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Macrophages from high-risk HLA-DQB1*0201/*0302 type 1 diabetes mellitus patients are hypersensitive to lipopolysaccharide stimulation.

Levels of nonantigen-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin in macrophages isolated from human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-matched type 1 diabetes mellitus patients, first-degree relatives and healthy controls were determined. We hypothesize that monocytes isolated from patients are sensitized or preactivated and therefore, have an altered response to in vitro stimulus compared with cont

Embodiment, language and mimesis

The present focus on embodiment in cognitive science undervalues concepts such as convention/norm, representation and consciousness. I argue that these concepts constitute essential properties of language, and this makes it problematic for “embodiment theories” to account for human language and cognition. These difficulties are illustrated by examining a particular, highly influential approach to

Monitoring the European pine sawfly with pheromone traps in maturing Scots pine stands

1 During 1989-93, field studies were conducted in Finland to develop a method based on pheromone traps to monitor and forecast population levels of the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr.) and tree defoliation. 2 Three traps per site were baited with 100 mu g of the N. sertifer sex pheromone, the acetate ester of (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecanol (diprionol), in maturing pine s

Synthesis and aqueous phase behavior of 1-glyceryl monooleyl ether

Synthesis of 1-glyceryl monooleyl ether (GME) has been accomplished yielding material of high purity (99.6%). The aqueous phase behavior of synthesized lipid has been investigated by using polarized microscopy and small angle X-ray diffraction. As a result, a partial temperature-composition phase diagram has been constructed. GME forms a reversed micellar solution and reversed hexagonal liquid cry

Bulk moduli and high-pressure crystal structures of minium, Pb3O4, determined by X-ray powder diffraction

We report the pressure dependence of the crystal structure of lead tetroxide (P less than or equal to 41.05 GPa, T 298 K) using high-resolution angle-dispersive X-ray powder diffraction. Pb3O4 shows two reversible phase transitions in the measured pressure range. The crystal structures of the modifications identified have in common frameworks of Pb+4O6 octahedra and irregular Pb+2O4+1 respectively

No difference in isozyme banding patterns between Plagiochila porelloides and P. norvegica

Material of the recently described endemic liverwort Plagiochila norvegica was collected from the type locality in Norway and tested against the widespread P. porelloides for differences in isozyme banding patterns. No difference was found at any of 16 putative loci. A limited sample of P. asplenioides, which was included as an outgroup, differed at five loci.

Charge carrier photogeneration in conjugated polymer

The electric field-assisted charge carrier photogeneration in a Ladder-Type Methyl substituted Poly(Para-Phenylene) was investigated by studying the electromodulated ultrafast transient differential absorption spectra and kinetics. The field stimulated appearance of the polaron absorption and quenching of the singlet exciton absorption proves that dissociation of excitons into geminately bound ele

Complement c3 is a risk factor for the development of diabetes: a population-based cohort study.

Cross-sectional studies have reported strong correlations between plasma levels of complement C3, insulin, and glucose. This prospective study explored whether elevated levels of C3, C4, and other inflammation-sensitive plasma proteins (ISPs; fibrinogen, orosomucoid, α1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin, and ceruloplasmin) are associated with the development of diabetes. Plasma proteins were measured in 2,

Symbiotic fungi that are essential for plant nutrient uptake investigated with NMP

The nuclear microprobe (NMP) technique using PIXE for elemental analysis and STIM on/off axis for parallel mass density normalization has proven successful to investigate possible interactions between minerals and ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia that form symbiotic associations with forest trees. The ability for the EM to make elements biologically available from minerals and soil were compared in fi

The anti-apoptotic effect of leukotriene D-4 involves the prevention of caspase 8 activation and Bid cleavage

We have shown in a previous study that leukotriene D-4 (LTD4) signalling increases cell survival and proliferation in intestinal epithelial cells [ohd, Wikstrom and Sjolander (2000) Gastroenterology 119, 1007-1018]. This is highly interesting since inflammatory conditions of the bowel are associated with an increased risk of developing colon cancer. The enzyme cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is important

Comparison of four scatter correction methods using Monte Carlo simulated source distributions

Scatter correction in SPECT is important for improving image quality, boundary detection and the quantification of activity in different regions. This paper presents a comparison of four scatter correction methods, three using more than one energy window and one convolution-subtraction correction method using spatial variant scatter line-spread functions. METHODS: The comparison is based on Monte

Essays on Disclosure Practices in Sweden - Causes and Effects

This doctoral thesis examines the causes and effects of corporate disclosure practices. The thesis consists of four independent but related essays that collectively make up a country study for Sweden. The first essay aims to explain why some firms have a proactive disclosure strategy while others devote less resources and effort to disclosure and investor relations. Information about Swedish firms

Polarized version of the CCFM equation for gluons

A derivation for a polarized CCFM evolution equation which is suitable to describe the scaling behavior of the unintegrated polarized gluon density is given. We discuss the properties of this polarized CCFM equation and compare it to the standard CCFM equation in the unpolarized case.

International Competition, Productivity and Regional Spillovers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar två områden. Dels kopplingen mellan import, konkurrens och produktivitetsutveckling i Sverige och inom EU, dels effekten av inrättandet av så kallade exportzoner i u-länder, det vill säga särskilda områden som omfattas av olika incitament för att locka utländska företag att etablera en exportorienterad verksamhet i landet. Exempelvis så kan tullfrThis thesis addresses empirically the interplay among international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic market conditions, and its impact on competition, growth, exports and technology diffusion. Chapter two considers the potential relation between regional integration and productivity growth for the case of the European Union (EU). It is found that imports from other members is po

dUTPase from Escherichia coli; high-level expression and one-step purification

The dut gene, which encodes Eseherichia coli deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase), has been recloned to increase overexpression of the enzyme and to enable simplification of the purification protocol into a one-step procedure. The gene was cloned into the vector pET-3a and expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) pLysS under the control of a bacteriophage T7 promotor. Induction results

WOMEN WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Aspects of quality of life and health.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att utarbeta en vård- och omvårdnadsmodell som förbättrar livskvalitet och hälsa hos svenska kvinnor med Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Avhandlingen består av 4 delstudier: Delstudie 1. Kvinnor med IBS upplevelse av en god livskvalitet. Delstudie 2. Utbildning av kvinnor med IBS. Delstudie 3. Hälsoaspekter i relation till användandet av Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common, worldwide, functional disorder affecting a significant number of people, predominantly women. Etiology and pathophysiology is insufficiently understood, but the research over the past decade has led to progress in the understanding of IBS, and it is generally accepted that the symptoms of IBS are multidetermined. However, management of IBS is still a cha