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Your search for "*" yielded 530140 hits

The anti-apoptotic effect of leukotriene D-4 involves the prevention of caspase 8 activation and Bid cleavage

We have shown in a previous study that leukotriene D-4 (LTD4) signalling increases cell survival and proliferation in intestinal epithelial cells [ohd, Wikstrom and Sjolander (2000) Gastroenterology 119, 1007-1018]. This is highly interesting since inflammatory conditions of the bowel are associated with an increased risk of developing colon cancer. The enzyme cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is important

Comparison of four scatter correction methods using Monte Carlo simulated source distributions

Scatter correction in SPECT is important for improving image quality, boundary detection and the quantification of activity in different regions. This paper presents a comparison of four scatter correction methods, three using more than one energy window and one convolution-subtraction correction method using spatial variant scatter line-spread functions. METHODS: The comparison is based on Monte

Essays on Disclosure Practices in Sweden - Causes and Effects

This doctoral thesis examines the causes and effects of corporate disclosure practices. The thesis consists of four independent but related essays that collectively make up a country study for Sweden. The first essay aims to explain why some firms have a proactive disclosure strategy while others devote less resources and effort to disclosure and investor relations. Information about Swedish firms

Polarized version of the CCFM equation for gluons

A derivation for a polarized CCFM evolution equation which is suitable to describe the scaling behavior of the unintegrated polarized gluon density is given. We discuss the properties of this polarized CCFM equation and compare it to the standard CCFM equation in the unpolarized case.

International Competition, Productivity and Regional Spillovers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar två områden. Dels kopplingen mellan import, konkurrens och produktivitetsutveckling i Sverige och inom EU, dels effekten av inrättandet av så kallade exportzoner i u-länder, det vill säga särskilda områden som omfattas av olika incitament för att locka utländska företag att etablera en exportorienterad verksamhet i landet. Exempelvis så kan tullfrThis thesis addresses empirically the interplay among international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic market conditions, and its impact on competition, growth, exports and technology diffusion. Chapter two considers the potential relation between regional integration and productivity growth for the case of the European Union (EU). It is found that imports from other members is po

dUTPase from Escherichia coli; high-level expression and one-step purification

The dut gene, which encodes Eseherichia coli deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase), has been recloned to increase overexpression of the enzyme and to enable simplification of the purification protocol into a one-step procedure. The gene was cloned into the vector pET-3a and expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) pLysS under the control of a bacteriophage T7 promotor. Induction results

WOMEN WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Aspects of quality of life and health.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att utarbeta en vård- och omvårdnadsmodell som förbättrar livskvalitet och hälsa hos svenska kvinnor med Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Avhandlingen består av 4 delstudier: Delstudie 1. Kvinnor med IBS upplevelse av en god livskvalitet. Delstudie 2. Utbildning av kvinnor med IBS. Delstudie 3. Hälsoaspekter i relation till användandet av Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common, worldwide, functional disorder affecting a significant number of people, predominantly women. Etiology and pathophysiology is insufficiently understood, but the research over the past decade has led to progress in the understanding of IBS, and it is generally accepted that the symptoms of IBS are multidetermined. However, management of IBS is still a cha

Femtosecond pump–probe investigation of primary photoinduced processes in C60–Sn nanostructures

Investigation of photoinduced processes in different C60–Sn nanostructures excited by 150 fs laser pulses at 400 nm (109 W/cm2) was performed with femtosecond supercontinuum probing of difference absorption and reflection in the spectral range of 400–1600 nm. The dynamics of relaxation are quite different for various nanostructures depending on the deposition mode and the ratio of tin and fulleren

Harmonic morphisms from complex projective spaces

In this paper we study harmonic morphisms emptyv :U sub CopfP m rarrN 2 from open subsets of complex projective spaces to Riemann surfaces. We construct many new examples of such maps which are not holomorphic with respect to the standard Kähler structure on CopfP m.

Essays on Exchange Rates, Exports and Growth in Developing Countries

This dissertation is a collection of four essays, where the unifying theme is how different exchange rate regimes have affected developing countries’ economic performance in different respects. In particular, we analyse the consequences on developing countries’ exports, but also, to some extent, the effects on their economic growth. Chapter 1 serves as an introductory chapter and provides a backgr

Accuracy of distributed multipoles and polarizabilities: Comparison between the LoProp and MpProp models

Localized multipole moments up to the fifth moment as well as localized dipole polarizabilities are calculated with the MpProp and the newly developed LoProp methods for a total of 20 molecules, predominantly derived from amino acids. A comparison of electrostatic potentials calculated from the multipole expansion obtained by the two methods with ab initio results shows that both methods reproduce

Traditions as Rhetorical Proof: Pauline Argumentation in 1 Corinthians

Previous historical critical research has studied the pre-history of the traditions found in Paul's letters. This study investigates the rhetorical function of these confessions, acclamations and liturgical formulae in Paul's argumentation. The starting point for the investigation is the assumption that the Corinthians have received and believed the traditions, transmitted by Paul, when they were

Costs of immunity: immune responsiveness reduces survival in a vertebrate

Immune defences are undoubtedly of great benefit to the host, reducing the impact of infectious organisms. However, mounting immune responses also entails costs, which may be measured by inducing immune responses against artificial infections. We injected common eider (Somateria mollissima) females with three different non-pathogenic antigens, sheep red blood cells (SRBC), diphtheria toxoid and te

Accounting for the depth distribution of (137)Cs in on-line mobile gamma spectrometry through primary and forward-scattered photons.

Stationary and mobile field gamma spectrometry is a useful tool for rapid estimation of environmental radioactivity inventories on and in the ground. A weak point however, is that the depth distribution of the activity in the ground must be known in order to calculate the true activity per unit area or unit mass from an observed photon fluence rate. A promising method for converting incoming spect

Logistics and the environment: Is it an established subject?

The issue of environmental implications of logistics systems is one of the future challenges to logisticians. The purpose of this paper is to explore the logistics and supply chain management discipline to see how the scientific community handles this challenge. Observations in the primary literature revealed that there are weak ties between the logistics/SCM discipline and the environmental disci

Polysulfone ionomers functionalized with benzoyl(difluoromethylenephosphonic acid) side chains for proton-conducting fuel-cell membranes

Polysulfones carrying benzoyl(difluoromethylenephosphonic acid) side chains were prepared and investigated for use as proton-conducting fuel-cell membranes. In the first step, polysulfones were lithiated and reacted with methyl iodobenzoates to prepare p- and o-iodobenzoyl polysulfones. Next, the phosphonated polysulfones were prepared via CuBr-mediated cross-coupling reactions between the iodinat

Influence of delay times and response times on heat release measurements

This paper presents results from the analysis of the calibration results from the 1997 single burning item (SBI) test round-robin. The influence of the method of determining delay times and response times for the parameters involved in the heat release rate (HRR) calculation, on the overall result of the HRR and the FIre Growth RAte (FIGRA) index is shown. A procedure to determine response times a

Linear Control and Estimation Using Operator Factorization

The filtering, prediction and smoothing problems as well as the linear quadratic control problems can very generally be formulated as operator equations using basic linear algebra. The equations are of Fredholm type II and difficult to solve directly. It is shown how the operator can be factorized into two Volterra operators using a matrix Riccati equation. Recursive solution of these triangular o