitting fossil fuel sources to renewable energy sourc
AI-based approaches in Cultural Heritage : Investigating archaeological landscapes in Scandinavian forestland
Powerlessness as Potential: Gigi Argyropoulou on artistic self-organisation in times of crisis, the micro-physics of power in theatre occupations, and how performance can learn from children. An interview by Eve Katsouraki and Georg Döcker
In this interview piece, the theorist, practitioner and curator Gigi Argyropoulou discusses current forms of political theatre in public spaces that she’s been involved with. She focuses particularly on her work with Eight (Το Οχτώ), the Green Park and the Embros Theatre, all of which are theatre projects situated in central Athens, in Greece. She analyses the dynamics of creating work collectivel
Distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma inom barn och skolhälsovården
Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma hos barn är ett växande problem både på global och nationell nivå. Antalet överviktiga barn har tiodubblats de senaste 40 åren samtidigt som det ökar i både låg- och höginkomstländer. Distriktssköterskan ska arbeta hälsofrämjande, informera om goda levnadsvanor, råda, handleda samt ge stöd till familjen. Övervikt och fetma hos barn har blivit ett allt större hälsoprobl
Sense of control association to breathlessness: an analysis of 30,000 men and women in the general population.
When we were young: how labour market attachment during mid-life affects labour market exit
PurposeIn this paper, the authors attempt to understand how labour market attachment during the ages of 30–59 influences individuals' transition out of the labour market.Design/methodology/approachUsing high-quality Swedish register data, the authors follow individuals born in 1950 and observe their labour market attachment during mid-life and their exit from the labour market.FindingsThe authors
Soil water infiltration characteristics of reforested areas in the paleo-periglacial eastern Liaoning mountainous regions, China
Plantation forests (PF) and natural secondary forests (NSF) are the primary reforestation approaches. The establishment of PF can affect forest hydrological processes by changing soil structure. To date, few studies have focused on these changes and the effects on hydrological processes for the paleo-periglacial landform. To reveal reforestation approaches effects on water infiltration, including
Forskare: ”Kalla det inte för ’100-årsregn’ – det tonar ned riskerna”
DEBATT. Vi bör undvika att kalla naturfenomen och väderhändelser för sådant som ”100-årsregn”, ”50-årsflöden” och liknande – det lägger grund för missförstånd om hur man bedömer riskerna, skriver forskarna Johanna Sörensen och Rolf Larsson, LTH.
To Re-see What We Cannot Unsee
Why theatre? We can’t ask ourselves a more basic question than that and at the same time no question is harder to give an answer to. Why do we make theatre? What purpose does it have or does it even need to have a purpose? Usually, the answers are given by the making of theatre itself – but suddenly we find ourselves in a situation that has shaken up our ways of searching for the answers.